2 years later, The Blue Beast?

*Suki is now 7 years old at this point. I know that I have been time skipping a lot but that's because she is largely just training and hanging out with Sasuke and Naruto.


Suki is now in her third year at the academy and she continued to train harder than ever, being the top student in the Kenjutsu part of training the Uchiha clan gives.

After seeing her progress, her father took her out to get her a blade.

While she had already figured out which type of blade she would likely be using, she let her father grab any and every blade in the shop for her to try out, seeing as he's gotten busier over the years.

After 15 minutes, they decided to get two blades. One was a tanto with the length of the blade as long as her forearm with a sheathe on her back since her kunai holster was strapped to the upper, outer thigh.

The other blade was simply a katana, but it was chakra conductive and, through the use of seals, could return to her hand as long as the other seal needed was on her hand, which she immediately put on.

Her father told her that she would be using only the tanto until she graduated since the katana was too long for her right now.

Over the two years, she believes that she and Naruto are almost best friends while Sasuke is still a little wary of Naruto due to all the talk the adults say but definitely seemed to be getting along better than when they started.

She also got her chakra control and levels up to a recently graduated Genin, meaning that she can now use the Sharingan.

After seeing that she could now use it, her father trained her in it where she can now keep it active for 15 minutes if she doesn't use any chakra before her chakra gets too low.

She looked around the compound before heading to the academy.

'It's going to happen any day now.' She thought.

For the past few weeks, most of the clan has been acting off. Instead of spending time with other ninjas and civilians of the village, they started to isolate themselves. Even worse, they have started getting tense and are looking at each other cautiously, as if they expected someone to be an enemy.

'As awful as this may sound, Shisui needs to die. His Kotoamatsukami is an incredibly powerful genjutsu with the largest drawback being only able to be activated after a long amount of time.' She thought. 'The other downside is that Danzo manages to get an eye. It's only because he remains in the shadow that he doesn't use the ability in any major way until Sasuke fights him.'

"Hey Suki-chan, what are you thinking about?" Naruto asked, bringing her back to now.

"Oh, just wondering if we should try to see if there is anyone who can teach us more about taijutsu." She replied.

While it is true that the academy teaches them a basic style that is largely meant to give ninja a foundation for future styles, the Uchiha clan actually doesn't have their own fighting style. This was because they largely fought opponents with their Sharingan and react to their attacks.

The Academy style has too many flaws in it, explaining why it is largely used for foundations to create more, improved styles.

"Well, you can do that. I'll be using ninjutsu that will blow everyone away with their strength!" Naruto exclaimed.

Suki shook her head. "That's not a good mindset to have. Tell me, have you ever heard the phrase a jack of all trades?" Expecting a shake of his head, she continued. "The phrase goes 'A jack of all trades is a master of none-'"

"Sounds like someone who's a master can beat them easily." Naruto commented.

"I wasn't done." She sent a weak glare. "'A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often better than a master of one.' Meaning the jack often does better in life than someone who focuses on one thing."

Naruto looked confused so she sighed slightly. "Alright, let's explain it better. Who would win in a fight? A genjutsu user or a taijutsu user?"

"The taijutsu user, right?"

"In this situation, yes. While not stated, the three arts can be better against each other. Taijutsu is often better against Genjutsu, Genjutsu against Ninjutsu, and Ninjutsu against Taijutsu. However, with enough strength, the ones at a disadvantage can still win." She explained. "Now, what if the genjutsu user also practiced taijutsu?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "The genjutsu user?"

She nodded. "Because?"

"Because the genjutsu user can use taijutsu to fight off the other fighter until they can place them in a genjutsu?" He asked, realizing as he went.

"Correct. They would win because they have experience in two fields instead of just one."

"Yeah, well, I still like ninjutsu better." He grumbled.

'Yeah, because you'll be able to use techniques no one else will be able to due to how much chakra they use.' She thought with a deadpan in her head.

It was almost evening and they were about to head home until Suki heard something.

