Chapter 12 - Embarrassing

Chapter 12 - Embarrassing

Berry sold the six rabbit pelts he got and got a total of 60G. One pelt was sold at 10G. The price was the same everywhere, so, Berry sold them at the nearest shop.

Berry's money was now at 370G. He used 200G to expand his storage second slot from 5 to 7. 100G was needed to increase the maximum amount by one for each storage slot. After that, Berry bought six golf balls.

Now that Berry was prepared, he needed to head to the field to hunt for some Horned Rabbits and searched for the Gummy Dandelion. However, Berry was headed to the inn instead.

"I have been playing for a while now. Time to rest," Berry decided to stop playing. He had been playing for almost two hours and felt tired. He was not interested in gaming and thus, Berry easily felt tired while playing one. He was like this too when he gamed in the past.

While Berry was walking towards the inn, he suddenly stopped. Then, he looked behind him and stared in a direction seriously.

"…" Berry was silent but he was staring intensely in that direction.

Suddenly, a notification arrived.

[Player Bestiel Lion forcing you to be in a battle. Battlefield initiated]

"!!!" Berry was shocked and his surrounding suddenly changed. A massive barrier the size of a basketball court was erected around Berry.

Players and NPCs walking around the road that was caught inside the barrier was teleported outside the barrier.

"What the???" a player was surprised that he suddenly appeared in a different place.

"A forced battle! Who is it? Who is it? Is it someone popular?" another player added excitedly.

"Tch! I took a leave of work for shopping and here they are blocking the road!" an NPC was angry.

Players and NPCs nearby flocked the barrier to see what was happening. They all knew that it was a battle but they were curious who was the one fighting.

Inside the barrier, Berry stood silently there staring at a guy who was not teleported outside the barrier. The guy was the one forcing Berry into this battle.

Above the head of that guy was his in-game name and level. Bestiel Lion, Level 1. The guy had the same level as Berry and this was the reason, he dared to force Berry into a battle.

However, Berry was oblivious to the name and level of Bestiel Lion because he was glaring intensely at Bestiel Lion's face.

"What are you doing?" Berry spoke coldly.

"Hehehe~ This is the rule of this game and this forced battle is the official PK method of Dodgeball Master. You should have read this in the forum," Bestiel Lion replied but Berry still glared at him.

In Dodgeball Master, the way to start attacking other players in public was through forced battle. In forced battle, the area around them would be blocked by a barrier and until the battle ended, the barrier would not disappear. Unless the initiator canceled the battle.

To issued a forced battle, there were rules. First was the attacker's level. If the attacker had a higher level than the target, he or she could not initiate the forced battle. However, if the attacker had the same or lower level than the target, he or she could initiate the forced battle.

In the case of Bestiel Lion and Berry, both of them had the same level and thus, Berry was forced to be in this battle. Usually, when the forced battle was initiated, the attacker would immediately attack their target but Bestial Lion did not do that.

Bestiel Lion had the same equipment as Berry such as the sports shoes and leather chest plate. The equipment proved that Bestiel Lion was a beginner like Berry too.

When the spectators saw this, they were surprised. They never thought that a beginner would initiate a forced battle in the middle of the city. They found it amusing too that this battle was happening.

"We should record this," a player spoke and he started recording everything using the VR Capsule's record function.

"Battle of the Century! Beginner's Legendary Forced Battle!" a player mocked the situation.

Since the isolated area was not that big, Berry could hear the spectators talking clearly but he ignored all of that. Berry was angry at Bestiel Lion, not because of the forced battle but because he knew Bestiel Lion personally.

"Since when do you play this game, Bestie!" Berry was angry. Bestiel Lion was Bestie, Berry's younger brother.

"I never play this but I want revenge! How dare you refuse my 'help' last night? I will beat you here and teach you a lesson, brother, with the game you are playing. Hehehe~" Bestie snickered.

Since Bestie could not fight Berry in real life, he decided to beat him in the game. If Bestie tried to fight Berry in real life, he would be beaten instead. So, he did not dare to fight Berry in real life.

