Intellectual warfare

Brooks woke up in Tory's hospital room, he was currently leaning over the railing and Tory was hugging his head between her peaks with a blissful smile on her face. Brooks pulled out and slowly kissed her lips before backing away and putting the snake plushie in her arms, Tory was still asleep and smiled happily, squeezing the plushie tightly as she slept.

Brooks smiled warmly and left the hospital.

A while later

Brooks was sitting in the cafeteria, talking with Hawk as he juggled a soccer ball. Brooks shook his head and said "I haven't seen Migs all day." Hawk added "Lily neither? Maybe they broke up?" Brooks looked at Hawk and said "Looking to move in?" Hawk looked awkward and said "Ehhh.." Brooks chuckled and shook his head saying "Easy. Wait to see what's really going on." Hawk just chuckled awkwardly.

Brooks looked over to see Dimitri showing off a Lego volcano, he rubbed his chin and said "That's actually pretty cool..." Hawk looked over and saw the scene, a few of the students looked at Brooks, who smirked and said "What? Have you ever seen a Lego volcano that actually started smoking?" the res had awkward expressions and looked away as Brooks laughed.

Hawk kicked his ball and it flew through the air, smashing into the Lego Volcano. Hawk walked over and said "Sorry man, my ball just got away from me." Dimitri replied "That took me 3 weeks to build!" Hawk caught his ball and said with a smile "Took my ball 3 seconds to destroy." before walking away.

Dimitri looked at the destroyed Legos before walking over and saying "Another week another pissing contest, though I should be surprised since you love pissing so much." Hawk's face got dark and he said "Watch it, loser." Brooks chimed in curiously "By the way, how did you get it to emit smoke like that?"

Everybody just looked at him and Brooks said "What?" they sighed and looked away, pretended not to know him. Sam walked over and said "Leave him alone." Hawk looked at her and said "I don't think it's your business, princess." Brooks added "Yeah, it's not like there are anymore guys you can cheat on here." as he ate his food.

Sam slapped his tray to the ground and the surrounding students froze. Brooks turned his icy gaze to Sam before faking a scared look as he said "Sam, why are you bullying me!" the students were stunned before hearing the principal saying "What's going on here, Ms. Larusso!?"

Sam turned around and the rest understood immediately, the principal looked at Brooks and said "Are you okay, Mr. Lawrence?" Brooks looked at the ground sadly and replied "It's okay, but that was the only food I had today..." he sighed and added "I have to work all the time just to pay bills and I can't afford any more lunch."

He looked so aggrieved and sad, the surrounding students were shocked before glaring at Sam. Some of the student who didn't know better started shouting "What the hell, Larusso!" "It wasn't enough that you put his girlfriend in the hospital?!" "What a bitch!" The situation was spiraling out of control and Brooks almost started crying as his eyes glazed over.

The principal said "That's it. Ms. Larusso, my office. Now." Sam was stunned and Dimitri said "He's faking it!" The principal looked at Dimitri and said "Would you like to join her, Mr. Johnstrom?" Dimitri was stunned and the principal said "Enough, both of you come with me. Now." before storming off and adding "And clean up these Legos! Someone could get hurt!" as she left.

Brooks flashed a sinister grin and whispered "Wait for me, Princess. I will make your life miserable." Sam was so angry, she clenched her fists and stomped off. Dimitri looked at Brooks and said "You're sick." before following after her, they both disappeared from the cafeteria and Brooks went to normal as he picked up the tray.

The Cobra Kai guys were stunned and Hawk said "How did y-" Brooks looked at everyone and said softly "Did you guys forget what Sensei said? Fight smart." he winked at them and grinned as he bit a piece of bread from someone else's tray. The rest chuckled and grinned, Hawk nudged Brooks and said "You ever try acting?"

Brooks pushed him away and laughed "Shut up, bro." Hawk just laughed.

