The meeting

A week passed

Brooks was sitting in the cafeteria, eating silently. Lily finally couldn't take it and said "What's your problem? You've been like this for a week!" Brooks was silent and Hawk added "Yeah, man. You can tell us."

Brooks said "Me and Tory... We had a fight.. I haven't seen her for a week." Lily and Hawk were stunned and in disbelief, Lily said quickly "What happened?!" Brooks explained the situation with an ugly face, Hawk was silent and Lily said "Who needs her?" Brooks glared at her and said dangerously "Watch your mouth."

Lily clicked her tongue and turned away, Brooks snorted and went back to eating. Hawk watched Brooks in thought before turning to the entrance to the cafeteria before being stunned and nudging Brooks as he said "Look!"

Brooks turned and he froze before standing up saying "Porker?!"

Tory looked over and pain flashed in her eyes, Brooks rushed over and squeezed her legs as he said excitedly "You're healed?!" Tory was silent for a moment before she said with choked emotions "Killer, I-" Brooks dragged her away saying happily "We need to celebrate! Let's ditch and go eat-"

Tory shook him off and said "No.. Killer.. I... I don't want to see you right now." Brooks froze and said absentmindedly "What?" Tory shook her head and said "I'm sorry.." as she ran away with tears in her eyes.

Brooks was rooted to the spot in shock, Lily said "Brooks, are y-" as she touched his shoulder, Brooks slapped her hand away and shouted "Fuck off!" Lily was startled and stepped back with a sigh.

Brooks scanned the cafeteria to see everyone looking at him, he clenched his fists and left through the door leading to outside. Whispers exploded when he left, making the students from Cobra Kai's faces turn ugly.

Brooks sat on the steps outside and lit a cigarette shakily, he touched his face and felt the hot tears running down. He wiped his eyes and hugged his knees, for the first time in his life he felt alone and cold. Everything he did was for her, so why did she turn her back on him?

He punched the concrete he was sitting on and ignored the pain as blood flowed from his knuckles, why did he lose everything?! His sadness only served to fuel his ever increasing anger, directed at multiple people but what Brooks didn't realize was that deep, deep down, the person he was most angry at.. was himself.

Brooks skipped out on school and head to the hospital. He ignored the staff and went to Claire's room. He walked inside and saw Claire sitting on the edge of the bed and talking to Doctor Klein, Brooks stood by the side, silently, waiting for them to finish.

Doctor Klein smiled and turned to leave, when she saw Brooks. She said "You're here! Good timing, you can take her away today." Brooks was stunned and said "Ah, um okay." Doctor Klein nodded and left the room.

Claire turned her attention to Brooks and said "Shouldn't you be in school?" Brooks just shook his head and said "I ditched. Let's go." Claire looked at him in thought before collecting her stuff and leaving the hospital with Brooks.

Brooks got in the car and drove back to the house he bought.

Claire walked inside and said "Nice place, I guess you worked pretty hard.." Brooks was silent and brought her to her room, Claire looked around and finally said "Where's my daughter?" as she looked into Brooks' eyes.

Brooks' eyes turned glossy and endless pain flashed in them before he said "School." before turning around to leave, Claire grabbed his arm and said "What happened?" Brooks said softly "Nothing." Claire tightened her grip and said firmly "Brooks. Lying isn't helping."

Brooks shook her off and shouted sadly "She doesn't want anything to do with me! Just leave me alone!" before leaving the room, Claire looked at his lonely back and sighed before pulling out a phone and making a call. Tory's voice was heard as she said "Mom?" Claire sighed and said "What happened, honey."

Tory's voice shook and she answered "I don't know what you mean." Claire mumbled "Does every kid lie nowadays?" Tory was silent and Claire added "Tory, baby, tell me what happened with Brooks." Tory completely broke down into tears as she explained everything.

Claire listened to everything before sighing and she couldn't help but say "Honey, you were fine with everything else but this is different?" Tory explained "He was forced before, now he's out, why is he different?" Claire sat down and patiently explained "Honey, maybe he's going through more than you think."

