Fucking Pico de Gallo

The next day

Brooks was standing behind a punching bag while Lily kicked it. He yawned as he watched Lily get extremely angry kicking, she grinded her teeth and tears welled up in her eyes with every kick.

Finally, Brooks grabbed her ankle and sighed "Relax. Are you still sad?" Lily clenched her fists and said angrily "It was yesterday! Of course I'm still sad! You big idiot!" Brooks scratched his chin and chuckled, letting go of her ankle, thinking of what to say.

He cleared his throat and replied "It's just one guy, you'll find a bunch of them. Look at Dad, how many women does he go through, they're like chips!" Lily opened her mouth and glared at him, she kicked at his head and shouted "IT'S NOT THE SAME!"

Brooks blocked her kick and chuckled "What's the difference? There's plenty of fish in the sea!" he looked her up and down before pursing his lips and adding "Although you're flatter than an airport runway, you're still cute!"

Lily's eyes turned red and she jumped at him, he laughed and blocked her fists while backing off.

He bumped into Kyler.

Lily stopped and Brooks turned around, saying "Yo, son. Get out of your dad's way, can't you see I'm doing something here?" Kyler replied "Fuck you, Brooks." Brooks chuckled and replied "You wish! Hah!" Kyler gave him a dirty look while Lily just shook her head.

Suddenly, the door opened and Robby walked in.

Everyone turned to him and Kyler said "Oh look who decided to show up." Robby looked at Brooks before walking past him without a word. Brooks clicked his tongue and muttered "Pussy." Robby stopped for a moment and turned his head to the side, looking at Brooks.

Brooks grinned and stood there, waiting for him to do something.

Unfortunately, Robby turned back and walked to the backroom.

Brooks sighed and lifted his hands, saying sadly "And my fists were itchy too!" he turned to Kyler, who shivered and looked at his wrist, saying "Look at the time, I should be studying!" before walking away.

One of the other kids muttered "He wasn't even wearing a watch..." another kid echoed "What a bad distraction..."

Lily rolled her eyes and said to Brooks "Are you still sad?" clearly mocking him, Brooks looked at her and retorted "At least I'm not flatter than a board." Lily grinded her teeth and snapped "I hate you!" Brooks smiled and chuckled "I loooove you toooo~"

He pulled Lily in and hugged her tight, squeezing her as she writhed in his arms, shouting "Ah! You're crushing me! You'll make me flat!" Brooks laughed and retorted "There's not much of a difference anyway!" before squeezing tighter.

Lily shrieked "I'LL KILL YOU!" while Brooks laughed.

A while later

Brooks got out of his car and whistled to himself, spinning his keys around his finger while carrying a case of beer and walking to Johnny's door. He opened the door to see Johnny, Carmen, Miguel, and Rosa eating dinner.

The air froze and Brooks looked around saying "Hm? This isn't the orphanage center? How am I supposed to help children in need now? I must hurry the children need me!" before turning around, Miguel rubbed his eyes, Carmen giggled and said "Brooks, come join us!" while Johnny sighed and Rosa laughed.

Brooks turned around and looked troubled as he said "But the children..." Johnny rollde his eyes and said "Sit." Brooks smiled happily and sat down at the table, pulling up a chair next to Johnny. Rosa looked at him and said "¿Qué pasa con los niños?"

Brooks looked at her and said seriously "I'm great, how are you?" Miguel spit out his drink and laughed, Carmen glared at him and he coughed, chuckling "Brooks, she asked 'What about the children?'"

Brooks froze and Johnny sighed "You should really pay attention in school." Brooks looked at him in shock before turning to Rosa and smiling "Sorry, I didn't take my medicine today. I'm having hallucinations frequently, I hope you can understand. Plus the children can survive without me, I heard they got Beyonce to sing for them."

After saying that, he started eating with his head down, clearly embarrassed.

Rosa shook her head and stopped talking to this kid, he was clearly speaking nonsense.

Carmen cleared her throat and said with a smile "So! How was the big first day?" Johnny smiled and replied "Good. You know, a work in progress." Carmen smiled and replied "That's good. I'm happy you and Daniel are working together. You know, I just want to make sure Miggy's safe."

Miguel looked at her and retorted "I'll be fine Mom, I haven't gotten hurt before have I? You don't have to worry." Johnny grabbed the food and slid it onto his plate, saying "She's your mom, she's always going to worry.."

He paused and looked at her, adding "But DON'T worry. I'm watchin him." Carmen smiled and Rosa looked at Miguel asking in spanish "So how is training with your girlfriend?" she smiled suggestively, adding "You two doing a lot of one-on-one?"

Miguel smiled embarrassingly, while Brooks ate silently with a bit of a weird expression. Johnny looked at him and frowned, while Miguel quickly changed the subject "Well I'm not the only one getting back together with an ex... Eh, Sensei?"

Johnny looked at him and blinked in disbelief.

