Reborn and Meeting Naruto

A baby girl had just been born into a world of chakra.

'Where am I? Last I knew, I fell asleep in my bed, now I'm being born?' The baby thought.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" A nurse asked.

"Suki. Suki Uchiha."

'Uchiha? Am I in Naruto?' The baby thought.

"Would you look at that? Only just born and already has two 1-tomoes." A man spoke up.

'I have the Sharingan!?'*

This baby wasn't an ordinary baby, but of someone who had been reborn.

On that day, a legend of power was born.

*2 months later*

Suki was being held by her father before something crashed down on them, causing Suki to see her death several times.

"This pressure." Her father, Kazuma, muttered.

Kazuma was one of the very few Uchiha's to ever unlock the Mangekyou after witnessing his best friend die on a mission. Due to the achievement, the Uchiha Head, Fugaku, didn't want him to leave the village too often.

The power of the pressure put so much fear into her, that it mutated her eyes straight to the 3-tomoe stage.*

But neither noticed because it had drained a lot of her chakra to do so and was knocked out.

*3 years later*


Suki dashed forward before throwing a kick at her opponent who leaned out of the way.

She swung her other leg out, catching herself with her hands, and managed a blow on the opponent before pushing against the ground and standing back up.

She waited in her stance as a young boy stood back up.

The boy charged at her, throwing a sloppy fist that she redirected to the side before slamming a palm into his chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Finished." The announcer told them.

Suki backed away slightly, giving the boy some room.

She had been training hard because she knew vague parts of what may happen in the future. She didn't know when, but she knew the Massacre happened when Sasuke was at least 7 but less than 8. So she had, at the minimum, 4 years to get strong enough from all of the teachings they could give her before they were gone.

Which led to this situation.

She wanted to advance in the Uchiha Training Class so she had to fight someone in the class above her in order to proceed.

There are 9 levels to the Training Classes. Level 1 focuses on getting them used to working out. Level 2 gets them to start learning about their chakra. Level 3 focuses on training both. Level 4 focuses on Chakra Control. Level 5 focuses on Kenjutsu. The rest are only for Chunin and above, with no exceptions so she wouldn't be able to learn from those levels.

Right now, she was in Level 3 and wanted to go to Level 4.

To do so, she must defeat 3 students from level 4.

"Last challenger, step forward."

A kid, likely about 8-9, stepped forward before assuming his stance.


*2 years later*

Suki had black, almost blue, short hair that barely reached her shoulders, a sleeveless blue shirt, wraps around her arm from her elbows to her fingers, tan pants, and ninja sandals.

She had just finished her first day at the academy and had been thinking through what pieces she could remember and tried to make some kind of plan.

'I know that I had read the manga version of Naruto up to when Madara was revived in the FGNW [Fourth Great Ninja War]. I couldn't read the rest due to my sudden rebirth.' She looked up into the sky. 'Alright, focus. Let's try to put some pieces in order. First up is the Massacre in about 2ish years. Then, graduation at 13, followed by bell test, D-rank missions, wave, Chunin exams, then the Tsunade situation, followed by the retrieval mission.' She listed off.

Another thought occurred.

"Should I try and change anything?" She muttered.

She stayed silent for a few moments before shaking her head.

'Impossible. As far as I know, a Suki Uchiha never existed. And since I am now existing, the 'timeline' has already changed. The only thing in the air is how much?' She thought. 'And how much am I willing to change?'

She understood that some things needed to happen.

If she tried to do anything about the Massacre, several things could happen. She could be killed for treason, killed for betraying the clan, killed for knowing something she shouldn't, or put on watch by other ninjas to watch if she was a spy, despite how little chance of such a thing but hey, in this world, people could spit fireballs, teleport through writings, or punch apart a mountain. A child spy doesn't sound so outlandish when compared to those.

She held her head, already developing a slight headache from thinking this hard.

