Hell Difficulty

The four of them were sitting in the dining room. The atmosphere could be called pretty awkward. It was because of Alex who was silent for some time. Everyone eyed him, but no one tried to start the conversation.

'I must talk. Yeah, it is for all people's good. But from her eyes, I could feel she would be stubborn. Ahhh… Whatever. Let's try first,' Alex said in his heart.

"Ma'am, could you tell me what actually happened?" Alex couldn't hold anymore and decided to say something.

"You can call me Nicole, you know," Nicole said.

'I know this will be difficult. But, change the topic right after I asked. Seriously? She is tougher than Vira. Okay, let's following her a bit,' Alex complained

"No, ma'am. My mother taught me to call an elder with an honorific. We were strictly educated about it. You can ask Frank," Alex said.

"So it's like that. You must have some Asian blood from your mother. And it is a good habit. Do you also educate George like that?" Nicole asked 

'I must say something. Or it will never end,' Alex said in his heart.

"Yes, but ma'am, we thought you wanted to tell us…," Before Alex could finish what he said, Nicole cut it again.

"By the way, we brought you some local products from the Moon. Frank, if you don't mind…," Nicole said.

'Damn! I have never won against Vira in a debate. And it looks she learned from this veteran. Why is everything always tough?' Alex whined

"Yes, Mrs…" Frank then stood up and walked to the other room, where he and Alex put everything.


Alex shook his head. He then said in helplessness, "I don't mind you staying here ma'am. If that was what you were concerned about. It is just…."

"Then that's a deal. You couldn't retract what you just said. You are really a good man, Alex. It was not wrong Vira chose you. Thanks. 

Okay, sweetheart, let's make your husband and your son a good meal for lunch," Nicole then stood up and tried to drag her daughter to the kitchen.

"O-Okay…," Vira could only follow her.


'W-What happened? Anyone can explain what's going on? 

And, I'm not finished yet.'


After that, Vira and Nicole were busy cooking in the kitchen. It seemed they had many things to talk about.

Actually, it was not that Alex didn't agree for her to stay at his home. His house was pretty big. Besides his and Vira's room on the first floor and George's room on the second floor, they still had three rooms that can be used to be a bedroom. No, it should be two, as the other one had been used to place their capsules. Although two of them didn't have a bathroom. They could use a bathroom near the kitchen. 

He just felt like he needed some explanation about her mother in law's decision. Because she decided without asking everyone's opinion.

In the dining room, Frank came with many bags. Most of them were bags with luxurious brand's logos printed on them. They were clothes, utensils, cosmetics and some popular toys.

"This is for you," Frank with a grin gave a bag with a cosmetic brand's logo on it to Alex.

Alex who saw it, more annoyed, "Very funny! Really funny Frank. Let me punch you with a good one. And we are even."

"Hah… Do you want a sparing? I will give you 50%. And if you still stand after a minute no 30 seconds. I will eat noodles with my nose," Frank said with ample confidence.

Alex then looked at his bulge brother. Instead of fear, he sneered, "Okay. In the game. I mean desolate world. You are a family member, so you must be able to join us in the tutorial space. I must look, how good an elite soldier is."

Frank was like struck by lightning, "Hey… Who said I want to fight with you in the game. I mean in real life."

"So, Mr. Elite soldier from Mars chickened out huh… It's actually alright, but I request you to wear it. You must be cute with it," Alex said in a sarcastic remark while throwing the bag that previously he got from Frank.

"You! Okay… You asked for it," Frank still confident accepting his brother's challenge.

Alex thought for a while. Although it seemed Frank had a job already. He still felt he had a possibility to win, at the very least, even if he lost, he wouldn't lose too badly, "Okay." 

After that, Frank called someone, and then in 15 minutes, two capsules were delivered.

Alex couldn't help to marvel at a soldier's connection and influence.


"Call me grandma... We frequently talked via video call, right? Come here. Let me hug you," Nicole said to George who was pretty nervous hiding behind Alex.

"But you look different," George said.

"How can I be different? Oh… It must be the Internet. Yeah… We know the Internet sometimes isn't very good, right? By the way, I brought you many toys for you, you know," Nicole then put in front of her many toys.

