The Easiest Quest

Adrian led the others to go farther from the shore. The vegetation there was pretty dense, which was abnormal for the underground environment.

Along the way, Sofia couldn't help but exclaimed many times. When Ace asked her, she answered that she found many precious herbs there. 

Some fireflies were flying around them, as if they didn't fear the intruders that had invaded their home. 

"Stop!" A voice disturbed the harmony that the team felt. Few people then jumped from the bush with bare weapons pointed at the team. One of them stepped on a plant with blue leaves.

It seemed to have triggered Sofia, she yelled at the one that stepped on the plant, "Back down! or else!" 

The person who was actually pretty young was startled by the fierce gaze of Sofia. Unconsciously he backed down. It made Ace chuckle. He saw the scene was somewhat funny. A young man with a sword was startled by the yelling of an unarmed woman.