Dread Aura and Ice Bullet

The wave of the monsters' attack stopped an hour after Ace had l joined the defense. Fortunately, with Cloud's support, no one died. Her multiple healing abilities were really precious in the team's battle.

A minute after the last monster was slain, hundreds of loot crystals emerged from the carcasses of the monsters. Ace gave up picking them, as his inventory was full of such crystals from the crabs. Ace looked at Noah, and Noah looked back at him.

"You can ask the refugees to collect them, just give my son and Cloud their shares. My inventory is full," Ace said with a bitter smile.

"Then, thank you," Noah didn't try to act of being polite.

After that, he ordered the refugees to clean the battlefield. He also asked them to store the carcasses too. Which made Ace shake his head.

"He learns fast," Ace said.