t s u n D e r e S

She hates how he makes her feel.

He loves how he makes her feel.

She hates that she loves him.

And he knows it.

"Hey, tiny!" He called, chucking a bag of chips at her. She grumbled at the name he gives her. She stomped her foot, glaring at the male.

"Just because I'm one inch taller than you doesn't give you the right to call me tiny!" Her scowl slowly crept up into a smirk. He noticed this and smirked. "Hey, what're you gonna do?" He said, leaning against the wall and drinking his water.

"If I'm tiny, then I might as well call you tree."

He choked on his water, instantly regretting his life decisions. "Don't even.." She laughed, stepping closer to the male and placing her finger below his chin. "Tsk Tsk. I will. You can't make me do- hey, stop!"

He hoisted her onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and began walking in the direction of his place.

"Put me down you-" "Nah, I'm good."

No matter the force or pace of her hitting his back, he never let go.

"Hey, Cocoa?" "What?!" "You know you love me~"

Her face turned red.

"W-Who gave you that idea?! You have no right to assume!" In one swift kick to the crotch, she was released.

"Ow.." He groaned, falling to the floor and clutching his stomach.

"Serves you right.."