Chapter 13 - Berryier VS Bestiel Lion

Chapter 13 – Berryier VS Bestiel Lion

Bestie canceled the battle, and the barrier disappeared. The spectators were disappointed because they thought that they would be able to see an interesting scuffle between siblings.

After that, Berry gestured Bestie to follow him elsewhere. Since there were too many people in the city, they headed outside the city.

The spectators did not follow Berry and Bestie because they knew that this was their private matters. Also, since both of them were Level 1, the battle would not be interesting. So, it would be a waste of time to follow and sneak on their battle.

After a few minutes of walking, Berry and Bestie arrived at a random location on the field outside the city.

[Player Bestiel Lion forcing you to be in a battle. Battlefield initiated] the barrier was erected around them. The size was similar to the previous barrier.

"Make sure the filter option is activated," Berry reminded Bestie.

"???" Bestie was confused. "There is no one watching us. No need to do that." Bestie looked around and other than Berry and himself, also a few monsters loitering in the field outside the barrier, no one else was around.

However, Berry was staring in a direction similar to when he detected Bestie earlier.

"Really?!" Bestie was surprised. He remembered when Berry was staring in his direction earlier and Bestie shuddered. Bestie looked in that direction but he did not see anyone.

"Is someone there?" Bestie whispered at Berry.

"My instinct says so," Berry replied.

"…Can you detect something like this?" Bestie did not believe him although he experienced it himself a few minutes ago.

"Somehow. In real life, it is harder. Here, it is easier perhaps because of the stats in the game that enhance my instinct," Berry replied. Bestie nodded.

Bestie changed the option and blocked their face.

"Can we block our name as well?" Berry pointed at the name above his head.

"We cannot do that," Bestie replied and he changed the option to filter their face. Once he was done, Bestie looked at Berry and asked, "Can we start now?" Bestie looked confident.

"Sure," Berry replied but he had prepared a golf ball and threw it immediately at Bestie.

"!!!" Bestie was shocked that Berry would sneak attack. He tried to dodge but he was too late. The golf ball hit his face.

[Bestiel Lion's HP-3]

"You cheat!" Bestie was mad. Even so, he could not relax when another golf ball flew towards him and it hit his chest.

[Bestiel Lion's HP-3]

Bestie gritted his teeth and decided to keep his dissatisfaction inside. If he continued to talk, he would get hit again. Bestie needed to focus on the battle. He did not want to lose. He wanted to win the deal he made with Berry.

Bestie wanted to dodge but another golf ball arrived and hit his arm.

[Bestiel Lion's HP-3]

"Tch!" Bestie was annoyed but he knew that another golf ball would come again. 'I lose nine HPs to a few golf balls. Why is his attack cause so much damage?! We are both level 1!' Bestie was confused.

'Why is my attack causing this much damage? The rabbits only lose one HP per attack,' Berry was confused too but this was an opportunity to end the battle as fast as possible.

Another hit and Bestie would lose. Bestie only had one HP left.

Bestie suddenly realized something.

"Oh no!! I forgot that this is a sports game and real life's body condition affects the player! Berry is an exercise addict!" Bestie realized the reason.

Since Berry exercised a lot, his base stats in the game were high whereas Bestie who was lazy and always playing games without exercising started with low base stats.

'I need to do something!' Bestie's mind started spinning at a fast speed and he came to a simple method. 'I plan to use this in a surprise attack but I have to use it now or I will lose!'

Bestie glanced at Berry and shouted, "Lion's roar!"

"ROAR!!!" a lion's roar reverberated towards Berry. Berry held the golf ball and he wanted to throw the last ball at Bestie but the roar hit him. Suddenly, Berry was shocked.

"My body! I cannot move!" Berry was stunned in place and could not move.

[Berryier receive the status Stun. Cannot move for 1 second]

"One second?! How high is your defense?!" Bestie was surprised again. However, he did not waste the one second given to him as he picked up the golf balls around him and threw them at Berry.

Three golf balls flew at Berry at fast speed. Berry wanted to evade but his body was stunned in place. One golf ball hit his body while the other two missed.

"…" Berry was speechless. He was locked in place and Bestie still missed the target. "And you are bragging about being a gamer," Berry mumbled.

