New Recruits

Brooks drove Tory to the old apartment complex. Tory looked around and said "What are we doing here?" Brooks turned off the car and said "You don't want to see your brother?" Tory said "He's here?!" Brooks nodded and helped Tory out of the car, putting her in the wheelchair before pushing her to Miguel's house.

Johnny came out of the house and said "Brooks?" Brooks looked over and said "Hey, man. What's up?" Johnny shrugged and said "Same old shit.." he walked over and smiled at Tory as he added "How are you?" Tory smiled in return and said "Can't walk." Johnny frowned and said "That's not good.."

Brooks coughed and said "We're working on it.." Tory just smiled and Johnny was silent, Brooks knocked on Miguel's door and Rosa answered saying "Oh Brooks?" before seeing Tory and saying in surprise "Tory?" Tory smiled and Rosa said "Peter!" Peter ran over and saw Tory, he brightened up and jumped into her lap, hugging her as he shouted "Sis!"

Tory smiled and hugged him as she started talking to Rosa about Peter.

Johnny pulled Brooks to the side and said "What are you going to do now, kid." Brooks said "I got a house near the school. Probably gonna bring her there, but she can't go to school until she can walk again. So I'll have to cut the rehabilitation time by a lot, with everything I have going on in the day, I can probably get a few hours max.."

Johnny suddenly said "Why don't you leave her with me." Brooks was startled and said "What? Why?" Johnny said "I don't have anything to do anymore, and since you're busy, I'll do her rehab for you. Plus she was my student, I'm just as responsible for her as you are... Also, she's your girlfriend and I'm your dad, I can take care of her."

Brooks was silent and looked over at Tory, who was playing with Peter happily. Johnny added "Her brother is at Miguel's, they'll be close." Brooks looked at Johnny and said "Why?" Johnny sighed and said "You think I don't know how hard you've been working since the accident? Look at yourself, man. You look like shit. Let me take over."

Brooks took a deep breath and said "Only if she agrees." Johnny smirked and said "No problem." as he patted Brooks' shoulder, they walked over to Tory and Johnny pulled her away as he said "Well talk later." Rosa nodded and Peter went back inside, waving bye to Tory.

Tory waved and the door closed.

Johnny said "Brooks, give us some space." Brooks pointed at himself and said "But I-" Johnny shouted "Quiet!" Brooks tensed up and robotically walked away. Tory giggled and Johnny said seriously "Remember what we talked about in the hospital?"

Tory got serious and nodded, Johnny continued "Listen, that kid has sacrificed a lot. I'm taking over, we'll get you walking and fighting again. Without his help." Tory looked at Brooks, who was looking over anxiously, she said firmly "I'll do it." Johnny smirked and said "Good."

The next day

Brooks went to school as usual and saw Lily sitting with the Cobra Kai guys at a table in the cafeteria. Brooks sat down and said "Hey." Lily looked over and Brooks said "Where's Migs?" Lily clenched her fists and Hawk made a 'No' motion with his hands. Brooks was confused and Lily said through gritted teeth "Look around you."

Brooks looked around before seeing Miguel sitting with Sam and the rest of Miyagi-Do, Dimitri was absent. Brooks frowned and said "What's he doing over there?" Lily crushed the cup in her hands as she spat "He's seeing if, Princess is okay. He left Cobra Kai."

Brooks was startled and Lily added "Seems like he's getting along with Miyagi-Do." she sneered and continued "After what Hawk did to Dimitri yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if they walk around us from now on." Brooks was confused and said "What happened yesterday?"

Lily smirked and said "Hawk broke Dimitri's arm." Hawk stayed silent and Brooks was stunned before saying "Nice, dude!" and high-fiving him, adding "No mercy!" Hawk said quietly "Yeah..." Brooks turned to Lily and said "And you?" Lily rolled her eyes and said "Larusso didn't bother to fight and hid, watching Dimitri's arm get broken."

