Turn of Events

"So, what happened next?" Ace asked Cloud that suddenly stopped talking.

"Then Nila realized what she had done and she despaired. Because she became a vampire. One of the creatures that kidnapped and possibly killed most of the refugees," Cloud told Ace and Geo with a sad expression on her face.

"Poor Nila!" Geo commented.

"Yes, after that she told her sister about what had happened to her and asked her to kill her, before she hurt her.

Of course, Mila refused. She even offered her blood to Nila. But Nila fought her instinct and begged her sister to call Noah. She preferred to die as a human rather than living as a vampire. 

Didn't want to see her sister being tormented by her instinct anymore, Mila gave in. After that, she looked for Noah and told him about her sister's condition.

In the end, Noah didn't have any other choice but to kill her," Cloud lowered her voice in the last sentence.

'That's it? I expect more,' Ace said in his heart.