This kid really wouldn't...

He really would!

Miguel looked around and grinned "He had a date with the love of his life..." Carmen turned to Johnny, who's face was black, as Miguel continued "The one that got away?" looking at Johnny with a 'Happy times!' look.

Johnny looked like he was going to eat Miguel alive as Brooks choked on his quesadilla. He patted his chest with his fist and coughed with his hand in front of his mouth, Rosa patted his back and he smiled at her.

Carmen looked at Johnny and said slowly "Is.. That right..." Johnny said quickly "It wasn't a date." Miguel laughed and retorted "He's being modest! Hah!" he looked at Johnny and continued "We took all those cool pictures? We made you look cool? Not to say you didn't look cool already, but... You know, we had to look special for the special lady."

Carmen nodded awkwardly and Miguel looked at Johnny with a smirk, adding "Why don't you tell them about the sushi?" Johnny looked at Miguel with dead eyes and said "We don't have to talk about it." Miguel rolled his eyes and said "Okay, I don't know why he's being shy right now. Look we went to this sushi spot, because Ali likes sushi, or so we thought, so-"

Brooks couldn't take it anymore and kicked Miguel in the shin, glaring at him. Miguel said "Ouch!" and rubbed his chin, looking at Brooks innocently. Brooks shook his head and ate in silence as did everyone else.

It was very awkward.

A while later

Rosa went home and Miguel brought her back.

Brooks sat on the couch as Carmen helped Johnny with the dishes. Brooks looked over and turned the Tv volume up, giving them some private time. He watched as they talked for a bit, then Carmen shook her head and left.

Brooks turned the volume down and looked at Johnny, asking "So?" Johnny sighed and replied "She wants to take it slow." Brooks laughed "Great!" Johnny looked at him in confusion and Brooks looked out the window to see Carmen going back into her house.

He turned back and said "This is perfect. Dump her and get back together with Ali!" Johnny was stunned and said "It's not like that." Brooks rolled his eyes and replied "Sure it's not like that. Who are you trying to fool? Robby? Come on man." before he clicked his tongue and looked at the Tv.

Johnny walked over and grabbed a beer, sitting on another couch as he said "It's really not, man." Brooks shook his head and replied "Dude. Even if you beat me into a coma, I still wouldn't believe you. You and Ali have great chemistry.... Not to mention a kid."

He hummed and chuckled "I think you don't have a choice." Johnny looked at the Tv and sighed, rubbing his eyes, asking "Why are you here anyway?" Brooks looked at him and smiled "Tory went out with her mom, Lily went back to her house. Plus that's not my house."

Johnny looked at Brooks silently before saying "Are you done your dumb shit?" Brooks looked at him in confusion and Johnny stared at him, clarifying "That money didn't come from nowhere, kid. You think I'm an idiot?" Brooks fell silent and turned to the Tv, he stayed silent for a few moments before saying "I think so."

Johnny looked at him and reached out his hand. He patted Brooks' shoulder and said firmly "You can always come to me if there's a problem." Brooks was silent for a few seconds before he nodded softly with a small smile and watery eyes.

He blinked and said "Next time don't make pico de gallo, I'm allergic." as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, his voice was shaking a bit and he constantly wiped his face. Johnny smiled and said nothing, as long as the kid knew he was here for him then it was fine.

Brooks got up and said "I'll.. be right back." before walking to the bathroom. Johnny watched him go and sighed, leaning back on the couch and drinking as he watched the Tv.

Brook closed the bathroom door and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were red and he laughed at himself, muttering "Look at you, what a loser." before rubbing his eyes and smiling to himself.

He was happy that Johnny was around. He was happy to have a Dad that cared about him... He sighed to himself and tugged his collar, looking at the bullet wounds...

If only he was there the entire time...

Suddenly, his phone started ringing.

It was 'Don't look back' by Boston.

He took it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

It was 'Sensei Kreese'.

He stared at the phone, thinking if he should answer. Everyone talked about how bad Kreese was, but Brooks didn't think he was that bad, maybe a little rough around the edges, but he never hurt Brooks.

He was willing to give him a chance.

With that thought, he answered the phone and said "Hello?" Kreese's voice came through the phone, saying "Is this Brooks?" Brooks replied "Yup, what's up Old man?" Kreese chuckled and replied "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to take a trip with me to an old friend of mine. Show him what he's been missing at Cobra Kai, I would take your brother but he's currently throwing a hissy fit."

Brooks drank from his beer and replied "When isn't he throwing a hissy fit? Where is it?" Kreese replied "I'll drive you, meet me at the Dojo tomorrow morning." Brooks hummed and replied "Alright, see you then." Kreese said "Have a nice night, son." Brooks smiled slightly and replied "You too, old man." before hanging up.

He put his phone in his pocket and smiled to himself in the mirror before rubbing his red eyes and mumbling "Fucking Pico de Gallo..."