A while later

Brooks was walking on the soccer field in a red pinnie with the rest of Cobra Kai, Brooks looked to his side and moved over. He grabbed Moon and said "Moon!" Moon was startled and said "Yeah?" Brooks pulled her to the side and said "You're friends with Lily, right?" Moon nodded and said "Yeah, but I haven't seen her today." Brooks frowned and said "You don't know where she is?"

Moon shook her head and Brooks sighed, Moon asked "Why?" Brooks told her what happened yesterday and then added "Miguel isn't here either." Moon frowned and said "I'll try texting her." Brooks smiled and said "Thanks Moon, you're an honest to god angel!"

Moon smiled and Brooks ruffled her hair before leaving. Moon grumbled and fixed her hair as he left.

Hawk looked at Brooks, who gave him an eye roll as he said "Easy. You need to get over it, she liked girl or whatever." Hawk looked away and Brooks grabbed his shoulder as he said seriously "She hasn't seen Lily either. I can reach either of them." Hawk frowned and said "Did you call?" Brooks nodded saying "Obviously." Hawk said "Maybe they're both just staying at home."

Brooks frowned and mumbled "Why is everybody such a pussy..." Hawk chuckled and they got into position to play soccer. The other team was basically Miyagi-Do, Brooks exchanged a glance with Hawk and they both grinned, they looked back and the rest grinned too.

Brooks smirked and the game started. Hawk got the ball and passed to Brooks, who lined up and smashed the ball with his foot, shooting it out and nailing Sam right in the face. Brooks chuckled and took the ball back, moving past her before kicking it in the air and headbutting it over to Hawk.

Hawk smirked and jumped up next to Dimitri, headbutting him instead of the ball before saying "Oops, I missed the ball." as he got the ball and started playing again. Hawk scored and ran back to the team, exchanging high-fives.

Brooks laughed and fell back to the rest as Sam started with the ball, Brooks ran up and Sam kicked in between his legs. Brooks stopped and turned around, shooting out his elbow and smashing her in the face before running after the ball. The gym teacher blew a whistle and said "Watch the contact!" Brooks shouted "Sorry, boss!" the teacher just waved and Brooks continued.

Hawk slid for the ball and swept Dimitri's legs out from under him, that really looked like an accident. Well it would have been, had Hawk not stomped at Dimitri's shins. Nevertheless, it was too close to call it malicious and Hawk got a warning.

Hawk got up and smirked as he ran away after the ball. Brooks saw the ball in the air and jumped up, kicking over his head. He kicked the ball towards the net while also following through and kicking Sam in the face. The gym teacher had enough and said "That's it! Everyone to the principal's office, now!"

Brooks stopped and looked at the teacher saying "Ms. Johnson, it was an accident!" Ms. Johnson said "I know, but it was getting violent. I don't want anyone getting hurt. I'll explain the situation." Brooks gave her a smile and followed her to the principal's office with everyone else.

Brooks helped Hawk off the ground and said "Nice, headbutt." Hawk grinned and replied "Nice, high-kick." they both chuckled and left the field.

A while later

They were all standing in front of the principal's office. The principal looked at Cobra Kai and said "You're all free to go." she turned to Miyagi-Do and said "As for the rest of you, a non-punitive detention this Saturday. On top of the detention you already have." Sam shouted "This is bullshit!" The principal said "Ms. Larusso! I think you'll need an extra week."

Brooks said pitifully "Thank you, Principal. There's no need for an extra week, Ms. Larusso is just upset-" Sam cut him off and shouted angrily "Go fuck yourself, asshole! You're faking everything!" The principal glared at her and said "Ms. Larusso! You know what, for the next month you will have detention!"

She turned back to Brooks and said "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lawrence. But this is my decision." Brooks sighed and said "Thank you, Principal. We'll be going now." The principal nodded and Brooks left with the rest.

They turned the corner and Brooks grinned as he fist bumped with the others. Hawk chuckled silently as they all left.

