The call

The next day

Brooks was in the Dojo, about to leave when he got a call. He frowned and said "Hello?" Amanda said "Brooks! How are you?" Brooks said "Good, you? Is there something the matter?" Amanda said "No there's no problem, someone wants to talk to you, hold on."

Brooks was silent and he heard a woman's voice say "Brooks?" Brooks frowned and said "Well, well, well. Look who it is. How was Mexico?" the rest of the class looked at him, Brooks added "Oh! Wait wait! Let me guess! The guy you were banging dropped you like a bad habit and you found out you were evicted?"

The other end was silent before Brooks heard sobbing sounds, he sneered and shouted "Good! Cry! Go back to whoring around every bar you see. In case you haven't noticed, I want absolutely nothing to do with you. Don't think I don't know what you're doing, you might be able to fool everyone else but you won't earn sympathy points with me. Go stock up on pills and alcohol with your own fucking money and stop pretending to be a pitiful mother. Cunt." before hanging up.

He gripped his phone tightly and kicked the door of the Dojo, before leaving. Everybody else was stunned and Johnny watched from the office, Tory chased after him and Miguel looked at Johnny, who nodded and left. The rest left silently.

Brooks got into his car and drove away immediately, not wanting to talk to anyone. Tory got out of the Dojo to see Brooks driving away and disappear. She sighed and Johnny came out saying "Where is he?" Tory shook her head and said "I don't know." Johnny said "Get in hotshot were going to find him." Miguel came out with Lily and said "Wait for us!" Hawk said "You have room for one more right?"

Johnny sighed and said "It's more like a 2 person job..." Miguel, Lily, and Hawk ignored him and sat in the back seat. Johnny sighed again and said "Where to first, class..."

Brooks stopped back home and parked however before kicking the door into the apartment and slamming it shut. He rifled through the fridge and grabbed a 6 pack or Coors before reaching under the sink and grabbing a bottle of vodka. He turned on the Tv and drank from the Coors before grinding his teeth and shouting "Fucking bitch!" as he threw a beer bottle and broke the Tv.

He picked up the vodka and drank from it, walking outside, leaving the door wide open. He walked out and sat on the hill near the complex before drinking and looking out in the distance.

Johnny and the rest went back to the apartment to see the broken Tv and the beer bottles everywhere, but no Brooks. Hawk said "Nice house." Miguel looked around and said "He was here at least. He wasn't at the last three places we checked." Johnny looked at the beer bottle on the floor and said "He just left too. Let's go. Diaz, Mills, Hawk, clean up around here."

Miguel, Lily, and Hawk were stunned and Miguel said "But Sensei!" Johnny shouted "Quiet!" the three tensed up and Johnny said "This is a family issue, Hotshot here is a part of it. Just listen to me, okay?" Tory smiled warmly and the three nodded. Johnny said "We'll be back soon, don't leave." before leaving with Tory.

Johnny and Tory looked around the complex before seeing Brooks' back sitting on the hill. Johnny was relieved and walked over.

Brooks was looking out and heard someone coming, he turned around and saw Johnny and Tory and he said "What." Johnny said "Heard the phone call, you alright man?" Tory said "Brooks..." she felt sad for him, knowing what he told her.

Brooks turned back and said "I'm fine." Johnny said "Listen, man. You're obviously not fine." Brooks shouted "I'm fine, man! Just leave me alone!" Johnny sighed and looked at Tory, who nodded and walked over before sitting next to him as she said softly "Brooks.. I know you're upset but I'm here to help you."

Brooks was silent and Tory smiled a bit as she said "We rely on each other remember? You can tell me anything." Brooks looked out and said "You want to know what I did before, dad?" Johnny said "What do you mean?"

Brooks said "Just to pay her fucking bills I had to get a Collector job and..." he paused before continuing "Every penny I gave her went right into the garbage. I was paying food, bills, Robby's school, clothes, everything."

Johnny frowned and said "What about the money I gave her?" Brooks laughed and said "Alcohol and pills. There wasn't a moment she was sober my entire life... Now she calls me.. for what? Probably more money. She ditched Robby and spent weeks in Mexico with some douchebag, now she wants sympathy?!"

He teared up as he said "What a joke! I'm done." Johnny walked over and patted his head saying "It's alright, man. Just relax." Tory rubbed his back and said "You can cry, it's okay." Brooks wiped his eyes and took a deep breath before saying "No. I'm fine. I'm just angry, I'll be okay."

Tory was about to say something when Johnny said "Hotshot, go back." Tory nodded and kissed Brooks' cheek before saying softly "I'll be at your house." Brooks nodded and she left. Johnny sat next to him and grabbed the vodka from his hands before saying "Is this mine?"

