
Brooks was dragged by Johnny to the door, when he saw Miguel standing there with Tory. Brooks tilted his head and said "Porky? What are you doing here?" Tory ran over and cupped his cheeks as she said worriedly "What happened to you, killer?" Brooks smiled softly and said sadly "My porker left me..."

Johnny and Miguel quickly left them alone as Tory's eyes started to water.

Tory dragged Brooks to a bench outside and sat down as she said "Killer.. I didn't abandon you. I still love you with all my heart, how could I not know what you did for me." Brooks sighed and said "Porky, I don't want you to love me because of you feel obligated to.."

Tory almost cried and grabbed his face as she said "That's not it! Killer, please believe me. I love you for you, not because of what you did for me. You saved me from being alone!" Brooks caressed her cheek and said softly "Porky... I missed you." Tory smiled through the tears and kissed him saying "I missed you too!" before bursting into tears and hugging him tightly.

Brooks held her tightly and whispered "I'm sorry.. for everything." Tory shook her head and said "It's my fault, I didn't think about how you felt, I-" Brooks pressed a finger against her lips and said with a smile "It's okay. I forgive you. I love you, always."

Tory cried even harder as she said "I'm so glad!" before tackling him to his back. Brooks had a wry smile and patted her back, Tory sat up and wiped her eyes as she sat on his chest and said "I saw your speech."

Brooks rubbed his nose and said "Am I good, or am I good?" Tory giggled and said "Great!" before pausing for a moment and adding "Though, you are obviously hammered." Brooks coughed and said "Well..." Tory laughed and kissed him, they started making out in broad daylight before getting interrupted by a cough.

Brooks and Tory looked up to see Johnny, who said "That's all well and great but in broad daylight? Seriously?" Tory was embarrassed and Brooks just coughed, Johnny shook his head before saying "What are you doing now?" Brooks replied "Staying with Cobra Kai."

Johnny's face turned ugly and Tory said "Come to Sensei's Dojo, we train in the park!" Brooks just shook his head and Tory frowned, Johnny said "Listen, kid. I don't know what Kreese said to you, but he's bad news." Brooks looked at him and said "It's not about whether he's bad news or not. He effectively saved my life. I can't, nor will I, leave."

Tory got off him as he sat up, she said "Killer-" Brooks raised his hand and said "This is something I have to go. Sensei Kreese, gave me a new life, if I ran out on him, I wouldn't be a man." Johnny was silent as he looked at Brooks for a moment before saying "I hope you know what you're doing."

Brooks nodded and said "I know exactly what I'm doing." Tory looked worried, she kissed him and said "Just be careful, I love you. Remember that." Brooks smiled and said "I will." Tory smiled and left with Johnny and Miguel.

Brooks watched them go and felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked back and saw Kreese smiling at him. Brooks smiled and said "Sensei." Kreese nodded and said "I'm surprised. I thought you would run to your dad with your girlfriend." Brooks looked at Johnny and said "I won't abandon you, Sensei. You saved my life, I will never forget it."

Kreese patted his shoulder and said "Good. I wasn't wrong about you, kid. You're a true Cobra." Brooks smiled and said nothing, Kreese passed by him and said "See you in the Dojo tomorrow." Brooks waved and said "See you, Sensei!" Kreese just waved over his shoulder and disappeared along the sidewalk.

Brooks sat in the sunset and sighed, he turned his head to see Daniel passing by with Sam, who glared at him. Brooks made a serious face as he stared back at her saying coldly "Why are you here?" Sam stopped and said "I don't recall needing your permission to go anywhere." Daniel looked over and Brooks said "Just stay away from me, maybe I'll get hospitalized standing near you."

Sam clenched her fists and shouted "That was an accident! How many times do I have to tell you!?" Brooks shook his head and said "It doesn't matter. The whole situation stemmed from you. Your actions were the catalyst for that day. Don't act like you're the victim, you know I'm right."

Brooks looked at Daniel and nodded as he said "Hello, Mr. Larusso. Please excuse my harsh words." Daniel was stunned and couldn't say anything, Sam shook angrily and said nothing. Brooks stood up and said "I blame you and Robby. I will never forgive you. This isn't about our parents' rivalry, this is about your actions."

He passed Sam and added "Every action has a consequence, it's time you realized the world doesn't revolve around you. From today on, we're strangers." before he nodded to Daniel and walked to his car, leaving Sam rooted on the spot.

Brooks couldn't care less about her and drove away.

Daniel watched him go and looked at Sam, who was staring at the car before sighing and saying "Let's go, Sam. Forget about him." though he was thinking in his mind 'Seems like he grew up.' he didn't say anything, but he was truly shocked. Brooks obviously started handling the situation maturely, he cut all ties and hatred with Sam and walked away.