But George still didn't budge. He still didn't want to hug her. After 10 minutes of trying, Vira said, "Let's just make it slow mum. He was just being alert to meet a new person. It will be better as he sees you around him. How about we have lunch?"

Nicole still looked reluctant. 

Alex felt pity for her. He then said, "By the way, don't you know grandma is a good healer? If you learn from her. Maybe you will get better at assisting Jumpy." 

"Is that true?" George then showed his head and asked her.

Nicole looked at Alex with a surprised expression. She seemed to have something to say to him. 

Alex then nodded with a wink. 

But in front of the expectant George, she seemed didn't want to make her beloved grandson doubt her. With confidence, she nodded, "Yeah, I'm a pretty good healer you know. I will teach you if you want," Nicole smiled at George.


After having lunch, they came to a room that used to place the capsules. It was actually a large bedroom. However after 5 capsules were placed there, it looked narrow.

Alex's family had a schedule after they decided to play Desolate World. In the morning, they would do house chores and handle other things while George was at his school. Then after having lunch, they would play Desolate World until 5 p.m., as they need to do have dinner. After dinner, they would play the game until 6 a.m. Because the capsules had a nutrient liquid, it kept them healthy.

"Are you ready?" Alex like usual asked George who was inside the capsule. After getting a confirmation, he and the others entered each of their capsules.

After entering the dream portal interface, he got a notification.

[The system detected that a woman who is the biological mother of your wife and your biological brother entered the dream portal and requested to join your party. Do you agree?]

Ace then looked at Sofia who was waiting for his response, so he could only confirm it.

Two figures then appeared in front of him. They didn't seem surprised like his first time when entering the space. Actually, they had some things that were impossible for them to have, except by accessing the shop. 

Frank still wore beginner clothes, but he had a leather chest guard on top of his tunic. He also had a more than 2 m long spear that didn't look like a beginner spear at all. 

As for Nicole, although her staff looked like a cheap one. But the necklace and cloak that he wore definitely were not part of the beginner set.

"Have you two already accessed the shop?" Ace asked with a surprise.

The two frowned, Nicole asked, "Haven't you?"

"How about the warning?" Ace asked.

Frank wanted to answer, but Nicole spoke faster, "Oh… That one! Don't worry! The maximal balancing won't surpass your ability. As it said, it was balanced."

"How do you know?" Ace asked.

"Because I was one of some researchers assisting Terra project, although I worked only to ensure the safety and the utility of the dream portal that we are using. But if there is no change in the setting of the game, it will not be a big deal," Nicole said.

"Yeah, it is not a big deal. Everyone in the military was ordered to get the rarest job they could get and bought everything in the shop. The Union paid for everything. By the way, call me Sampson in the game," Frank said.

"And call me Cloud, I forgot to tell you, " Nicole said.

"That's a cool name mum, I'm Sofia by the way," Sofia said.

"And I'm Geo," The little George said.

Cloud only smiled for her daughter's praise and Geo's enthusiasm.

"Call me Ace. So, are you sure it was safe? We have Geo with us after all," Ace tried to confirm it once more.

"Yes!" Sampson and Cloud answered at the same time.

He then tried to access the shop.

[Are you sure you want to open the shop? The balancing protocol will be implemented. Your every advantage will be calculated to be implemented when you enter the game. It will determine your starting point?]

"Yes!" Ace answered with a little uneasiness.

[The system calculated your party members' advantages and determine your starting point]

[Your party's starting point exceed easy mode difficulty]

Ace still felt it was normal.

[Your party's starting point exceed medium mode difficulty]

Ace already guessed it. He thought they would get at least hard difficulty.

[Your party's starting point exceed hard mode difficulty]

This time Ace was a little nervous.

[Your party's starting point exceed very hard mode difficulty]

This time not only Ace's but everyone's face except Geo who still didn't understand became pale.

[Your party's starting point exceed nightmare mode difficulty]

"What the hell?" Sampson exclaimed.

Everyone then looked at each other with a panicked expression.

[Your party's starting point reach hell mode difficulty]

[You get additional goods that you can purchase in the shop]
