House Party

Brooks stopped at his house and the girls changed, curiously Claire wasn't home. This didn't bother Brooks too much, he wasn't her nanny she could go where ever she wanted. Brooks heard the shower running and was speechless, was there a need to shower again?

He sighed and sat on the couch, grabbing a case of beer from the fridge and watching Tv. Curiously, he still hadn't shaved his face so he still had a short beard and his hair was a bit longer than normal.

If you were to describe him, you would probably say 'a handsome bum'.

A few dozen minutes passed

Brooks had already crushed almost half the case of beer and burped as he watched Family Feud on the Tv. Tory and Lily came down the stairs to hear "Moron! It's obviously toilet! Damn, I would be so good at Family Feud.."

Tory and Lily felt their mouths twitch and they turned their heads to see Brooks slumped on the couch. Tory felt like Brooks looked really cute at this moment, while Lily just thought he looked like a bum.

Brooks didn't care and looked over saying "Hey! Finally, I've been waiting for hours!" Lily retorted "It's been 45 minutes, plus you still look like a homeless person. When are you going to clean yourself up?" Brooks touched his face and said "I think you mean 'a mature person'. Look at this beard!"

Lily rolled her eyes and Tory giggled saying "I like it." Brooks smirked and said "That's all that matters. Who cares what the floor tiles have to say? Let's go." Lily grinded her teeth and lunged at him as he stood up.

Brooks turned around and caught Lily with his back, grabbing her thighs as he sighed "Fine, big brother will give you a piggy back ride." Tory burst out laughing and Lily's face turned blood red, but strangely she didn't get off.

Brooks chuckled and walked to the door with Lily on his back. He felt a strange feeling in his heart, it was a mixture of happiness, excitement, and love. He smiled to himself and walked out the door, Tory followed him and locked it as they went to the car.

After they all got in, Brooks drove off towards Larusso's house.

As Brooks was driving, he suddenly remembered and said "By the way, you and Miguel didn't..." Lily said "Didn't what." Brooks' face was black, how could she not know what he was trying to say. Tory giggled and looked at Brooks curiously, feeling that he was a little different since he found out Lily was his sister.

Brooks just said directly "You two didn't have sex, did you?" Lily turned red, then green, then purple as she shouted "Obviously not! What're you asking for anyway, creep!" Tory looked at Brooks, who secretly let out a sigh of relief, with amusement. Brooks played the fool and said "Ah, I was just asking, jeez relax."

Lily huffed and puffed in the backseat, crossing her arms and turning her head away. Tory giggled and smirked before whispering to Lily from the front, Lily's face turned red as she listened before pushing Tory away and saying "Gross!" Tory burst out laughing and Brooks was confused.

Tory looked at him and gave him a wink while licking her lips at the same time, Brooks got a shiver down his spine but not one of fear but of excitement. The way she looked at him really did make him excited, it was a strange thing for sure.

Brooks grinned and said "You're not getting away from me tonight." Tory trembled and looked at Brooks in dismay, every time he got her after she teased him, she never got a break afterwards. It was fun but boy was it tiring. Brooks reached out his hand and caressed her cheek as he said "I'll be gentle."

Tory leaned into his palm and smiled softly, looking at Brooks with love in her eyes. Lily watched from the back and just felt jealous, how come nobody treated her like that? She looked down at her breasts and squeezed them thinking 'Is it really because of my boobs?'

In reality, Lily's chest wasn't that small but compared to Tory, they weren't worth mentioning. Then again, Tory had huge breasts. Lily even sometimes joked that she should give her some of it, Tory felt like whenever she said that she wasn't actually joking. This was true.

Lily sighed and turned to look out the window again, not wanting to get even more depressed. Brooks smiled as he watched her actions in the rearview mirror, Tory smiled as she looked at him, having an idea about what he was doing. Brooks stopped at a red light and leaned over as he whispered "I love you, thanks for going along with me."

Tory kissed him and replied "Of course, I guess you really are a big softie, eh?" Brooks smirked and nibbled on her ear before pulling back and adding "Clear your schedule tomorrow, you're not sleeping tonight." Tory sighed and said "Yes, master."

Brooks burst out laughing and pressed on the gas as the light turned green and he sped away, Tory looked at him and giggled.

A while later

Brooks grabbed a fresh case of beer from the trunk and walked to the door. He had a feeling there wouldn't be any booze at this party unless he brought it himself. He knocked on the door and the door just opened, Brooks was confused and mumbled "Did they get robbed? What is this Home Alone?"

