Zera: The First Trinity in Power

The day came and I got off the train to go into the academy. I walked forward and noticed the girls looking at me. I put my hair in a ponytail then closed my eyes.

"He's gonna be fighting against Zera in a Trinity Battle."

"When Zera gets serious there is no hope for her opponents."

I walked inside the building and Loni walked up to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder then gave me a thumbs up.

"Only few have made it this far. It is tradition, if you beat the top Trinities the number one Trinity has to fight you in an official battle. That's been tradition for years." Loni said.

"You were on that pedestal as well huh?" I asked.

Loni gave a soft smile. "Funny enough I used to be number one until Zera came and took that spot from me. Honestly I think you two would be evenly matched. Your ability and hers would make for a good show."

I nodded then she walked off. I walked ahead then went to class. I walked into the classroom and the teacher hurried to me. "Whoa whoa slow down!"

"Are you ready to go down?! Zera isn't losing to someone like you!" The teacher laughed.

I glared at her then pushed her face back. "I didn't even want to be in this position to begin with. I was practically forced into this...this only led to Zera being forced to fight."

"Hm...true, but still. You're not beating Zera whatsoever." The teacher scoffed.

I went to take my seat in the back of the class. A girl tapped my shoulder. I looked at her then noticed a girl with red hair and yellow eyes looking at me. "Hm..?"

"Name's Ember and I heard that you and Zera are friends. I wish you well in this battle. I'll be rootin' for you." Ember smiled.

I returned her smile with a smile of my own then paid attention to the lesson.


I didn't see Zera all day, but it didn't surprise me as she was most likely getting ready for the upcoming battle against me. I didn't pay any mind to it and just continued with my day.

The bell rang for the students to know classes were over. I walked outside then noticed Sasha standing outside by the academy gates. I walked to her and poked her cheek.

She looked up at me then looked away. "Do you think you have a chance against Zera? She's number one for a reason."

"Like I said before, I never wanted this. Zera surely wasn't expecting this, but we are here now. The only thing I can do is give her what she wants, a fight where I'm not holding back. I'll let you know now...I am a weapon. A tool. When I am going all out, the only out come for me is victory..." I said the walked by her.

"Shin." Sasha looked at me.

I stopped and turned around to look at Sasha.

"Zera isn't as easy to beat. She can break limits like everyone else can. Don't underestimate her." Sasha said.

"I wasn't planning to." I walked off.


"Welcome one and all to the Official Trinity Battle at Trinity Arena! We have a good one for you all! This battle will be between our Number 1 Trinity and the Underdog, Shin Pi! The battle will start shortly, be prepared to see an epic battle that will be live on television across the district!" The announcer said in the mic.

I sat in the waiting room and looked at the ceiling. I blinked and let out a sigh then sat up when I heard the door open. A woman came in and told me I have five minutes to prepare. I nodded then she closed the door.

I got myself ready then walked out of the room to go out to the battlefield. I walked down the hall then entered through the open gates and saw an open field. I noticed Zera standing in front of me and looking at me.

"There they are! Our battlers! Prepare to feast your eyes on an epic battle!" The announcer said excitedly on the microphone.

"This is how Trinity Battles go...we have the entire field to ourselves. Here we can go all out without worrying about other people getting in the way. Now...let's get this started." Zera said then put her hair in a ponytail.

"Begin!" The screen on the blimp said.

I dashed straight to Zera then jumped in the air.

"Shin is starting off with a jump!" The announcer yelled.

I was about to palm the air then was blown away by an invisible force. I landed on the ground then slid back. I was hit again and again by invisible forces. I groaned and slid back more.

"Wow! He's taking damage, but Zera hasn't even moved from her original spot!" The announcer said excitedly.

"Wow...I haven't seen this level of Time Manipulation from Zera. She really must be going all out." Loni said then crossed her arms.

'She hasn't moved from that spot...yet I'm being struck from all over the place. I can't copy her ability because I can't see how her power is being used. Just like how Loni wasn't giving me a chance to copy her ability, Zera's ability seems like it's impossible to copy..' I thought to myself. 'I need to understand how her power works...that means I need to out predict her..'