Brooks sneered "What a pussy." Hawk watched silently and they ate their food. Brooks kept glancing in Miguel's direction and saw Sam laughing with him, he frowned and continued eating silently.

A while later

Brooks was standing in the Dojo, stretching with Lily and Hawk. Lily looked at Hawk and said "You know, I didn't think you were actually going to break his arm." Hawk was silent before saying "Yeah, well they got what they deserved for what they did to Tory."

Brooks was silent and pushed on Lily's back before saying "Sensei said we decided when the war is over. They haven't paid nearly enough for what they did." Lily and Hawk looked at Brooks, who added with a dark expression "I won't stop."

He let go of Lily's back and walked to a mouse cage, he grabbed a mouse and threw it in the snake tank as he said "Even if I have to beat Miguel to get to Larusso."

The Cobra snapped at the mouse and killed it.

Kreese walked out of the office and the door to the Dojo opened, the class looked over and saw a bunch of people walking in. Brooks narrowed his eyes at Kyler and the fat kid who was always with him. Hawk walked to Kreese and said "Sensei, I don't think these guys are Cobra Kai material."

Kreese said "Sure they are. Look around you, most of these kids aren't natural athletes. What we need is a purge." Hawk was silent for a few seconds before saying "Yes, Sensei." and falling back, Kreese said "Class! Circle up."

The class circled up. Brooks stood in between Hawk and Lily and Kreese paced as he said "Joining Cobra Kai is a privilege, it's not a gift. Recruits must earn their positions in this Dojo, prepare yourself for combat, only the strong will survive. Now fall in."

Kyler and the fat kid walked to an open spot before stopping and saying "Yo, isn't that Lip?" the fat kid laughed and said "Yo, Lip! Didn't even notice you with the new cut! Hahaha!" Hawk clenched his fist and stayed silent.

Kreese pointed at Kyler and said "You begin." Brooks looked at Kyler with a sinister grin as he stepped forward, Kreese looked at Brooks and said "You want it?" Brooks' grin widened as he answered "I need a punching bag today." Kreese chuckled and said "Very well."

Brooks stepped to the mat and kept his hands down as he said to Kyler "Want revenge, rice bowl? Come get it." Kyler didn't wait for Kreese to say start and charged at Brooks while shouting.

Brooks side stepped and kneed Kyler in the face, he grabbed Kyler's head and sneered "Come on, show some spirit, pussy." as he pulled his head back and slammed his fist into his face. Brooks swept Kyler's feet and slammed him on the ground.

Kreese opened his mouth but Brooks already grabbed Kyler's collar and started punching him in the face over and over, without end, as a hateful expression appeared on his face. He wasn't looking at Kyler but someone else, someone he hated with every fiber of his being.

Lily and Hawk quickly pulled Brooks off of Kyler when they noticed he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Brooks sneered as he was pulled away with bloody fists, Kreese nodded with a smirk and said "Good. Never show mercy. Someone get him off the mat." a student pulled Kyler off the mat and left him on the floor before returning.

Kreese chose the black girl next and Lily fought her, well it was more like she destroyed her. The black girl didn't even have a chance to fight back and ended up losing with a chipped tooth. The black girl glared at Lily, who sneered and said "Go return that outfit. This isn't the corner you work at." before walking back in line.

Kreese told her to get off the mat and chose the fat kid, Hawk stepped out with a hateful expression and snarled "He's mine." Kreese raised a brow and smirked as he nodded, Hawk took off the upper part of his Gi and showed off his new tattoo, previously he had a moon on his chest that said 'Moon' on the inside, but now it was a Grim Reaper holding a grey scythe.

What followed was even more brutal than Brooks, as Hawk brutalized the fat kid who used to bully him. Sitting on the fat kid and hammering his face with a flurry of punches, splashing blood all over the place.

Unlike Brooks, however, Hawk got off the fat kid and spit on him as he walked back to his spot. Kreese grinned as he looked at Lily, Brooks, and Hawk, before turning to the new recruits and continuing the battles.

