Sasha: The Trinity's Fifth in Power

I walked outside down the East Courtyard then looked back as I sensed someone behind me. We looked at each other then I turned around and dropped my bag.


"Everyone, come to the East Wing! Sasha is about to battle Shin!" A girl said then hurried to the East Wing.

Komine and Inami looked at each other then followed everyone. Loni yawned and stretched then rubbed her eyes and saw everyone running out the class. She got up to follow them. Zera's curiosity peaked so she also got up to follow.

Miriam was walking down the hall and squeaked as she rushed into the restroom to avoid the crowd. "The hell is wrong with them? There a fire? Did Ember blow up another classroom?"

"Sasha! Kick his ass!" A girl cheered.

Miriam rose an eyebrow and went into the crowd then looked out the window. "Sasha..?"

"You may have beaten Miriam, but I think the only reason you beat her was because you caught her off guard! No one easily beats a Trinity! Now brace yourself!" Sasha yelled and dashed to me.

I dodged her attacks then she jumped and twirled in the air multiple times then kicked. I blocked her kick then grunted. 'She hits really hard...she knows how to use that momentum, but...' I grabbed her leg then tossed her away.

"Why hasn't he copied her ability yet..?" Zera asked herself.

Sasha rolled backwards then rebounded off the ground. She stood up straight then her gold eyes shined. "You're good...but try this on for size!"

Sasha yelled as she stomped on the ground and a chunk of rock emerged from the ground. She palmed the chuck of rock at and it made contact with me and burst, causing dust to go everywhere.

The dust began to spiral around my body and form a sandstorm. Sasha looked surprised and grunted and covered her face. I dispersed the sand storm. She uncovered her face then sensed my attack from behind. A rock wall appeared behind her. Rock hands appeared from the ground and grabbed her leg. A rock body appeared from the ground then broke apart revealing me then I punched her cheek. She looked surprised then the hands let her go and she flew into a wall.

"Such power...he has two abilities..?"

"He defeated another Trinity.."

Sasha's body turned into dust and she appeared behind me from the ground. I looked back then dodged her attacks. She bellowed and quickly went for a barrage of attacks. Rock hands struck me and the final hit blew me away. I grunted and slid back then fell on one knee.

"Let's go Sasha!"

"Take him down! Show him the power of a Trinity!"

Rocks began to surround me and I closed my eyes. Sasha watched me then looked surprised when she saw a healing aura around the rocks. "I can't even do that...that's not in my kit..!"

The rocks crumbled then my body was shown once again. It looked like I didn't sustain any form of damage. I stood up and opened my eyes. "You're strong, I'll give you that. You surely have more trickery than Miriam, but this is where I will have to end things. I don't wanna be late for the special Banana Pudding Deluxe."

Sasha glared then her aura surged then formed into Earth Aura. "I will not lose to some Transfer Student who's a boy! Now take this!"

Sasha bellowed and held her hand in the sky. Rocks began to form together in the sky. She send the giant rock formation crashing down at me. I watched the rock formation then dodged it and dashed to Sasha. I dodged multiple rock formations then slid under one.

"Sasha get him!"

"Is she really being outmatched by the transfer student?!"

I held out my hand then rocks began to surround my arm then form a rock arm.

"I won't let you defeat another Trinity!" Sasha bellowed then rock armor appeared around her body.

I palmed her chest area and created a pulse-like wave then shattered her armor and blew her away. She crashed into another wall and fell forward then her Earth Aura vanished. My rock arm crumbled then turned back into a normal arm.

"There's no way...How...did he beat Sasha?"

"Wow, new guy's pretty fucking powerful.." Loni said.

I sighed and went to pick up my back then walked to Sasha and picked up a rock. I crushed the rock and used the dust particles to heal her. She grunted and sat up then held her head.

"You okay?" I asked the helped her up.

"Mmph...I'll be fine.." She said the walked off to the infirmary.


{Trinity Student's Power Ranking}

Sasha: Earth Manipulation

Strength: 6.2

Defense: 8.0

Agility: 3.2

Recovery: 2.8

Trickery: 6.4

Overall: 5.3


I sat on the roof and ate my banana pudding. I felt good after my victory against Sasha.

Zera walked on the roof and sat beside me. She heard me humming happily then smirked. "Well look who's pleased with his victory. You did good. I heard some people taking good about you and others well they want a piece of you as well. I wouldn't take defeating Sasha as a huge feat in my opinion as there are people stronger than her, she was just more qualified to be a Trinity."

"I know it takes a high win to loss ratio and a good ability but what else makes a person ready to take on the Trinity role?" I asked.

"Leadership, Intelligence, Bravery, Control, and Power. The Five Keys of being a Trinity." Zera said.

"Who's who?" I asked.

"I am the Power. Loni is the Leadership. Sasha is the Bravery. Miriam is the Control. And Komine and Inami are the Intelligence." Zera answered. "But of course to be a Top Trinity you need some form of all five. Although Sasha is a mid tier Trinity, she possesses the traits that make her a great Trinity."

"I have a question. What are Komine and Inami's abilities?" I asked.

"Komine's and Inami's abilities are special as they are Passive Abilities. Komine's ability is Combat Specialist. Although her hand to hand combat only fall a bit short behind Loni's she's skilled in reading her opponent, their weaknesses and strengths, and knows almost every combat skill there is to know. She's known as the Child Prodigy. Inami's ability is Ninjutsu Intuition. She is the second fastest, only falling short to me in speed, of all the Trinities. She specializes in all forms of Ninja Arts and Trickery. Here are their stats." Zera showed me their stats on her phone.

{Trinity Student's Power Ranking}

Komine: Combat Specialist

Strength: 7.3

Defense: 6.4

Agility: 5.6

Recovery: 6.5

Trickery: 5.2

Overall: 6.6

Inami: Ninjutsu Intuition

Strength: 7.1

Defense: 5.2

Agility: 8.4

Recovery: 5.1

Trickery: 7.2

Overall: 6.6

"It was probably hard to pick between the two when choosing the Third Trinity, so they both made it." I said then looked at Zera.

"Mhm. I briefly heard Komine saying she wanted to test your abilities. So be prepared when that happens." Zera said.

"Yeah I will." I nodded.


I looked at my academy map to find my next class then sensed an attack then dodged an attack from Komine. She dashed to me and went for stabs with her hand. I dodged her and she struck my cheek, managing to cut it. I looked surprised then jumped back and looked at Komine. "Hmph...Komine Eiko. Somehow I was prepared for you to attack and was still caught off guard."

"Beating two of the Trinities isn't an easy thing to do, yet you make it look so effortless. You come to our school and make us look weak. I refuse to accept this!" Komine bellowed and her red eyes shined.

I set my bag and map on the ground then looked at her. "Alright then...if this is how you want to do it then fine by me."


"Luna look at this...Shin has defeated both Miriam and Sasha in less than five minutes. His power is Aura Manipulation and he can awaken the Destructive and Pure variations of all powers he copies." Sol said then looked at Luna. "There was one woman who graduated with us here who could do the same. She's a famous hero...well was a famous hero and went by the name Arcanus."

"That's not all...Shin has an academic record. He transferred here from Grand Saikari Academy...our rival school. His records said he left because he was tired of all the fighting. He was Number 1 in his old academy. He was so powerful that no one could get a clear reading on his power. It says he could range from 8.5 to a perfect 10." Luna said.

"He hates fighting, but why? With that form of power he could do so much. His win to loss ratio for being this powerful is also shocking. 7-30. He loses on purpose and only tries when he feels like it." Sol sat back in her chair.

"We gotta find out more about him...this is getting interesting." Luna giggled.