She screamed at the sight she saw before her.
Blood, everywhere.
Bodies, everywhere.
Their eyes.. oh.. their eyes..
Their eye sockets were gone.
"Don't you like what I did, Whitney?"
Her heart dropped.
"Daniel, did you do this?"
She turned around but was met with someone in a bloody bunny costume. He took a step forwards, and she took a step back with a hand over her mouth. Tears ran down her cheeks.
She bolted inside the barn where the bodies were piled and ran towards the exit.
"Whitney, I did this for you because I love you! Come back!"
She couldn't stand it. This wasn't Daniel. He wouldn't do this. What happened to the man she loved?
"Leave me alone, please!" She finally reached the exit, but..
It wouldn't budge.
No matter how many times or how much force she slammed her body into the barn's door, it wouldn't budge.
Daniel wasn't that far away, now.
"Why don't you appreciate what I do for you?! You always just say "cool" or avoid me! What did I do to deserve such treatment?!" He yelled, but got no response.
It was finally budging.
"Come on.."
It swung open.
She ran out, but was immediately snatched by none other than-
"Daniel, let me go!"
No matter how many times she cried and pleaded, he would always just ignore her.
"You always run from me.. why?" He suddenly put her down, and put his hands around her neck. Her face turned purple.
"Goodnight, Whitney. Love you~"
She awoke with a scream. She put her hands on her neck, feeling where he had touched her. She cried in relief that it was only a dream.
"Carson, you alright!?"
Standing in front of her was..
A person she didn't recognize.
"W-who are you?" She asked, backing into the wall. "And who's Carson? I'm Whitney! Where am I?"
He looked sad. "She still doesn't remember.." he mumbled, walking towards the shivering girl and sitting on the edge of the bed. He put his face in his hands.
"The doctors didn't help.. I should've never trusted that place.." He said through his fingers.
"Doctors? What do you.. mean?" She was very confused.
Wasn't it just a dream?
He turned to look at her with tear stained cheeks.
"Carson, I'm your father and you've been diagnosed with Amnesia."
Had she been reincarnated?