My Guardian Angel

It's the time of the year where all sports competition are held. Schools against schools, winner will represent their city on the Nationals. Three representative per school is selected to compete for the 200 meter swimming event. Hisoka, Illumi and Chrollo fight against other schools to get the championship title. The boys took their positions and awaited for the gun shot that signaled them to go. It was a fast event. Chrollo ended up being the first place as he was called the Amazing Rookie, Hisoka took the second place with 5 seconds difference and Illumi got the third place loosing by a second. The seniors are proud of their rookie and congratulated each other as they celebrate their way towards the stage for the awarding ceremony. "Hey guys my sister is competing in the other building for kendo, we might be able to catch her. Let's go check her out" Hisoka invited his teammates "yeah, let's see that beautiful warrior, mind you Chrollo you might get a nose bleed by just watch her move" Illumi teased which made the raven hair emo twitch his eyebrows in annoyance but complied with his seniors.

At the other part is the sport stadium the kendo competition is held. The three arrived just in time when Erza's name was called and she steps in the carpeted area, stepped in front of the judges table to introduce herself and stepped back and went in the center. She unsheathed her katana that looked like a single sword but as soon as the music started she revealed that she is actually wielding two swords which earned an awww from the audiences.

Music, to her, was like turning back the clock, traveling and returning to a previous life full of agony and lose. She embraced the music and in turn the music took control. She found herself in a different world. A world of pain. The world when her siblings and father was murdered mercilessly. Her movements flowed with a dazzling grace that took away the breath of every person in her audience. She could feel her soul become one with the music and her katanas, then she unleashed her emotions into her sword. It seems like she needed this as badly as she needed to breath. Her entire being moved with a purposeful clarity. With each stride she made, it became more painfully obvious how much heart she put into her routine and how punishing it was for her. She looked like a real samurai warrior in the midst of war fighting for the battle of life and freedom, a true queen and a fairy. Her face was fierce and her eyes are of burning fire. Her soul was of dominance and power but no one saw the tears she let roll down her round cheeks. During the whole performance the raven haired emo boy was lost in a trance thinking that she might the one he is looking for. It brought him back to that night and as she moves he saw her killing the enemies. "She was my angel. Because I fell for her demons first. Vowed to kill and bleed for her. I was the devil of the story. But her presence gave me a reason to want to go to heaven. How she could affect souls! It was awe-inspiring. Worth seeing. She was the one, who made me fall in love eternally, irrevocably, and unconditionally. I didn't realize it at first but the reason I want to find her is because of the fact that I have fallen for her. She had me in her thrall. She completed me. Washed away the blood of brutality off me. She was the proof that one could walk through hell, and still be an angel. She captured me inside and out, she is my guardian angel." He thought to himself. A familiar voice brought him back to reality "Hey rookie, don't fall for my sister that easily, you have to go through us to get her" Hisoka teased as Illumi shakes his shoulder lightly.

Erza finished her act strong and as soon as she takes her final pose crowd stood up clapping. Even the schools she is competing against with was in awe of her amazing performance. The convention center is filled with loud screaming and cheering for her and ended up shouting her name in unison repeatedly for an hour. "That's Titania for you, I think we finally have someone we can compare to Saeko Būsujima who is giving Erza a standing ovation as a member of the board of judges." The commentator said. Erza stood at the top of the stage as the legendary daughter of the kendo master placed the gold medal on her neck and gave her the trophy and bouquet of flowers. "I'll see you at the nationals" she whispered "thank you, I really look up to you" she answered before Būsujima extended her arms for a handshake.

Erza was walking to school almost skipping with a cheerful hum. Chrollo as usual is driving his bicycle to school lost in the trail of thoughts about the girl in his dreams, the red head who saved his life, his savior. Thinking on how can he hunt the fairy. He was so lost in his thinking when he didn't notice the girl in front of him and when he saw her it was too late to avoid her, in panic his driving became wobly and lost control that's when he hit her.

He fell off the bicycle hit his butt on the ground and felt a sharp short pain on his right arm then he came to realize that he had indeed hit someone. He immediately stood up worried about the person he hit. He saw books scattered on the ground, pair of nicely toned legs in thigh socks, milky thighs, healthy chest and scarlet locks sprawled, she slowly stood up dusting herself and straightening her uniform, brushing her hair with her fingers in place. "Are you alright?" The boy asked "I think so but you killed my books" she answered in annoyance "what? Do you want me to express my condolences or something?" He teased "No, just be careful next time and look at where you're going to" she said with a death stare and began picking up her things and placing it back to her bag. The boy sat beside her and helped her gather her stuff and hands it to her. "I'm sorry, let me carry your bag for you" he offers with an apologetic smile "I said I'm fine" she answered sternly. She grabbed his wrist and looked at it "you're hurt" then she took an adhesive bandage from her pocket and placed it on the wound "there, there" she said tapping it lightly "you don't have to do that, it's just a.... Scratch" He wasn't planning on finishing his words when he saw the bandage decorated with strawberries then he looked at her face carefully and leaned closer to her face "what are you doing? You're too close!" She said fidgeting as she moved backwards trying to make a decent distance. "Have we met before? You really look familiar" he said trying to examine her features "I don't think so... Oh, God! I'm late!!! This is your fault!!!" She shrieked as she ran towards the class. She was so worried that she'll be caught. She doesn't want to have any demerits because she's trying to maintain her image of a perfect student so she can run for school president.

He saw a white laced handkerchief on the ground. He picked it up to give it back to her since she might have dropped it and did not notice it lying on the ground "Erza!" He called but the girl kept on running without looking back at him. Then he noticed a family embroidery at the corner of the cloth, it was a letter E, he tried to remember where did he see that symbol which is really striking for him.

Erza stopped at the door and leaned closely at the door gently placing her ear against it trying to listen. "Oh my God the class have already started, what should I do?" She murmured then the boy pulled the door with a strong force to open it as wide as it can and stood at the center to get everyone's attention. Luckily the door was at the back end of the room "what are you doing Mr. Fernandez? You're coming in late into my class and managed to do a scene to interrupt my lecture, that's a demerit for you" the teacher said before going to his class record which gave Erza the opportunity to sneak in unnoticed.

"Anything you want to say Mr. Fernandez? If none then take your seat" the teacher instructed. He sat on his seat staring at the red head who is trying her best not to act suspiciously.  Then she glanced at him and mouthed the words thank you and earned a playful smirk from him.