She heard something hitting a tree, a slight pause, another hit, a pause, repeat.

"I'll see you tomorrow Naruto." She told him.

"Huh? Do you need to head back early?"

"Yeah, sorry. Dad wanted me home early." She told before having a slight flinch.

"No problem, I'll see you later!" He told before running off back to his apartment.

She watched him leave before heading toward the sound.

As she got closer, she could start to hear someone.

"788...789...790...791..." She could hear with a smack in between each one.

She jumped onto a branch before continuing toward the sound before stopping when she arrived.

When she did, she noticed a smallish kid with a bowl cut, black hair, big eyebrows, circular black eyes, a complete green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers, and blue sandals.

'Must be Lee, but I'm surprised.' She thought. 'I figured he met Gai later but it seems he's already met him, considering the outfit.'

She stayed there for a few minutes before she felt something land on her branch.

She instinctively shot a hand down to her kunai pouch before her arm was grabbed.

"Friendly." The person muttered, releasing her arm.

As she moved the arm slightly to get rid of the feeling, she looked over and saw the person she was looking for.

'Might Gai, a master of the Strong Fist, a taijutsu style known to focus on breaking bones and causing injuries, often considered the opposite to the Hyuuga's Gentle Fist.' She thought. 'Also, the only one that I know who has stated to master the Eight Gates.'

The Eight Gates were 8 limiters the body places on itself to prevent harm to the body. While not much is known about it, Gai claims that if a Genin were to use the 8th gate, next to no one short of Kage level could put up a fight. Obviously, with power comes a cost. As one uses more gates, the more damage the body is placed under. Gai also warned that after using the 8th gate, the user dies.

"So," Gai started. "What's a young Uchiha doing out here this late?"

"I was on my way home when I heard a sound that ended up being this kid training. So, I stayed up here in the case he passed out." She made up on the spot.

While not her actual reason for staying, she would have done something if he passed out training. She knew that, excluding Gai, Lee likely became one of the strongest taijutsu users the Leaf had.

Gai placed his arm over his eyes where Suki could swear she could see tears.

"So young yet so full of youth!" He nearly exclaimed before he remembered his apprentice was down there training still. He placed his arm down before flashing his smile with a sparkle. "So, may I ask your name?"

"Suki." She didn't mention her clan since he apparently caught a glimpse of the fan on her back.

"So, Suki, are you interested in Taijutsu?" He asked.

She had thought on this for a while.

She had often thought that people really underestimated Taijutsu, or at least where it can take someone.

'If you are strong enough, you could break through any Earth style attack. If your body was strong enough, you could take next to no damage in a fistfight, thus making your only things to worry about being Nin and Genjutsu. However, with the Eight Gates, it causes your chakra to run rampant, thus getting rid of genjutsu. Now, if said person is fast enough, the only type of jutsu you'd need to worry about would be lightning, before even that could be avoided using chakra to increase their speed.'

While true that Taijutsu depends on the body's stamina, that is still better than how Genjutsu and Ninjutsu depend on chakra. If you push your body to its limit, the worse that can happen is an injury that can heal over time [excluding permanent injuries], the same can't be said for the other two.

If a person uses up ALL of their chakra, they WILL die. No ifs or buts. Not to mention, after using up too much, it can send even Jounin into needing to rest for a few days or more than a month depending on how severe their chakra exhaustion is.

"I am. Do you teach?"

"As a matter of fact, I do, since I don't have any Genin to lead as of yet." Gai told her.

"Will you train me?"

"As long as you bring that fire of youth you have!" He exclaimed with a fist clenched in front of him.

"Gai-sensei?" Lee asked aloud.

"Whoops." He muttered. He turned towards Suki before nodding his head, telling her to come down as well.

They both jumped down in front of him.

"Sorry to interrupt your youthful training Lee, but I've found you another person to train with!" Gai told him. He then gestured to her. "This is-"

"Suki Uchiha." Lee stated in shock.

This confused Gai and Suki herself.

They both thought the same thing.

'How does he know her/me?'