A while later

Brooks went to the hospital after school, since Kreese went somewhere and cancelled training for the day. Brooks stepped in Tory's room and saw her smiling at him with an excited expression. Brooks was confused and Doctor Klein turned around saying "Good news!"

Brooks rubbed his palms together and said "She's healed?!" Doctor Klein had an awkward expression as she said "No.. But you can take her out today." Brooks was stunned before his expression turned excited and he looked at Tory, who smiled happily.

Brooks said quickly "Alright, lets do it then!" Doctor Klein smiled and pointed to the wheelchair. Brooks said "I'm not gonna have to pay for the wheelchair right?" Doctor Klein froze and said "That's not necessary.." Brooks rolled his eyes and said "Oh wow, something you don't charge for. What a surprise.."

Doctor Klein rolled her eyes and puffed her cheeks like a little girl as she said "Just get out of here. You're always taking up my time." before leaving the room in a huff. Brooks was stunned and Tory giggled as she said "Even seducing doctors now, I see." Brooks quipped "I had to sacrifice my body to pay for your bills!"

Tory laughed and held out her arms cutely, Brooks brought the wheelchair over and lifted Tory into the wheelchair before packing up all her things and saying "Let's go see your mom." Tory smiled happily and nodded, Brooks slung a bag over his shoulder and pushed her out of the room.

A few minutes later

Brooks pushed Tory into Claire's room. Claire looked over and smiled "My baby!" Tory teared up and said "Mom!" Brooks pushed her next to the bed and walked out of the room. Tory and Claire watched him go and he closed the door.

Claire looked at Tory, who was still looking at the door, and smiled as she said "Aww, my baby is in love?" Tory blushed and kept silent, Claire laughed and said "I already know, sweetheart. He visit's me for an hour everyday before going to you." Tory was stunned and said "He does?"

Claire nodded with a smile before sighing "He's a good boy, it's a pity he..." she stopped and just shook her head, Tory asked "He what?" Claire just smiled and changed the subject "So you're leaving?" Tory nodded and said "Yeah. Apparently he bought a house, so I guess we're going there."

Claire smiled and said "Very responsible of him. How did he get the money to afford a house?" Tory smiled and lied "I don't know." Claire's eyes flashed as she said "He told you?" Tory was startled and said "You know?!" Claire simply smiled and said "Sweetheart, I knew since the beginning." Tory was silent before tearing up and saying shakily "I pushed him into it, I feel so bad.. I-"

Claire cut her off and said "Baby, it's not your fault. If he didn't want to do it, he wouldn't have done it." she looked at Tory and added "But you're okay with it?" Tory wiped her eyes and said "He sacrificed so much for me... Am I supposed to abandon him?"

Claire just smiled and said "You've really grown up, Tory." Tory smiled and Claire added "Tell him to come inside. I want to talk with him." Tory nodded and left the room.

Brooks walked in the room and said "What's up." Claire laughed and said "Getting antsy to leave? Usually you're supposed to be polite to your mother-in-law." Brooks was stunned and said "Mother-in-law?!" Claire laughed again and said "Sit."

Brooks sat down and Claire said seriously "Blessed in death, disgraced in life." Brooks narrowed his eyes and said "Who are you." Claire smirked and said "Just a simple sick woman, the question is who are YOU." Brooks was silent for a moment before saying "Nobody, at least I am now." Claire raised a brow and said "Out?"

Brooks nodded and said "I'm finished." Claire looked at him silently before saying "I hope so.." Brooks said firmly "I'm never going back and if they come after me, they won't survive to tell the tale." Claire's eyes flashed as she smiled and said "If anything happens to my daughter, I will kill you."

Brooks said seriously "I will protect her with my life. They will have to stomp on my corpse to get to her." Claire hummed and said "For your sake, you better hope that's the case." Brooks just grinned slyly and said "Of course, why would I lie to my mother-in-law?" Claire was stunned before laughing and saying "Get out of here, you." Brooks chuckled and left the room.

Claire watched him go but there was something she didn't tell him. She didn't just know the secret code... She was the one who made it.