Zera looked at me then her eyes shined. I grunted and braced myself then was struck on my back. I groaned then flew forward then was struck on my stomach. I coughed a bit of blood then rolled backwards.

"He's not gonna win this battle." A girl said then smirked.

"He's met his match. No one can beat Zera." Another girl laughed.

Miriam watched the screen then her eyes shined. "Zera is number one for a reason. He is strong, but he isn't strong enough to take on Zera."

"He is getting flung around like a ragdoll. I can admit he is strong...but not strong enough for Zera." Inami said.

"I disagree." Loni smiled and watched.

Miriam, Komine, Inami, and Sasha looked at Loni. They had confused faces and Loni looked at them and chuckled.

"Shin is smarter than he leads on. Watching him slack off during class. He obviously doesn't apply himself to anything, but he's a genius. He knows about almost everything there is needed to know about different abilities." Loni said then looked back at the screen. "I can tell, he already has something big planned."

I stood up then looked at Zera. I wiped my mouth then my eyes shined. Zera's eyes shined as well. I sensed an attack then dodged the attack. Zera looked surprised then I punched her stomach. She groaned and was blown away. I dashed after her then went for another attack. I froze in time then returned to normal. I looked up seeing Zera a distance away.

"He dodged my attack..? Is he slowly adapting to my power..?" Zera asked herself then got in a stance.

I dashed to her and went for multiple strikes. She dodged me then froze time and punched my stomach. She resumed time then watched me get blown backwards. I groaned and she appeared behind me via Flash Foward then jumped and kicked my back. She froze time again then dashed to me and jumped up then kicked my back with both her feet. She resumed time and I crashed to the ground, groaning loudly.

"Zera! Zera! Zera! Zera!" The crowd chanted.

I stood up and my hair covered my face.

"Zera has the upper hand in this fight! I expect nothing less from Trinity Academy's number one student! Shin hasn't given up the fight either, but seems like he's having trouble keeping it together!" The announcer said.

"Here it is...I know this feeling all too well." Loni smirked.

"We will finally see Shin's true power." Sol smiled from ear to ear. She watched with pure excitement.

I grunted then bellowed loudly. Zera grunted as my aura surged. She began to slide backwards from the wind that my aura produced. My aura began to flash seven colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

"Folks! You can not make this up! His aura is flashing seven colors! SEVEN! The normal color of aura is gray! What kind of power could this guy possibly have?!" The announcer stood up and yelled in the microphone.

I took one step then my aura caused pressure so great it cracked the ground. Zera looked surprised and her legs shook a bit. I dashed to her and she vanished then was struck by a wave of pressure.

'He predicted my Temporal Rewind..?' Zera thought to herself as she looked surprised.

She coughed then was blown away. I appeared above her then punched her stomach. She groaned and crashed into the ground. I landed on the ground then noticed her body was gone. I looked to my left and she was at her starting position. Her wounds began to heal at an exceptional rate.

"I won't lose to you Shin! We may be friends, but that doesn't mean I don't have a reputation to uphold!" Zera bellowed and her eyes shined brightly.

'I have to be better! I need to be faster! I have to beat him!' Zera thought to herself.

She bellowed and her aura surged wildly. Her aura turned into Time Aura and her eyes shined brightly. Aura cogs flowed around her as her aura surged around her.

"Zera has gotten serious as well! This battle is getting intense people! Who will become the victor?! I'm standing up because of this battle!" The announcer said extremely hyped up about the battle.

"I have never seen Zera go all out before. Shin...he is amazing.." Ame said.

"He is isn't he.." Ember said in awe.

Zera dashed to me and stopped time. She went for multiple strikes at my body then time resumed. I grunted then slid back and sensed an attack. I blocked her attack then grabbed her arm then pulled her to me. I yelled and palmed her stomach, releasing a pulse of energy that blew her away.

'I need to be better!' She thought to herself.

She landed on her feet then bellowed and froze time completely. She panted then looked at me. She glared then dashed to me. She went for a palm at my chest then looked surprised when she went through my body. "An afterimage..?!"