When everyone was done, Kreese said "Alright, that's enough for today. Clean up."

A while later

Brooks went to Johnny's house, he walked inside and saw Johnny holding a rope attached to a harness that was holding Tory up, while Miguel was looking through pictures on his phone. Brooks smiled and said "How's the progress?" Miguel was silent and Johnny said "Not bad. She's getting there."

Tory smiled and said "How are you, killer?" Brooks brightened up and left the case of beer on the table as he said "Great! Let me tell you what happened today.." he explained what happened with the new recruits and laughed by himself when he described what he did to Kyler.

Tory had a sad look on her face as she looked at Brooks, Johnny was silent and Miguel was the same. Brooks noticed something was off and said "What's wrong?" he walked forward and checked over Tory as he said "Are you okay?"

Tory said "Why did you do that?" Brooks was confused and said "What do you mean?" Tory said "Since the accident, you've changed..." Brooks frowned and said "What does that mean?" Miguel said "She's right, you're not the same as before-"

Brooks shouted angrily "Shut it traitor! Don't think I didn't see you hanging around Larusso at lunch!" Miguel sighed and kept silent, Johnny said "Brooks, just calm down. Remember what I taught you-" Brooks said "Show mercy?"

Brooks pointed at Tory and said "Look what your mercy did!" his face twisted as he shouted "She's in a fucking wheelchair! Yeah, she's getting better, but do you know what she went through?!" Johnny just sighed and Tory shook her head with tears in her eyes as she said "You're not my Killer..."

Brooks was stunned and said "What?" Tory shouted "You heard me! You're different! You're angry at everything! You're not the same anymore!" Brooks took a step back and said "Porky.. I-" Tory cut him off and stepped forward as she shouted in his face "I'm not your Porky! Not when you're like this! I want my killer back!"

She face was covered in tears and she slapped him as she said "You think it's cool breaking arms and beating in faces?! You're not the same guy I fell in love with!" she held his face and said "Brooks, I will always love you, but this isn't you... Come back to me."

Brooks shook her off and said "No! They will pay for hurting you!" he backed off and looked at them all as he said "You two are abandoning me too?" Tory looked at him sadly and Johnny was silent, but he wasn't holding the rope anymore.

Brooks snorted and left the house, wiping his eyes with his sleeve as he left. Tory went to the door but it closed right in front of her, she started bawling her eyes out. Johnny patted her shoulder and said "It's okay, kid. He'll come around, Kreese just got in his head."

Tory hugged Johnny and cried loudly on his shirt, Johnny patted her back looking a bit awkward. Miguel was stunned and said "Sensei!" Johnny said "What?" Miguel pointed to the rope and then at Tory.

Johnny was shocked and pulled away from Tory, witnessing her stand there by herself constantly wiping her eyes. Johnny said "Hotshot! Look!" Tory opened her puffy red eyes and said "What." Johnny point at the rope across the room. Tory was stunned and looked at herself before erupting into a happy expression as she grabbed her phone.

Her movements froze and she started crying again saying "He.. He's still gone..." Johnny snapped his fingers in front of her and said "You want him back?" Tory nodded and Johnny said "There's only one way." Miguel and Tory listened attentively and Johnny said "You're gonna have to beat the sense back into him."

Miguel and Tory let out breaths and Tory said "How is that going to work?" Johnny said "I know what he's going through. Because a long time ago, I was the same." he sighed and said "Larusso beat the sense into me but I still lost the girl. Anyway after that fight, I realized Kreese was a maniac. Now you need to do the same."

Tory and Miguel were stunned and Tory said "Is it the only way?" Johnny said seriously "Do you want him back or not?" Tory said firmly "Want." Johnny nodded and said "Good. Then let's do this."

Later that night

Brooks fell onto his bed at the house he bought and stared at the ceiling angrily.


Tory laid down in Brooks' old bed, clenching the sheets tightly as her eyes slowly grew determined and she mumbled "I will save you, killer." before closing her eyes and falling asleep.