"You know my name?" Suki asked.

"Of course! Your teacher keeps on telling our teacher that he'll have a prodigy in his class next year."

"Oh? So you're a prodigy?" Gai asked.

"First I've heard of it. Sure, I'm basically at the top of my class in most categories, only seduction am I average. Though, that's largely because I don't like the class." She explained. She then looked at Lee before realizing that she shouldn't know Lee's name. "So, what's your name?"

"Oh! I am Rock Lee."

"Rock Lee? Where have I heard that name?"

Lee turned a little depressed. "I'm the student who can't form any ninjutsu or genjutsu."

Suki snapped her fingers. "That's where." His mood worsened.

Gai was watching the conversation closely.

"So, you must be focusing on taijutsu right?"

He nodded, his mood changing towards slight confusion since she hasn't made fun of him or told him to give up.

"Tell you what," She pointed her thumb at herself. "When we spar together, I won't use any ninjutsu or genjutsu."

She made this condition for the fact that this would constantly show her how her own progress goes without chakra enhancing her body. That way when she needs to be faster or stronger, she still can be.

Lee stared at her in shock while Gai...

Gai was Gai.

"Such heat! Such potential! So much flames of youth!" He exclaimed.

He pointed at her. "From now on, how would you like to be Lee's rival!"

Suki smirked and looked at Lee.

"How about it? Every week here on the weekends?"

Lee closed his eyes tight and clenched his fist before opening them with some tears at the bottom of his eyes and giving a snotty smile.


"So, since Lee is my apprentice and you have joined him, I'll be teaching both of you on the weekend you two don't spar, Tuesdays, and Thursdays." Gai told Suki.

Suki nodded. "Anything you suggest I do to be ready for those days?"

He smiled before pulling a few things out of his pouch.

She deadpanned. "I'm not wearing a green jumpsuit."

He bent down before putting it back into his pouch. He then held out two orange arm warmers with slots on them.

"Any other colors?" She asked.

He held his chin before reaching into his pouch one more time before pulling out blue arm warmers and black leg warmers.

"I'll take those."

Gai handed them to her where she immediately felt their weight.

"How heavy are these? They feel like 40 pounds!" She groaned, having to use chakra to hold them.

"Correct, they're 15 for the leg warmers and 5 for the arm warmers." He gestured to Lee. "You have some catching up to do because he is already wearing 40 pounds per leg. He's not wearing any arm warmers because he already knows that he'll specialize in kicks first before focusing on his arms after his legs are ready."

Suki looked at Lee in shock and a little in awe.

'If he was maybe 13-15, that would be seen as normal, but he's 8! At 8 years old, Lee is wearing 80 pounds of weight already and I can barely hold 40!'

Suki's eyes narrowed. 'Any ninja worth their Ryo could hold my weights with one hand with little to no notice.'

She made a promise right there. "I'll catch up to you Lee, and when I do, you'll need to take them off to keep up with me!"

Lee had a confident face on and nodded, accepting her challenge.

Gai was thinking something that caused an individual currently reading in his apartment to shiver.

'Lee found his eternal rival!'

His thinking was stopped short when he felt several chakra signatures approaching them at a quick pace. He flashed his chakra signature twice, pause, once, pause, thrice, once.

The chakra signature in the front responded with once, twice, pause, once, thrice, once.

He sighed internally, recognizing the coded response as ANBU.

"Alright, that'll be enough training for the night." Gai told them.

He would have continued before the 4 ANBU members appeared suddenly.

"Suki Uchiha, Lord Hokage has called you." A member with a tiger mask instructed.

"May I ask why?" She asked, using the fact she was seven to her advantage.

His statement caused her world to shatter.

"The Uchiha clan has been attacked."


Suki will be focusing more on Taijutsu more than Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. However, that does NOT mean she won't be using them.

So the plot has begun. Someone has attacked the Uchiha clan.

What will this mean for the future? What has happened to her father, Kazuma? How will she take the news?

Find out next chapter on To Become Godly.