Doing the Devil's Work

Jordan then touched his left chest. He indeed felt heartbeats. He then asked himself if the other undead had heartbeats. 

For skeletons it was obvious. Their bodies were only composed of bones, so they didn't have a heart.

For zombies, all of their flesh and organs were rotten. So, it was impossible for their hearts to be functional.

Then the ghosts. They didn't have physical bodies. So this question was irrelevant for them.

Now, the vampires. He was not sure. They looked like other living humanoids. So, maybe they had heartbeats? He wasn't sure.

Jordan then said, "I think other undead besides my race and vampires have no heartbeats.

Ace shook his head. He then said, "I have fought with vampires. They didn't have heartbeats. Actually, one of the definite characteristics of transforming people who haven't become vampires is they still have heartbeats. Well, if you don't check directly on their information.