'I'll decide about that later. I have 8 years before things get wild.'

She sighed before placing her hands in her pockets and about walked off before seeing something that she somehow completely forgot about.

'Kid Naruto.' She thought.

True enough, a small boy with spiky blond hair, a light green t-shirt with an orange spiral on the front with a long-sleeved, dark green shirt underneath it. He wore black shorts and sandals.

He was sitting on his swing again, looking towards the group of people to her right.

"How was your first day? Did the...boy do anything?" Suki heard from one of the parents.

"Even if he didn't, he will do something. It's just what he is." Another whispered.

Another few whispered, all the while, the other children seemed to not hear it.

All but one, and unfortunately, it was the one they were talking about.

"Suki-chan!" A voice called out.

She turned and saw a little boy with black hair that spiked in the back, who had black eyes just like she did. The boy also had a black shirt with a tall collar, tan/white shorts, and sandals as well.

"Sasuke-kun." Suki greeted as Sasuke stopped in front of her with a smile.

"Are you coming over for dinner tonight?" He asked.

Suki chuckled a little. "Sure, just for you if you want."

Since only her dad is raising her, he works late sometimes and, due to it being Fugaku's fault he can't take certain levels of missions, he worked out with her dad that she was free to eat with them for supper whenever she wanted to come over.

"Yes! Mom just got some fresh tomatoes and fruits so she's cooking tonight!"

Suki glanced around.

"Where's Itachi-san?"

"I'm right here." A voice behind her announced, causing her to jump and spin around and see the teenage Itachi.

"Gees, need to put a bell on you." She muttered. She then noticed his outfit. "What's with the new do?"

"Itachi-niisan got promoted!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Again? Come on man, you're making the rest of us look bad." Suki complained. "Anyways, what did you get promoted to?"

"I'm now part of the village's ANBU." He told her.

Her blood went cold at that statement before returning to normal.

"Really! That's cool!"

Itachi turned to Sasuke.

"Mother wanted me to come pick you up today and bring you home."

"Ah maaan." Sasuke pouted.

"I'll see you two later." Suki excused them.

Itachi nodded before picking Sasuke up and carrying him on his back.

"See ya Suki-chan!"

Suki watched them leave before looking back over and saw Naruto still sitting there.

'The main person who shaped the story was, obviously, Naruto.' She suddenly got an idea. 'What if he had a friend earlier than he admitted in the story?'

With that, she approached him.

When she reached him, she asked him a question.

"Is this swing taken?"

He looked at her before rapidly shaking his head.


She smiled before sitting on the swing next to him.

"So, I'm Suki. Suki Uchiha."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm going to be the future Hokage!"

That actually shocked her. 'He wanted to be Hokage this far back?!'

"Well, I looked forward to fighting alongside you, Lord Hokage." She commented.

He gave his infamous smile.

'Ah, the classic main character drawing people in for no reason other than them being them.' She thought as she could already feel a bond forming.

"Well, what's your goal?" He asked.

She looked back up in the sky with determination.

She spoke a sentence that would be looked back on several times in the future.

"My to be so strong, nobody can stop me from doing whatever I want to do."

'To become so strong, I achieve a status similar to Madara Uchiha.' Was left unsaid.


*This was the first power-up I was talking about. While it is true that high emotions UNLOCK the Sharingan, I decided to make it where she experienced so much of the Kyuubi's killing intent that it caused her to see herself die over and over and stressed her body out enough that her body truly believed that she was dying and wanted to live, so, it unlocked it completely.

However, like what happened, just because it's unlocked, doesn't mean she can use it. In her first year, her chakra levels are barely a 4th-year academy student and her control is about like a 5th-year student. They would both need to be Genin level for her to even use its full power for 5 minutes. After that, she needs to practice using it.

Another thing she'll need to work on is time perception. Her eyes and mind will move faster than her body at first, leaving her in a case similar to how Sasuke was when he first met Lee.