I appeared behind her and she dodged my attack. She palmed my hand away then kicked me back. We began to fight within the frozen time and clashed fists.

"Your power exceeds everything I've ever known! You keep getting stronger! You're the first person resist my time abilities!" Zera bellowed and went for a punch.

I parried her then struck her stomach. She groaned and slid back. "I can say the same for you. I can't remember the last time I went all out!"

We smirked at one another then bellowed and dashed towards each other. We went for a strike at the same time. We punched each other's cheek then flew backwards. I released a large beam at her and she dodged the beam then appeared in front of me, going for a punch. I blocked her punch then slid back.

We dashed to each other once again then our fists collided and produced a shockwave so powerful it shattered the frozen time and forced time to resume to normal.

"WHOA! What the hell happened to the battlefield?!" The announcer yelled.

"What the..?" Loni stood up and looked surprised. "Is that...a smile on her face?!"

Zera smirked and dodged my attacks then temporal clones of herself appeared and went for attacks form all directions of my body. I blocked the attacks then kicked some of them away. I bellowed and my aura pushed them away.

"I'm ending this battle!" I bellowed and dashed to Zera.

"Then I'll do the same!" Zera bellowed and dashed to me.

We bellowed and went attacks on each other. She dodged my hits then went for a kick. I blocked her kick then she grunted. I palmed her leg then she grunted, losing balance. I poked her stomach with two fingers. She groaned feeling her energy being sapped. She dodged my next few attacks then punched my stomach, causing me to slid back.

She began to skip time and go for attacks on me. I blocked her attacks then grabbed her arm and palmed her stomach. She grunted then I grunted at the same time. A clone of herself got a good strike on my side. Our auras slowly faded away. I let her go and fell on one knee. She fell on her knees and panted.

She fell forward and I caught her, holding her shoulders. Her hair covered her eyes then I looked surprised.

The crowd was surprised. Even the Headmasters looked surprised. The Trinities all were in disbelief. I looked at Zera as she was passed out due to overworking herself.

"I-I don't believe it...Zera...has lost the battle..!" The announcer said.

"Zera!" Sasha screamed.

"He defeated every Trinity. What is his overall..?" A girl asked.

"Shin's power is insane. Are you sure he was homeschooled..?" Another girl asked.

"There's no way, I refuse..to believe she lost.." Miriam closed her eyes.

I stood up and picked her up, carrying her to the recovery area. I walked with a limp as I was also extremely tired. I grunted softly as I made my way off the battlefield.


I hissed in pain as the nurse inspected my body.

"Yeah...you're done for the remaining of the week.." The nurse said then shook her head. "Zera did massive damage against your body.."

I looked at Zera then back at the nurse then nodded. The nurse stood up and walked off. Even with her healing medicine, I wasn't recovering as fast. "Heh...I guess that's that.."

Loni walked in with Sasha then walked towards me and Zera. "You okay?"

I nodded then laid down. "Just a slow recovery while Zera has already healed. She did a number on me.." I chuckled.

Loni walked to my bed then looked at me. She gave a slight smile. "You're the strongest in Trinity Academy...I never expected this to be honest. Congratulations."

I closed my eyes then sighed. "Nah...I'll leave the strongest title to Zera. She deserves it more than I do. She earned it."

"Shin.." Loni looked at me.

"Trust me, it's better that way. I only gave her what she wanted, a battle where I didn't hold back." I said then chuckled. "She was so happy during that fight...Seeing her smile like that was enough for me."

Loni smiled at me then looked at Zera who was resting peacefully. "I did see her smiling. It was a beautiful smile I'd never seen before. Shin have one request."

"Hm?" I opened my eyes to look at Loni.

"Join us in the next School Battle next week." She looked at me.

I was surprised by her offer. I haven't been in a School Battle in forever. I thought about her request. I looked at her then decided to give her my answer. "Sure, I'll join."

Loni smiled eagerly then nodded. "Can't wait to fight along side you!"

"I feel the same." I chuckled.