Brooks said "I already left the Dojo, I wasn't going to go back to go to the mini mart. That's not badass." Johnny laughed and drank from the bottle saying "That would've been a pretty pussy move." Brooks chuckled and Johnny said "You know... When you and Robby were born I was across the street drowning myself in beers trying to get the courage to walk across the street."

Brooks looked at Johnny, who sighed and said "I never got there. Your grandmother just died and I was terrified of being a father. Eventually I just left altogether and went to a bar. I don't remember much but I do remember.. Well that's not important. What is important is that it's the biggest regret of my life. If only I was there. If only I had the balls to walk across the street."

He shook his head and drank from the bottle again as he continued "I know you're upset and angry, but remember you only get one set of real parents in this world. Don't do something you're going to regret for the rest of your life because of weakness or anger." Johnny patted Brooks' shoulder and said "Despite what you think of me, I'm proud of you."

Brooks looked at Johnny and his eyes became moist, Johnny smiled and dug in his pockets before saying "I want you to have this." as he took out his signature black headband. Brooks was shocked and said "Dad! but yo-" Johnny said "I know. It's extremely important to me and I want you to have it. Ali is in the past, who knows when I'll see her again. Just promise me you'll take care of it."

Brooks held the headband with shaky hands as tears fell from his eyes, dripping on the headband. He gripped it tightly and hugged Johnny for the first time in his life. Johnny was startled and slowly patted his back with a smile on his face.

Brooks pulled back and sniffed as he rubbed his eyes and said "That never happened." Johnny smirked and said "Right, right." Brooks chuckled and wrapped the headband around his head. Johnny gave him a thumbs up saying "Not too bad, kid."

Brooks said "I look better than you?" Johnny raised his hand and said "Woah, let's not get carried away." Brooks laughed and Johnny said "Let's go back." as he got up and left, Brooks followed after him.

Brooks walked in the house and Hawk shouted "Surprise!" Brooks felt his mouth twitch as he said "It's not my birthday..." Hawk said "I've always wanted to do that." Brooks felt his entire face twitch and Miguel said "You alright?" Brooks smiled and said "Yeah. That's why you guys are here?" Hawk shrugged and smirked "I just wanted to see Sensei's house." Lily chimed in "Miguel dragged me along."

Brooks grinned and hooked his arm around Hawk's neck and ruffled Lily's hair as he said "Aww, people care about me!" Lily slapped his hand away and said in disgust "Who cares about you?" Hawk chuckled and said "By the way.. There's a huge party tonight.." he paused for a few seconds before saying through gritted teeth "At Moon's house."

Brooks looked at him and said "What happened to Moon, by the way?" Hawk's face got dark and he said angrily "She broke up with me for beating Dimitri up. The same night I trashed Miyagi-Do." Brooks said "Ohhhh. That's why you trashed Miyagi-Do? I thought you didn't have enough during the day."

Hawk nodded and Brooks grabbed Miguel's collar, dragging him on the floor as he walked to his room and said "Well unless she likes girls, you'll get her back tonight. I guarantee it!" Johnny shouted "Don't break anything. I can't afford it." Lily gave him a look of disdain and Johnny looked at her before saying "I know your mom. Sit down and shut up."

Lily's face turned ugly and she sat down on the couch, Tory looked at her and laughed.

A few minutes

Brooks walked out with Hawk and Miguel and said "New look for Hawk. He doesn't look like he gets all his clothes from the sports section at Target now!" Hawk rubbed his nose and said "Did I really look like that?" Brooks nodded and Hawk sighed.

Johnny looked over and saw Brooks' outfit before saying "Nice!" Brooks was wearing the black headband with the red leather Cobra Kai jacket which had the sleeves rolled up as usual, a white t-shirt, ripped jeans with the bottoms rolled up and high top converse sneakers. His hair was all over the place for once and looked even better than the slicked back look.

Brooks grinned and said "Let's go?" Lily and Tory nodded and Johnny said "If I'm not back when you get back, I'm on my date." Brooks said "You got a date?! With who?" Johnny shook his head and the door opened, Carmen walked in and said "Johnny are you ready?"

Miguel, Brooks, Johnny, and Carmen froze.

Brooks coughed and said "Huh? Where am I?" as he dragged Miguel out of the house and left, the other three followed them quickly and they left. Brooks sat in the driver's seat and sped away saying "Man, what a fucking guy! Too cool!" Miguel said "BRO! THAT'S MY MOM!"

Brooks said "So? Keep it in the Dojo." Miguel was speechless and the other three decided not to comment, Brooks whistled and turned up the volume on the music as the car went to Moon's house.

A while later

Brooks parked in Moon's driveway and they all got out before walking inside. The rest of Cobra Kai was there too and they all cheered, Brooks smiled and waved to everyone before saying "What's up guys." Aisha came over and said "You alright?" Brooks smirked and said "What can get me down? Where's the drinks!" everyone cheered and they started drinking and partying.