Tory was silent and Claire continued "Tory, do you still love him?" Tory said immediately "Of course! How could I not?! It's just.. he's not the same.." Claire sighed and said "Well, I'm at the house he bought." Tory replied "You're out of the hospital?!" Claire smiled slightly and said "Yeah, Brooks brought me here."

Tory said "He did... He left school?" Claire said softly "Yes, honey." Tory was silent for a few seconds before saying "How is he?" Claire laughed softly and replied "Why don't you just ask him, sweetheart?" Tory sighed and answered "I can't.. I have to go. I'll come see you later, okay?" Claire hummed and Tory hung up.

Claire looked at the phone and sighed "Kids are complicated nowadays..."

A week later

Brooks didn't go back to school and called sick as he sat at home, watching Tv and drinking. He still went to the Dojo everyday but other than that, he never went anywhere else and he never spoke a word.

Claire walked down the stairs and looked at Brooks on the couch, she sighed and said "You look like shit." he really did. His hair was all over the place and he stopped shaving, his beard and mustache grew in and formed a stubble.

Brooks grunted and kept drinking, Claire took the beer away and said "What are you doing anyway?" Brooks looked at her and said "What does it look like?" Claire said simply "Looks like you're giving up." Brooks chuckled and replied "She doesn't want anything to do with me, why even bother anymore. Everything I did, everything I went through..."

He clenched his fists and snarled "Everything I sacrificed, all the lives I've taken, for what?" he looked up and shouted "For what?! I have no friends, no family, I have nothing! Understand!?" Claire looked at him and said "You're pathetic."

Brooks narrowed his eyes and said coldly "What did you say?" Claire said "You heard me. Maybe my daughter is better off without you after all." Brooks stood up and shouted "Don't you dare say something like that to me! I did everything I could to help her! Look around you, all these things, they're all for her-"

Claire slapped him and said coldly "And now look at you, one set back and you're on the couch giving up like a pathetic loser. Do you even know how she feels? You talk a lot about what YOU went through, but what about her? My daughter willingly sacrificed almost her life for you!"

Brooks was silent and his messy hair fell over his face as he had his head turned to the side, Claire continued "She was right, you did change. You're a different person now. Weak, pathetic, and selfish. Wake up, Brooks. Can't you see that you're spiraling out of control? Do you know that she asks about you everyday?"

Brooks finally reacted and looked at Claire through his hair, she added coldly "I don't know what you're going through or what you're thinking but if you truly care about my daughter you wouldn't be sitting here, slouching around and drinking your problems away." she shook her head and kept going as she shouted "Get off your ass and wake up! Whatever you're sulking about, get over it! It's none of my business to interfere in your relationship with my daughter, but seeing how much she cares about you and what you've been doing, I can't hold my tongue any longer."

Brooks looked at Claire and he started shedding tears as he said through choked sobs "What am I supposed to do? I feel so alone.." Claire sighed and hugged him as she said softly "Sitting around here isn't helping anyone. Especially you, Brooks. You need to fight back."

Brooks cried and hugged Claire tightly, Claire rubbed his back softly and sighed again "It's okay.. Let it out." Brooks cried harder for a while before calming down, Claire held his face and smiled as she said "Better?" Brooks smiled slightly and nodded before saying "Thank you.. Mother-in-law."

Claire laughed and said "Go. Stop sitting around here. You're not my son-in-law just yet." Brooks smiled softly and nodded before leaving the house quickly. Claire watched him go before looking at the pile of beer bottles, she sighed and sat down before watching the Tv and drinking a beer herself.

Brooks looked at his phone and drove away from the house, speeding down the road. He stopped in front of a building before getting out of the car and walking into the building.

In a conference hall

A woman said "It is clear this Karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in our community." Brooks stumbled into the room and everyone looked at him, Johnny was confused and said "Brooks?" Sam shrank down and Brooks said "Eh? Is this the karate tournament appeal whatever?"

The woman looked at Brooks and felt her lips twitch, Brooks' hair was a mess and he was wearing sunglasses a white t-shirt, shorts (That may or may not be boxers), and slippers. All in all, he looked like a bum. The woman said "Yes, sir. Would you like to make an appeal?"