Now all he had to worry about was how Sam handled the situation and everything would be fine, but from the looks of it... Sam grinded her teeth in anger as she stomped to the car and slammed the door shut. Daniel sighed and drove her back home.

A while later

Brooks walked into the Dojo at night, he wanted to talk to Kreese about the tournament. He stopped at the door and froze before grinding his teeth and clenching his fist as he said in an ice cold voice "What the fuck are you doing here."

Kreese looked up and smiled, Robby turned around and said coldly "I don't need your permission to go somewhere do I?" Brooks walked forward and got in Robby's face as he said "Give me one good reason I shouldn't put you 6 feet in the ground." Robby was silent and Brooks sneered "That's what I thought." before throwing a punch at Robby.

Kreese caught Brooks' fist and said "Easy. He's joining Cobra Kai. You'll be comrades in the future." Brooks frowned and said "With this prick? Not a chance." Kreese chuckled and said "Come now.. Mr. Keene repented for his actions and the girl is fine isn't she?"

Brooks said angrily "That's not the point, Sensei! He's not worthy or being a Cobra. He's weak." he sneered and said to Robby "How's that Larusso girl? Oh, did she leave you?" Robby clenched his fists and Brooks laughed "Makes sense. After all, maybe you'll kick her into the hospital next."

Robby shouted "Shut up!" as he threw a punch at Brooks, Kreese stepped back this time and Brooks smashed his fist to the side before punching him in the stomach and saying "Pathetic. Where'd you get those cuts? Your pimp in Juvie?" Robby growled and tackled Brooks to the ground, swinging his fists wildly at Brooks in an enraged frenzy.

Brooks chuckled and grabbed Robby's wrists before pulling in and headbutting him as he said "Go back to Miyagi-Do, maybe the princess will take you in like the puppy dog you are!" Robby lost it and headbutted Brooks, hitting his nose.

Robby got off him and kicked him in the side, Brooks groaned and rolled to the side before swinging his leg out, hitting Robby in the ribs. Robby grunted and spun around, whipping his leg out at Brooks' head.

Brooks ducked and rolled forward, propping himself up on his hands and spinning his legs out, hitting Robby in the face twice. Brooks pushed off his hands and got to his feet before jumping again and smashing his knee into Robby's nose.

Robby grabbed Brooks' leg and flipped him to the ground, Brooks hit the ground stomach first and Robby punched him in the side while holding his leg back. Brooks grinned and pushed up with his hands, spinning to his back and catching Robby in the chin with his free foot.

Robby was pushed back and spat out some blood before charging at Brooks again.

Kreese watched them fight and as expected, Brooks had the upper hand. He was surprised to see that Robby was no slouch either. He made a decision in his mind and said "Stop, I've seen enough. Surely you've vented out your anger by now?"

Brooks punched Robby in the face and said "Not yet." Robby spat out some blood and said "I can do this all night." Brooks grinned and said "What a coincidence." he swept out his leg and took Robby to the ground before saying "Me too!"

Kreese sighed, it might be more trouble than it's worth, having them both. They were completely like fire and water, unable to coexist. He had to find a way to fix it, or they would just end up destroying each other.

Robby got up and threw a punch at Brooks once again, catching him in the face. Brooks threw a punch of his own and hit Robby in the mouth. They both hit each other at the same time and took a step back. Brooks shot forward and tackled Robby to the ground before punching him in the face with his right fist, then his left fist repeatedly as he said "How could you do that to her!"

Robby just used his arms to block and Kreese fought the crux of the matter. With a plan in mind, he pulled Brooks off Robby and said "Alright, don't kill him." Brooks was breathing heavy as he glared at Robby, who returned his glare fearlessly.

Kreese said "Brooks get cleaned up and head home. Training is tomorrow, whatever you came for can wait." Brooks said "What about-" Kreese raised his hand and said "Robby will stay here. We'll talk about it tomorrow." Brooks was silent for a moment before nodding and saying "Then I'll see you tomorrow, Sensei." Kreese smiled and nodded, Brooks took one last look at Robby and said "See you tomorrow, puppy dog." before walking out of the Dojo.

Kreese helped Robby up and said "What do you think?" Robby said "You didn't tell me he was here." Kreese chuckled and said "I didn't think it'd matter, but it seems like I was wrong. Tell me Mr. Keene, is it fun to lose?"

Robby was silent and Kreese added "He just beat the shit out of you, does that feel good?" Robby said coldly "No." Kreese smirked and said "I can help you fight back." Robby looked at Kreese for a few seconds before saying "What do I need to do." Kreese grinned and said "Don't worry, kid. I'll teach you everything I know."