The Truth [2]

I sat in Zera's room with all of the other Trinities looking at me. I looked at the floor with my hair covering my eyes. Zera crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow. I sighed then looked up. "Let's start over...My name is Shin Pi..Subject Number 521 from Nexus Corp. I am from Grand Saikari Academy.."

Sasha looked at me with anger then grit her teeth. She stood up and walked to me and slapped my face. I just let her slap me. She grabbed my shirt. "You fucking lied to us?! Vexin was right, you are spying on us! What do you want?! What do-"

"Sasha, sit down!" Zera yelled.

Sasha looked at me and closed her eyes then let go of my shirt. She went to sit back down and Miriam looked at her then back at me.

"I didn't come here to spy on you all. I want nothing to do with Grand Saikari Academy. I want nothing to do..." I said then had flashbacks on the tests I had to do. "With my old life.."

"Shin...what happened? It sounds like you ran away from Grand Saikari." Loni said then crossed her arms.

I stayed silent for a bit then looked at them. "Here's what happened...."


"Subject Number 521. Wake up, it is time for your daily tests." A man said.

I sat up on the bed I was laying on. I got out of the bed and followed the man. "Where is my mom?" I asked.

"She's resting in her room. Now hurry along." The man replied.

"I don't want to do this anymore..." I complained then looked at the man. "Why are you doing this?"

The man stopped walking then turned to look at me. His red eyes shined then I took a step back looking scared. "You don't have the right to choose what you want to do. The fact of the matter is you are a weapon for Nexus just like your mother. You are just a tool, now shut the fuck up and get inside that pod."

I complied to his orders as I was too afraid to even say anything back. The pod transported me to the mission area. After the pod landed, I got out and heard a woman speaking to me through my earpiece.

"Alright Little Shin, your mission is to defeat those five people you see in front of you, using your Orange Aura. Do that and you can come back." The woman said.

"Why..? I'm just hurting people. I'm hurting people just to hurt them. I am gaining nothing from this. Why do-"

"Now you know what happens when you complain, Shin. Do it. I don't want to hear any more back talk from you." The woman said.

I balled my fist and closed my eyes. I walked to the five people and my orange aura appeared around me. The five people were laughing and having fun drinking their juices they got from the store. I held my hand out then ice shards formed behind me. "I'm sorry.."

"Hey look out!" A girl said then pushed her friend out the way, taking a shard to her head, dying on the spot.

"Rachel!" The guy yelled and looked at me then glared. "I'll kill you!"

He yelled and ran to me then I sent an ice shards directly through his head. Their friends tried to run away but I caused an ice wall to block their path.

"I'm so sorry, but if I don't do this...I can't go home.." I looked at them with sadness then my melancholy aura began to spread around the area.

The aura caused the last three to fall to their knees. I sent the last three ice shards at them and killed them.

"Good job Shin. You can come home now." The woman said.

I looked down and my aura disappeared. My hair covered my eyes and I slowly walked back to the pod. The pod flew into the air then went back to the laboratory. After the pod landed, I got off and was greeted with the sight of my mother. She smiled then the man pushed her forward. I watched her and she looked back at me.

"Tomorrow...we can celebrate your 9th birthday. Just hold off until sweet child." My mother said then got inside the pod.

~End of Flashback~

The Trinities were silent as they listened to my story. Komine looked surprised as she felt something fall on her hand. They looked at her and noticed she was crying, but not only her...Inami as well. Miriam wiped her eyes and sniffled. Zera looked at me with sadness.

"What...happened with you and Grand Saikari Academy..?" Zera asked.


I walked down the halls with my hands in my pockets. I was pushed against the lockers and noticed a guy and his buddies surrounding me.

"Hey there, Shin. What's the matter, you seem more sad than usual. What, mommy didn't pay you a visit today?" The guy laughed.

The other guys laughed, but I didn't. I just stayed silent.

"You were supposed to laugh!" The guy punched my stomach.