Tory rolled her eyes and said "The Wet Bandits are pretty active this time of the year." Brooks chuckled and walked inside, the three came to the living room and looked at the chaos. Basically Cobra Kai was fighting Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang Karate.

Brooks sighed and rubbed his forehead with one hand and held the case of beer with the other. Everyone stopped and looked at them, Brooks ignored everyone and sat on the couch, turning on the Tv to the Christmas special with the Elf Dentist, cracking open a beer, and waving his hand saying "Oh, don't mind me."

Everybody was stunned, Tory laughed and sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder as she watched the Christmas special.

The atmosphere turned weird, Sam said "What are you doing in my house?!" Brooks looked around and said "Porky, did you hear something?" Tory shook her head and replied "Not a thing." Sam trembled in rage and Brooks shrugged saying "Must've been the wind, then." before going back to the Tv show, completely ignoring everyone around them.

Lily was staring at Miguel and Sam with her fists clenched, biting her lips as she tried really hard not to cry. Brooks pulled her to the couch and hugged her, rubbing her back softly as he watched the Tv. Tory sighed.

Hawk said "Are you guys gonna..." Brooks waved and said "Do what you want, I don't care. I came for a party, and even if I have to party by myself, I will do it!" the air stilled and one of the Miyagi-Do kids threw a sucker punch at the Cobra Kai students, starting up the fight again.

It was a strange scene.

Everybody was steering clear of the Tv area while fighting and Brooks was just watching tv peacefully. Tory turned to the fighting and said "What do you think?" Brooks sipped his beer and didn't even look as he said "Cobra Kai is outnumbered 2 to 1, plus look at Hawk. He's clearly hesitating about every move. Soon enough, he'll switch to Eagle Fang and help Dimitri. Unless me or Lily makes a move, they lost before they even started. Oh if Robby comes then that will be a treat, I wonder what will happen?"

Tory looked at him and said "Robby!?" Brooks closed his eyes and the beer can in his hands was crushed as he drank and said "He joined Cobra Kai." Tory looked at Brooks and said "Are you okay?" Brooks looked at Tory and said softly "You're really too good for me, you know that?"

Tory just smiled and Brooks caressed her face as he added "Why don't you care about yourself?" Tory held his hand and said "Because I care about you more." Brooks' eye turned watery and he fake yawned, wiping his eyes to cover it up, Tory knew what he was doing but didn't say anything and smiled softly, embracing his arm tightly.

Brooks kissed her head as he said "I already beat the shit out of him at the Dojo, last night. Every time I see him, all I feel is pure rage." Tory sighed and said softly "He's still your brother, Killer." Brooks sighed in return and said "Yeah, but he hurt you! I can't let it go." Tory shook her head and whispered "Thank you.." Brooks just smiled and leaned his head on hers.

Lily sat up and wiped her eyes before walking in the direction of Miguel. Brooks and Tory looked over and Brooks said "Wait, I'll co-" Lily held her hand up and stood in front of Miguel, who just kicked a kid to the floor.

Miguel looked at Lily and said "Lily, I-" Lily cut him off with a crisp slap, her eyes dripped crystal tears as she said "I trusted you. I gave you everything I had!" Brooks disappeared from the couch and shot his hand next to Lily, catching Sam by the neck as he said "It's rude to interrupt."

Brooks dragged her by the throat like she was a doll and walked to a fighting area before just throwing her into a group. He clapped his hands together as if he was cleaning them of the dust before walking back to the couch and sitting down.

Tory looked at him with a smile and said "Not getting involved, huh?" Brooks pretended and said "Huh? What do you mean?" Tory rolled her eyes and said "I thought it was very sexy." He immediately changed his tune and said "Of course! I promised to protect her." Tory giggled and snuggled up to him.

Lily trembled and cried as she said "We're done! Don't talk to me ever again!" her fists were clenched and she walked away, still crying. Miguel was saddened, he didn't mean to hurt her. He looked over to see Brooks looking at him, then he felt a buzz in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and read the text before his eyes widened, feeling shocked.

Lily came back to the couch and said with a shaky voice "I dumped him." Brooks smiled and pulled her towards him, giving her a hug as he said "En. Better for you. Don't worry, I'll protect you. You don't need a boyfriend, you can just live with me and Tory in the future."