"Brother?" a group of players looked at each other.

"Hahaha, this battle will be more interesting than I thought," another player added while shaking his head.

"They should solve their problem in private. No need to do this in public. Aren't they embarrassed that people are watching?"

"That Bestiel Lion is a bit immature."

Berry heard all of that and he agreed with what the other players were saying. If Bestie had a problem, they should solve it in private not when there were many people around.

"Cancel this battle now. Aren't you embarrassed that people are watching?" Berry rubbed his forehead. He got a headache now. 'I need to teach him a real lesson after this!' thought Berry.

"No! Why should I?" Bestie replied nonchalantly. "I will delete this account after I beat you. No one will know it is me. As for the recording? I already set the option that any recording of this battle will have our faces blur. No one will know we are the ones fighting."

"Added with this beginner equipment, it could be anyone," Bestie smiled.

'But the spectators can still see our faces clearly!' thought Berry and he was fuming in anger.

All VR games in the world used the true appearance of the players. There was no customization and the player looked 95% like their real self. In the beginning, many people complained about it but as time passes, it became a norm.

In other words, all the players that were currently watching Berry and Bestie would recognize them if they somehow met each other in real life. That would be embarrassing to Berry.

"YOU! Are you going to be like this?" Berry spoke in anger.

"…" Bestie suddenly felt nervous. "Y-Yes! I will not back out! I will fight you right here and now!" Bestie steeled his resolution. Berry glared at him.

Berry did not want to fight Bestie like this. If the fight was not because of Bestie's petty revenge, Berry would gladly follow it. However, Bestie had announced his intention of the battle to the public and that made Berry reluctant to do it.

"Let's battle at another place," Berry suggested.

"Why should I do that? Let's fight here! I want to beat you in front of everyone here! I want to teach you a lesson not to look down on a gamer like me. You," Bestie pointed at Berry and continued, "Casual gamer dare to ignore my advice, and I will teach you in front of all these gamers," Bestie spoke.

Berry suddenly felt tired. He did not know that his younger brother was this bad. Causing problems in public like this. Although not a real-life public, it was still in public.

Berry sighed and spoke, "Let's make a deal."

"???" Bestie was confused. "What deal?"

"Let's battle somewhere else and if you win, I will do that request you want," Berry gave his suggestion.

"What if I lose?" Bestie asked.

"Nothing. The deal is we fight somewhere else in exchange for if you win, I will help you with that request," Berry replied.

"Hmm…" Bestie was thinking.

"You know that I will keep my promise," Berry added.

"Are they going to fight somewhere else?" a spectator spoke.

"I think so," his friend replied.

"Aww~ that is so boring! I thought that we will be able to see a funny fight," that spectator added.

"It depends on the younger brother. If he takes the deal, they will fight somewhere else. If not, they will battle here," his friend added.

"This is funny. No matter if he wins or loses, that Bestiel Lion guy will get beaten by Berryier in real life. It is so apparent that he is scared of his brother and Berryier must be a scary guy," the spectator shook his head.

"Berryier didn't look like a scary guy. He looks like a nice guy," his friend had a different opinion.

"Don't judge a book by its cover. Those that looks nice is usually the one we need to be careful of," the spectator reminded his friend.

Bestie glanced at Berry and he recognized the look that Berry gave him. That was the look of 'I am serious' meant that Berry was serious with the deal he just gave to Bestie.

"Add this one too in the deal," Bestie spoke. "If you disagree with this, we will continue this battle here."

"What?" Berry was getting impatient. There were more and more people crowding the area. Berry wanted to resolve this as fast as possible.

"Let what happen here, stays here," Bestie spoke of his added condition.

"??? Your meaning?" Berry asked.

"Don't beat me after this…" Bestie spoke with a lowered voice.

"Pfft!" many of the spectators heard that and tried to hold their laugh. Many of them shook their head with the face saying, 'You should not start this if you are scared'

"Fine!" Berry replied.

"Nice! Make sure you keep your promise!" Bestie was happy.