A player?!

Deep down in the cave. Ace was running full speed. The plan was changed, again. He sighed. He recalled his plans had always changed since the game started. Of course, he knew that they were for the best, as the situation forced them. However, it made him bitter. He thought that he was so insignificant to always be wobbled by the situations.

After knowing that Mila, Nila's sister's position changed, went to their location at high speed, Ace was lost for words. Wasn't she caught by vampires? How could she be moving? Did she escape? However, it was impossible for her to move at high speed, right?

With many questions in his head, he could only make a most reasonable conclusion. That was, someone tried to save her. And the reason she moved at high speed was because she and someone who saved her were chased by the vampires.