Lily froze and Tory rubbed her forehead, feeling something was wrong. Lily looked up at him and said "But I don't like girls." Brooks shook his head and said "You'll be single for life." he cackled evilly as he tightened his hug and added "You'll never escape. Hehehehe"

Tory burst out laughing and Lily struggled in his grip shouting "Ah! No this is worse!" but inside she was feeling extremely warm and happy, sweeping away the sadness she just felt as if it wasn't there. Tory looked at Brooks' cunning look and smiled gently, this was why she loved him. He always knew how to make someone laugh and forget about their worries even if only for a moment.

The fighting continued and Lily successfully struggled free but still sat on the couch and drank as she watched the Christmas Special.

Just as Brooks predicted, Hawk ended up turning on Cobra Kai and joining Eagle Fang Karate by helping out Dimitri. Eventually all the Cobra Kai guys were beat up, they looked at Brooks and said angrily "Why didn't you help?!"

Brooks drank his beer and said "Let me ask you a question. If I'm always there to pick up your slack will you ever improve? Besides me, Lily, and Hawk, do any of you actually make a difference?" the students were silent, Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang Karate were listening on the side.

Brooks continued "Even before that, Miguel and Tory were there too. Can you compare to anyone I just mentioned?" they were still silent and Brooks went on "I just mentioned a full team for tournaments. Us 5 could easily sweep an entire tournament and make the semifinals completely Cobra Kai. What use do you have other than being cannon fodder? You don't win matches, you think you're the hottest shit to ever walk the earth, and you only fight those who are weaker than you."

Brooks pointed at Dimitri while saying to the kids on the ground "Two of you teamed up on a beanpole and told Hawk to get in free shots, when you could have beat the beanpole out of the fight and went to help everyone else. In a group fight, especially when you are outnumbered, you have to constantly be thinking."

He looked at Rickenberger and pointed at Douchebag as he said "You took 5 minutes and help just to beat up Douchebag." Douchebag said "It's Chris." Brooks looked at him and said "I don't care. You're responsible too. What are you doing using foreign objects?" Chris was silent.

Brooks looked at everyone and said "Everybody is has errors in their fighting. You all on the ground are on the ground for a reason, you directly ignored what Sensei Kreese taught us. You underestimated the enemy, you didn't think smart, and you lost. Plain and simple."

Brooks looked at Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang Karate as he continued "You all had the numerical advantage and yet you still decided going one at a time was the right decision. Had I been fighting, do you think they would have lost? Lily didn't participate either, I would be ashamed if I were you all. It took you 34 minutes to take down an opponent who was weaker, outnumbered, and cocky. Plus if Hawk didn't switch sides, do you think none of you would be on the floor right now?"

Brooks shook his head and said "You're all idiots. Larusso was too focused on my presence the entire time, letting her get hit more times than she should've. Behind Miguel and Hawk, you are the third strongest fighter that participated and yet you made a significantly weaker impact than the beanpole."

Brooks sighed and said "If you can't get over yourself than you will never win, no matter how hard you train. I wrote off our grievances because I realized it was beneath me to take my anger out on you." he looked at Sam and said "I don't even care about you anymore, why are you so angry? You're like an ant to me, understand?"

Sam trembled and Tory looked at Brooks in surprise before a happy smile surfaced.

Brooks looked at Hawk and added "You took too long, you threw a front kick but it wasn't high enough. That's why you didn't immediately claim the victory but had to waste another few seconds taking out the kid. Your flying jump kick was okay, but again, you are going for chest instead of chin."

Hawk nodded and said "The punching?" Brooks tilted his head and said "You're strong point is kicking, but your punches are okay. The thing is they lack the power behind them.." Brooks lifted his sleeve and flexed his arm before lifting his pant leg and saying "My muscle mass is mainly in my arms and while my legs are strong they can't compare to my arms."

He rolled both back down and said "You are the opposite because you've never worked out before. I'm not putting you down, you understand right?" Hawk nodded and Brooks moved to Miguel as he analyzed "You did okay but you were distracted the entire time. You already know right?" Miguel nodded and Brooks nodded in return saying "The rest of you put up a pathetic fight. When you fight, there is no emotion, only your opponent."

Brooks got serious and said "Even if you are fighting your worst enemy, you need to be as calm as a pool of water or else you will lose. Luckily for you, the enemy underestimated you all. What you all don't realize is that Cobra Kai isn't the problem." Brooks looked around and said "Cobra Kai is a discipline, in the end it's yourselves that choose what you do."

Everybody was silent and Brooks waved his hand as he said "Now get out of here. The Christmas special is still going on and I missed like 5 minutes teaching you guys, so annoying. My advice is you should think about how to improve yourselves instead of fighting each other like a bunch of wild animals whenever you get a chance."