[Berryier's HP -0]

"GAH!!!" Bestie screamed in frustration. "He received no damage?!" Bestie was not surprised anymore but his heart started to fill with dread. He had a feeling that he would lose.

Not only that but Bestie now knew how strong his brother was. Berry was always good-natured and never once beat any of their siblings. Everyone in the family knew he was strong but Berry never showed how strong he was even once to the family.

However, Bestie could now gauge how strong was Berry. Although the gaming stat could not rely fully on upon, they were not that wrong. Sports games were tailored to be beneficial to those playing them in real life, so the stats were not that far from real life.

Berry one-second Stun ended and he could move again. However, Bestie roared once again and his stun continued for another second.

Bestie took out the balls he bought and it was a football ball but this ball was slightly different than the football balls Berry received for free from the guild.

The skin of the ball was firmer and it was a bit heavier too. Berry did not know this and only Bestie could feel it. Also, the ball had an attack stat of 2 points. This football ball had a different quality than the one Berry knew.

"I will defeat you!" Bestie shouted and he threw the ball at Berry. Bestie did not stop there as he threw three more of the same ball.

The four balls went straight to Berry and out of the four, only one hit Berry again. Bestie's aim was the worst.

[Berryier's HP -0]

Bestie's face went dark. He used better balls than Berry but even that was not enough to inflict any damage to Berry. Berry could move again but Bestie roared once again stopping Berry one more second.

Bestie took out another football ball and this one was a high-quality ball. It had an attack stat of 3 points and this was Bestie's best ball.

"I play the whole night just to buy this ball. If it still fails… what should I do?" Bestie was getting scared.

Bestie started playing the game to sabotage Berry. He was angry with Berry because he refused to help him. Bestie spent the whole night to grind in the game but he never thought that his brother was an impenetrable wall.

Not only that but Bestie had upgraded his leather chest plate too to increase his defense but he still received more damage from a starter weapon like the golf balls. He worked hard for the whole night even increasing the level of his skill but it was all to no avail.

Bestie felt like crying and he might cry for real if the high-quality football ball failed to damage Berry too.

Bestie threw the ball and it went straight to Berry. Since Berry was stunned, he could not move and all he could do was receive the ball. Luckily, Bestie's aim this time was better and the ball hit Berry.

However, [Berryier's HP -0] Bestie's face sank and he was stunned in place. Berry's stun status ended and Bestie did not use his skill again.

Berry wanted to attack Bestie but he stopped. He knew he won the battle. Bestie was dejected as he had no other way to damage Berry. All his effort for the whole night went to the drain. Bestie fell on his knees. He lost.

"I admit defeat. I give up," Bestie spoke.

[Player Bestiel Lion gave up. Player Berryier win.

Rewards: 21 Experience Points and 2100G.

Player Berryier receives no damage.

Extra Rewards: 10 Experience Points and 1000G]

Berry was surprised. He got a lot of experience points and money from this battle. With this reward, Berry had more than enough to level up his overall level and his skill.

The barrier surrounding them shattered as the sign of the end of the battle. Berry walked toward Bestie and Bestie sat on his knees politely on the ground. Bestie was staring at the ground and he dared not looking at Berry.

Not only that but Bestie did not want to run away too. It was better to be punished in the game than in real life. So, he sat there politely while waiting for his punishment.

"I will not punish you but keep what happens here a secret from mom and dad. Also, don't cause any more trouble. Our family is in a bad condition and don't add more to the problem," Berry spoke sternly at Bestie.

Bestie nodded his head heavily. He promised that he would not do this again. After that, Berry lectured him for half an hour and then, Bestie was let go.

"You can take all my things. I am going to delete this game account. This game is too hard for me," Bestie sighed.

"Why is it hard? I thought you are a gamer?" Berry questioned him.

"Urgh! You may not know this but there is a saying floating online for a long time that 'A VR Sports game is not a battle between gamers but a battle between athlete'. This battle proves the saying is right," Bestie spoke.

"VR Sports game is only suitable for someone like you. For people like me, we better off playing FPS and MMORPG," Bestie added.

"Brother, if you are going to play this for a long time, make sure you keep your fitness steady all the time. The professional players all have high fitness and your fitness is usually the determiner of the battle," Bestie gave Berry a piece of advice.