Breakfast Talk (Part Two)

It had been a long time since he heard of the job's name. It was the rarest job he could get when he was choosing a job. Who knew he would hear it again. 

What surprised him was an elf that had it. He thought only humans could pick the job, but it seemed not like that. Other races seemed to be able to learn the rare jobs as well. What became his concern was, if it was true, he seemed to waste a quota of an S rarity job for human beings. 

However, besides feeling a little bit guilty, he didn't regret his decision. Because, he knew that if he had chosen the gambler of fate, his family would have taken a very different journey. As the rarity of his job was higher, their starting point would be farther from the nearest settlement than they had had.

And all that they had gotten this far, maybe they wouldn't be able to get if he chose gambler of fate. In the end, he had already been satisfied with his choice in the past to choose joker as his job.