I grunted lightly and winced in pain. The other guys joined in to beat me up. I was on the floor and their leader got one last kick in before walking away. They laughed as they left me on the ground.

"Shin!" A girl yelled as she noticed me on the ground. She held me up then I pushed her off of me. "Wha- Shin, let me help you. We can report this-"

"There isn't anything to report." I stood up and walked away. "Leave me alone."

"Shin, why are you being like this?! What's wrong with you?!" She yelled.

I stopped and the other students looked in our direction. "What's wrong with me..? Is there supposed to be something wrong with me?"

She looked at me and noticed my gold eyes then took a step back. "S-Shin..?"

I turned to her and held my hand out. "I'll show you what's wrong with me..."

"What's he doing?"

"Isn't be powerless..?"

"Why is he doing this?"

I looked at her and dark aura began to appear around my arm. A black ice shard formed behind me. "You annoy me."

"He has an ability..?!"

"Shin what are you do-" The girl started then felt the ice shard go through her chest. She looked surprised and fell back.

The students around the area looked surprised. My dark aura vanished and I placed my hand back into my jacket pocket. I walked away.


After school I was walking home and the same guys who beat me up walked to me. Their leader wrapped his arm around my neck and walked beside me. "Hey there Shin. We heard the news that you sent Hannah to the hospital. She was infected with Unhealing. Surely you didn't do that. You don't even possess an ability."

"Get your hands off me.." I said.

"Oh? You're showing some backbone now huh? Now was it so hard for you to speak to us?" The leader chuckled then gripped my hair.

I smacked his hand off me then he glared then went for a punch at me. I caught his fist then he looked surprised. I had flashbacks to all the people I killed. I felt disgusted with myself, I hated myself, I hated people, I hated everything. "You annoy me."

He looked at me then noticed my dark aura. He looked surprised and tried to escape my grasp. I punched his stomach and he groaned then I summoned water and forced it down his throat. He began to choke and gargle. My gold eyes shined brightly. After I noticed he didn't struggle anymore, I let his body drop to the ground.

I looked back at his friends and they planned to run away, but I didn't let them. "One down...six to go."

"Stop there!" A man said.

I looked back and saw the headmaster confronting me. His eyes shined then he walked to me. I noticed the leader's friends trying to run away. I snapped my fingers and dark ice shards went through their backs and came out their chest. They fell to the ground. "You think you can stop me..? You had so much time to stop them from hurting you want to act when I retaliate. You humans disgust me..."

"You aren't retaliating, you're killing them! You're a murderer..." The headmaster said.

"It's all I've ever known." I said before I sliced at him with an ice shard.

~End of Flashback~

"You...killed seven students..?" Loni asked surprised. "So that's the dark aura I saw earlier. You...were gonna kill him until you stopped yourself."

"I am a weapon. A tool who can't think for himself." I said then looked down. "I only know how to kill. I'm...a murderer. A monster. A weapon."

"Shin.." Zera stood up and walked to me. She raised my head by holding my chin. "You aren't a weapon. You aren't a monster. You aren't a tool. You're a human like us. So stop thinking you are what you aren't. You're a Trinity, you're somebody! You're...our friend."

My eyes widened as I looked at her. I looked at everyone else then they gave me a reassuring smile. I looked at them and looked down. "I don't deserve your kindness. Your sympathy.." I said as I had tears rolling down my face.

"Shin...we know you deserve the most. All you've been through from a child till now...You deserve a fresh start. Even though this isn't the right place to do it at, we will do all we can to make sure you have a better life. Right girls?" Zera looked back.

"Yeah." Loni smiled.

"Sure thing!" Sasha nodded.

"If it helps him, then why not." Miriam said.

"I guess." Komine looked away.

"You got it!" Inami smiled.

I looked at them and saw their smiles. I wiped my eyes then sniffled. I returned their smiles.

"So let's start this again. Hello Shin Pi, we are the Trinities. Welcome to Trinity Academy!" Zera smiled at me.