Komine and Inami: The Third Trinity in Power

Students began to gather around the area and watch me and Komine. Ms. Iwayoshi saw the crowd and rose an eyebrow. She maneuvered her way through the crowd and saw Komine and me standing in the middle.

Komine dashed to me and went for a series of attacks. I blocked her attacks then went for my own. She parried my strikes and kicked my leg. I turned my leg in a way she took more damage than I did. She grunted and stumbled back. 'Did he copy my ability or is he just that good at combat..?'

"Komine! You got this!"

"Yeah show him how a real Combat Specialist fights!"

I dodged her attacks swiftly. I went for attacks as well and she parried then then sweep kicked my feet from under me. I fell on the floor then she went for a stomp. I rolled to the side then kicked her off her feet. I stood up then watched her stand up as well.

"Komine!" Inami bellowed and appeared above me from a puff of smoke then kicked down at me.

I dodged her kick and stumbled back. I caught my breath and looked at the two girls. "These two often brawl, but I can sense they work well together. If that's the case...then I guess I actually have to try."

Komine and Inami noticed me become more serious. They got in a stance and prepared themselves.


"From the reports here from an old article from Grand Saikari Academy, when Shin gets serious like actually tries, he can range from 9.0 to 10, copying at most four abilities at once and only using the destructive variant of the power he copied." Luna said as she looked at her monitor. "He once entered a School Battle and took on the Top 5 at the same time and won. I think the most shocking factor of this is, he is probably strong enough to even challenge us to a fight."

"Like that'll ever happen. His record shows he loses on purpose because he hates fighting. He either let's himself get beat up or he just forfeits. I think I found a reason why he hates fighting too.." Sol said then watched Luna lean over to look at Sol's screen. They looked at the screen then looked back at each other.


Inami yelled and went for swift attacks at me. She grunted as she attacked. I dodged her attacks swiftly then palmed her chest. She blushed and smirked. My attack just bounced off her. "Heh~ I concentrated my aura around my upper body because that's where most strikes go. The chest area is a place where most fatal blows happen."

Komine yelled and went for a kick. I looked at her and blocked her attack then slid to the side. "Heh..we are slowly breaking him down. Our strength is too much for him."

'I understand it...her ability isn't Combat Specialist...that's just an application to her real ability. Combat Mode. I've been trying to copy an ability that's not an ability..' I thought to myself then stood straight. I smirked and fixed my hair.

"What's so funny?" Komine asked and looked at me.

"Nothing just..." I started then my aura surged. "I've understood how your abilities work now. Combat Mode is your true ability."

Komine looked surprised and shook her head and smirked. "So what? That isn't gonna help you."

"Oh it will...watch this." I said then appeared beside her and kicked at her.

She looked surprised then blocked my kick, getting blown back into a wall. She grunted and fell on one knee. "Fuck...that hurt.."

Inami dashed to me and held out two fingers. "Fire Arts: Flame Barrage!"

'Why did she yell out the name of her attack..?' I thought to myself then dodged the flames.

She appeared behind me and kicked me away with both her feet. I grunted and rolled forward.

"Yeah let's go! Take him down!"

"Inami! Inami!"

I stood up and held out two fingers then light chains emerged from the ground and wrapped around Inami. She looked surprised then I stood up. I looked back then Komine dashed to me and punched. I palmed her arm then she spun and kicked. I dodged her kick then my eyes shined and I grabbed her leg. She grunted then I tossed her away. She grunted as she hit the floor.

Inami dashed to me and summoned wind shurikens. "Wind Arts: Tempest Shuriken!"

She bellowed and threw the shurikens at me. I held my hand out then released a powerful repulsive force of wind energy, blowing Inami away. She groaned as she hit the wall.

"He's overpowering them both at the same time...where does all this power lie?" Ms. Iwayoshi asked herself.

"I'm ending this." I said then held out my hand then a ball of magic energy appeared in front of my palm.

I released the magic attack at them and they looked surprised. An explosion happened and the crowd looked surprised. Komine and Inami fell to their knees and their auras vanished.

Loni smirked and crossed her arms. "Well well...Defeated the third strongest students in the entire academy. I might have to get my hands on him soon."

I lowered my hand then exhaled. I walked to get my bag then noticed my map was ruined. I picked both items up then walked off to my next class.


"He got you too?" Sasha asked.

"There's no possible way he could've beaten us! This is so aggravating! How is he this strong?!" Inami groaned as she laid on the bed in the infirmary.

"Maybe if you didn't tell the name of the attack you were going to do, we would've had the upper hand!" Komine sighed. "Like honestly that's like me saying, I'm going for a punch now! Oh watch out, I'm about to kick! It's so dumb!"

"It's called a Kiai! Plus it's like when Magicians yell the name of their spells to channel energy. Flaria! Blizzardo! Plus those words grant power. You wouldn't understand since you barely use magic." Inami said.

Komine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Whatever. That's so lame."

"You should try it for once. It's actually cooler than you make it out to be!" Inami smiled.

"I'll pass on the kiddie shit. I'd rather my opponent not know what move I'm about to go for." Komine laid down on the bed. "Great we are also stuck here for three hours. First he shows up and hides his ability then proceeds to make us look like a joke."

"What if I told you...Shin is actually a spy for another school..?" A girl said then walked out the shadows.

Inami looked at the girl. "Vexin? What are you talking about?"

Vexin giggled and closed her eyes. "Shin Pi, wasn't homeschooled. He is a spy for the Grand Saikari Academy. He knows about the upcoming School Battle against them next week. He's merely gathering information about you all so he can go back to his old academy and tell his allies."

They all looked at each other then at Vexin. Komine became enraged and then her eyes shined.


I made my way to the cafeteria then was punched in my face and slid back. I groaned and held my face. "What the fuck, Komine! What's the matter with you?!"

"What's the matter with me?! What's wrong with you bitch?! You're spying on us?!" Komine yelled.

"Whoa! Now that can go two ways and both of them are not good. Please clarify your meaning then we shall continue." I said.

"My apologies. You're gathering information about us to use against us during the School Battle next week?!" Komine yelled.

I looked at her then covered my mouth and began to laugh. "What? You sound like a fucking dumbass. There's a School Battle happening next week? And what do you mean gathering information, you bitches attacked me!"

"I-" Komine blushed in embarrassment then looked away. "Fuck he makes a good point..."

"Girls...once again we've been tricked by Vexin." Sasha sighed.

Vexin laughed and held her stomach. "God this never gets old! You three are so gullible!"

I looked at Vexin then noticed her short purple hair and gray eyes. I frowned and walked to her. Vexin looked at me then I slammed my hand on the wall, staring at her. She stopped laughing then looked up at me. "Lie Proficiency. That's your ability. You tricked them into believing I was a spy?"

"W-Well I just saw it was a good time to play a little joke.." Vexin averted her eyes then looked back at me.

I looked at her then sighed and took my hand off the wall. I crossed my arms. "No more lying to them. You made them almost believe I was a pervert."

"Okay...I won't lie anymore~" She giggled then skipped off.

I watched her then shook my head. "Wait! You just lied!"

Vexin laughed and vanished into the shadows.

"So...are you not from Grand Saikari Academy?" Sasha asked.

I looked back at Sasha then looked down. I rubbed my head then sighed. "No I'm not from that school. I'm strictly homeschooled."

Sasha sighed in relief and smiled at me. "Thank the heavens. If you were...I would never forgive you."

"Bitch. Should I remind you that YOU attacked me first!" I pointed. "Damn y'all are something else."

I walked off then the three girls looked at each other then smiled and followed me into the cafeteria. They began to warm up to me after that whole ordeal ended.