
Chrollo is known to be a loner and stoic person but just like the saying goes, no man is an island and he too being reserve and quiet have a fair share of friendship with his best friend Gray Fullbuster. He has a spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular. He is not a member of the swimming team but the best rookie or should we say, the ace player of the basketball team.

It is the day where Gray's team will compete against the famous SaberTooth basketball team. For decades the FairyTail basketball team has reigned the champion but four years ago the throne was snatched away by  SaberTooth and the pressure is on for Gray's team to get back it's former glory. The FairyTail Academy is one of the most prestigious schools under the Hunter Association a group of company owned by the famous Zodiac group which adds up to the pressure the team is having right now.

The school's gymnasium is filled with people. Along the courtside the cheering squad stands in their formation being led by the obsessive stalker Juvia Lockser and her teammates Bisky and Machi. Loud chatter and cheers can be heard in the building. The kendo club is assigned to maintain peace and order during the match. The match started as the referee threw the ball up in the air and two teams are heated as they guard their own baskets in defense and scores in offense.

The score was already 86-84 in favor of the opposing team. It was already the third quarter and there were only 3 minutes left. Erza watched their team with pride, still fired up, and it didn't look like they were giving up either. Of course, 3 minutes was plenty of time to turn the game around. She was about to shout out her cheer but stopped when she saw a blue-haired person in the team. Her face blushed and rivaled her hair. The captain of the kendo team noticed Erza was frozen, just standing there and staring. "Erza, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, noticing Erza's red face. Erza murmured quietly but just loud enough for him to hear "Cute"

Gray went forward and jumped just a little below the ring to do an alley up but was blocked by the big white haired guy also known as the Elf Man then there was a loud thud followed by a whistle from the referee signing an offensive foul awarded to the said opponent and Gray was lying face down on the floor. There was an eerie sound of concern and interest from the audience. Gray sat up and there was blood on his face. Out of impulse Erza grabbed the first aid kit and ran towards him and knelt down beside him, she cupped his cheeks and made him face her. She took a clean gauze and wiped his face off the blood so she can see where the cut is. There was a chatter primarily coming from the jealous cheering squad leader whispering in audible volume "love rivals". Gray did not expect to be treated and not Erza. Erza found the cut just above his right eyebrow. She applied antiseptic and Gray twitches to the sting, Erza blew a gentle breath towards it to ease up the stinging. She did not notice her distance from his face that made the guy blush as he stares at the red head beauty. Then she applied antibiotic cream and finished with a self adhesive bandage. "There, there, you're all set, go and kick their asses" she said before handing him a bottled water. He just stared at her even more, they have been friends since kids but after the Belserion Massacre Erza started to distance herself from everyone including her ex-bestfriend Gray.

Gray for the first time looked at his friend, only female friend in a different light. He noticed how she have grown into a woman. Yes, a woman, before this day she looked at her as his sister but today he felt different. It's been a while since she talked to him so maybe it was just that he was happy to have a conversation with her again or it's something else. He examined her features from her scarlet hair thinking if it's still as soft and fragrant like before, he liked toching her hair, then to her eyes, he got somehow got lost in her brown orbs, then to her cute pointed nose, pink cheeks and her plump lush lips, he stared at her slightly parted lips imagining how soft and warm does it feels next to his or does hers taste like strawberries. "Gray!!!!" Her voice, the way she called his name was magical "Gray!!!" He heard it again but this time there's a wack on his head. He came back from his trance with his whole face in red "what's up with you? You spaced out?" She said worriedly "ah, yeah, sorry just thinking about something, thanks Erzie" he responded and stood up extending his hands in offer to help her stand and she took the offer. A wave of electric shock strike his whole body upon contact of their hands but he shook away everything "see you later Erzie" he said with a smile and went back to the game. At the crowd the black haired loner emo felt a stabbing pin inside his chest while watching the exchange from his best friend and the red head. He knew that she was his best friend before they even became close friends.  He wasn't sure if this is because he is afraid that she'll snatch his only friend away from him or Gray might take the girl she like away from him and they might go away together leaving him alone again. He came for him and as well as Gray's team mate- his older brother Jellal and so he ignored the painful thought.

The buzzer was heard, indicating the end of the third quarter of the basketball game. Fairy Tail only managed to add 4 points to their previous score. "These guys are tougher than they look," Uvogin commented gruffly. They were all sitting on the bench, just drinking as much water as they could before the five-minute break was up."They're nothing. I'll beat them all!" Natsu shouted, still fired up. "We're a team, dumbass." Feitan said, gulping the last bit of water in his bottle. "We need to turn this game around." Jellal, the acting or temporary team captain said, still thinking of possible ways to increase their defense. "We shouldn't have underestimated Saber Tooth." He continued "They're the ones underestimating us." Gray said, regaining his breath. "We'll get them." The crowd was still cheering enthusiastically even when Team Fairy Tail were huddled up, discussing a new strategy. "Gray sama! I love you! You can have me as your price" Juvia Lockser's voice was louder than any other. Gray sweat dropped. How was she able to cheer for him and give a deadly glare to his other fan girls. Feitan grunted. "Your fan girl is seriously annoying, icy bastard." Gray didn't say anything. He was drinking his water while unconsciously searching for a certain someone in the crowd. Erza!

He didn't realize that every two minutes he was unconsciously looking for her. He noticed that she wasn't looking towards his direction. "Gray, what are you doing? Get over here already." Feitan said. "We're counting on you to turn this game around. Don't lose focus now." Jellal added. They all admitted, except Natsu that Gray was Team Fairy Tail's ace. "We don't need the droopy eyed bastard! I can do it!" Natsu protested. "Let's go Team Fairy Tail! Fight, fight fight!!!" Natsu, Uvogin, Gray, Feitan and Jellal brought their fists together.

Erza stood there like everyone else who was cheering. It was the final quarter already but not once did she say a word, much less cheer for Fairy Tail. She didn't even answer when the kendo club captain- Nobunaga Hasama asked what was wrong.

She couldn't focus on the game, just stared at the blue-haired figure that seemed familiar. She hadn't known that he was a part of the basketball team. Was he always part of that team? They never interacted with each other. "Hasama Taichō, who is that blue haired guy with red tattoo on his face?" Nobunaga smirked "that's the president of the astronomy club, a year older than you, he is my classmates. He is just a temporary replacement for the basketball team's captain. Laxus was injured during practice so he couldn't make it to today's game. That's Jellal Fernandez" Erza remained silent trying to figure out why does his name do familiar the it hit her "does he have a brother, a freshman with the swimming team?" She asked sheepishly, he just giggled and nodded in response.

"Only 30 seconds left! Gray's got the ball! They're going to win this!" Erza heard Nobunaga saying this to Lyon, Gray's cousin."Gray has to make another three-pointer!" He said eagerly. Erza wants to cheer for her old friend, she came here to watch the game for him not only because they were assigned to maintain peace and order. She is here to support him too. But she really is attracted to that guy.