Brooks burped and swayed down the stairs, walking over to the podium. He saw Johnny, Kreese, and Daniel and grinned as he said "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Johnny felt his eyes twitch, Brooks forgot about them and tapped on the mic as he said "Hello? Can you hear me?" The woman said "Yes, please start."

Brooks coughed and said "Ms...." The woman said "Counselperson Roberts." Brooks waved and said "Yeah, yeah, Counsel whatever. Listen, this tournament needs to happen. I am Brooks Lawrence, the boyfriend of the unfortunate girl who was kicked off the second floor at the school."

Roberts said "That's great bu-" Brooks cut her off and said "Counsel whatever Roberto, what I'm trying to say is I was in a very very bad place after the incident." he pointed his thumb behind him and said "My Sensei got me out of that place. Karate isn't about punching and kicking, or beating up losers in the school halls and stealing their money.."

Johnny coughed and Brooks continued "Right, anyway. As I was saying It's not about those things. It's about stability and confidence, having a way to fight back against anything life throws at us. Counsel whatever Roberlini, if it wasn't for Karate I would probably be somewhere on the street homeless. Without a goal in life, just drifting around."

Johnny was silent and Kreese crossed his arms as he looked at Brooks, who added "Karate taught me to be responsible, fearless, aggressive, and to not take no for an answer. All these traits can improve the lives of kids everywhere! It's not about these old guys behind me.." as he pointed his thumb and got a series of coughs from the three.

Brooks snapped his fingers and said "It's about us! The youth! In our prime! Learning how the world works! If we're not prepared for that, then how will we fare when we fly away from the nests?!" the room was silent and Brooks suddenly sighed "Fuck that was a good speech! Someone get me an Oscar!"

Johnny pulled him back and said "Sorry, Counsel whatever Roberty." Brooks shook him off and said "Chill dad, jeez." he walked back to the podium and said sincerely "Counsel whatever Johnson, cancelling the tournament would be the equivalent to cutting off the confidence to the kids in the Valley! Let me say one last thing!"

Daniel rubbed his eyes and said to Johnny "This is your son?" Johnny chuckled and said "Haven't seen him for a week." Kreese smirked "He's got his spirit back."

Brooks continued "When I started at Cobra Kai, the students were a bunch of weak, pitiful, boring, ugly, losers. My dad, Johnny Lawrence, that guy right there..." as he pointed and Counselperson Roberts chimed in "Get to the point, please."

Brooks said "Right, right. Anyway, my dad made them tough! He gave them the confidence to fight back against bullying! I witnessed a boy who was being bullied for having a scar on his lip, turn his life around with karate, now he has a sick mohawk and a killer tattoo. What I'm trying to say is that Cobra Kai, Miyagi-Do, and whatever my dad's new Dojo is called-"

Johnny chimed in "Eagle Fang Karate." Brooks turned his head and said "Dude! Badass name!" Johnny smirked and Roberts coughed, Brooks turned back and said "All these Dojos, they all want the best for the kids in the Valley. A little rivalry and division is a part of growing up! I'm sure you've all seen rivalries and division even in your fields of work."

Brooks shook his head and added "Counsel whatever Roberts, you must know much better than me, that the world isn't a warm and happy place where everyone gets rewarded and are all friends. The tournament is a place where we can vent our feelings in a healthy manner. Thank you for your consideration."

Before he stumbled back and walked to an open seat, slumping down in it.

Counselperson Roberts looked at Brooks and sighed before saying "I don't get the Valley's fascination with Karate. But! If it means that much to all of you, and you're willing to sign waivers that the city isn't liable, then the All-Valley tournament is back on."

Brooks was slumped in the chair and threw his arms up in celebration. Johnny walked over and picked Brooks up as he said "Are you drunk, kid?" Brooks chuckled and said "Hammered." he turned his head and said "Counsel whatever Robber, you're a saint! I love you."

Johnny covered his mouth and dragged Brooks away before he could say anything else, Counselperson Roberts felt her eyes twitch as she watched them go.