Tory was silent and smiled while snuggling up to Brooks lovingly feeling extremely happy, he matured a lot since the accident. This made her excited, it was like he died and was reborn!

The Cobra Kai kids got up and left, thinking about what Brooks said. While the rest started either cleaning up or sat on the couch and watched the Tv special. The only thing they had in common at the moment was that they were silent.

A few minutes later

Daniel and Amanda came home and saw the mess, they were shocked and angry. They walked into the living room and shouted "What happened here!" Everyone looked over and saw Daniel and Amanda, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Brooks looked over and smiled as he said "Hey, how was the Christmas party?" Daniel said "What are you doing in my house." Amanda nudged him and said seriously "Brooks, can you tell me what happened?"

Brooks cleared his throat and said "We'll the Cobra Kai students started a fight in your house. Then they got beat, then they left. That was like.. 5? 10 minutes ago?" Dimitri chimed in "7 minutes." Brooks said "There you go."

Daniel and Amanda were confused and Daniel asked directly "So you?" Brooks pointed to the Tv and said "I heard there was a party, I was just as disappointed as you are that there wasn't one, so I started watching the Christmas specials. Actually, there's another one coming on next. Do you want a beer?"

Tory couldn't help herself and laughed while covering her mouth. The rest had wry smiles, coming from Brooks' mouth it sounded like they were all clowns performing in front of him. They weren't too far from what Brooks actually felt, but they forgot to add annoying.

Daniel was stunned and Amanda just sighed and said "I could use a drink, this karate business is seriously grinding me down.." Brooks handed her a drink with a smile, Amanda wasn't polite and took it before sitting down and watching Tv.

Daniel didn't know what to do and just said angrily "In my own fucking house! All of you, go home. When I come back, I don't want to see any of you here." before leaving out the door.

Brooks sighed and mumbled "Now I'll miss the first half of this one..." Tory rubbed his hand and said gently "We can watch at home." Brooks sighed and said "We don't really have a choice right?" Amanda watched everyone else leave and drank her beer saying "I met you father's ex at the party."

Brooks smiled and said "Ali? She's nice isn't she?" Amanda smiled and said "You met her too?" Brooks nodded and said "We had lunch and went to Golf and Stuff. Me, Lily, Tory, Johnny, and her." as he patted Lily's head and added with a sneaky grin "You want to hear some gossip?"

Amanda raised a brow and said "Is that a question?" Brooks chuckled and said "Lily is Ali's daughter.." Amanda looked at Lily in surprise and Brooks added "And my sister." Amanda was truly shocked and said "No way!" Brooks nodded and said "I know right!"

Tory laughed and Lily felt like she was on display.

Brooks laughed and stood up saying "Anyways, thanks for letting me use your Tv, Mrs. Larusso. Sorry about the mess." Amanda sighed and waved saying "It's alright. This karate thing is really kicking my ass." Brooks laughed and pushed the case of beer towards her as he winked and said "Merry Christmas."

Amanda laughed and said "Merry Christmas, Brooks." Brooks smiled and left with Tory and Lily saying "I'll drive you home?" Lily said softly "Can I stay with you for the night?" Brooks looked at Tory, who smiled, and nodded saying "Sure!" Lily smiled a small smile and they left the house, driving back to Brooks' house.

Brooks looked in the rearview mirror and said "Hey.. You okay?" Lily wiped her eyes and said "Yeah, of course! What do I look like?" as she looked away, Brooks sighed and said "Well, we're both here for you if you need us." Tory smiled softly and Lily kept silent but her eyes glistened with tears and her fists were clenched.

After that, Brooks didn't speak again.

They arrived at the house and walked inside. Brooks took off his clothes, changing into a loose t-shirt, boxers, and slippers before sitting on the couch and watching Christmas specials. Tory changed into a long t-shirt with soft sleep shorts as she snuggled up to him, her long, slender, jade-like legs on display.

Brooks laid down and got comfortable, Tory changed positions and intertwined her legs with his as she rested her head on his chest with a soft and gentle smile. Lily came down the stairs with the same clothes Tory was wearing and sat next to them. They all watched the shows happily, forgetting about everything and focusing on the moment.

Brooks' lips sprawled out into a happy smile as he hugged Tory closer to him before ultimately falling asleep on the couch. Tory followed him and Lily went after her, tilting to the side and leaning her head on Brook's shoulder as she fell asleep.