Chapter 5: Willow Springs

October 22, 2020. Tuesday

Ah Willow Springs raceway, many people raced here, most importantly, Shelby American. Caroll Shelby and Ken Miles were dominant in the 1950s with their Shelby Cobra. The rules on this event allowed only two door sportscars that raced here in the 50s and 60s, which meant, Corvettes, 911s, Mustangs.

Team "Detroit Racing" was also there and they brought the AC Ace Cobra. Not just a Cobra, but Ken Miles's Cobra, who raced and brought wins to Shelby American with a broken windshield.

Ken was an outspoken racecar driver. He said what he thought, he disrespected Leo Beebe, but most importantly, he was an outstanding driver. He knew the car, he felt it. It's like making a best friend and telling all the secrets to him and in return he does the same. Carroll Shelby himself said that he was the heart and soul of the racing program, their base line, their guiding point. He said that there would never be another Ken Miles.

Since they were there, Jacqui and John felt it would be great if a legend returns to it's homeland, the Willow Springs racetrack. This is where Miles was racing in. What spectacular times!

"Welcome back to the Festival of Goodwood. We are now broadcasting to you from The Willow Springs Raceway." James May started.

"Yees and this is a very special racetrack, with very special racecars!" Jeremy noted.

"Indeed, we have Vettes, Mustangs and many other legends not only from the land of the free, but also from across the pond." Hammond noted.

"There is Mike Martinez, driving Bob Bondurant's Chevy Corvette, there is also Jake Noble, driving a Mustang GT500." James explained.

"Yes but I think you are missing the very center of attention. John Prescott and his team "Detroit Racing" have arrived with Ken Miles's Shelby Cobra. That car and that driver were a dominant pair back in the 50s." Jeremy said.

"Yes Ken Miles was a legend on this track, he just annihilated it and he also annihilated some other racetracks around the land of the free." Hammond noted.

"Anyway, we should get on with the race, because the racers are already doing it." Jeremy said.

Meanwhile at the Pits...

"Ok kid, we have Bob Bondurant vs Ken Miles, if we made that car faster than it was, you will wipe the floor with that Marky-Mark." Peter said through the earpiece.

"Roger that." John responded.

The crowd was cheering for the sportscars finishing their smitting lap and the race started. John was starting last again, while Martinez was starting 3rd and he climed up to 1st immediately. John had 2 laps to get to 1st place. He didn't have the time to play nice to the others, so he pushed even harder than last time, late breaking, sharp turns, tire screeching. The crowd was cheering.

Two Corvettes and a Mustang up ahead and John wasted no time, he drove on the outside of a right turn, knowing that the next one would be left. That slowed down the other cars, giving John a window, but there was still one of the corvettes to overtake. The 'vette was smart, but John was faster in the corners. Five cars overtaken into the first lap, only three left.

The second lap had the three last competitors in Cobras and Corvettes and Mark Martinez was in the lead. John was quick to overtake them and finnaly there was Mike Martinez left with time to spare, but it wasn't so easy to beat him. His car was fast.

"I can't take him, theres no window." John said.

"It'll open, just wait." Peter said.

"Ok." John acknoledged.


"John Prescott is right on Mark Martinez's buttocks, he's just following him." Hammond noted.

"He's searching for a window, but he can't find it." Jeremy said.

For the rest of the lap he followed him very close. Until he found the window. On the last corner, that Corvette went wider than usual. John saw it and took the opportunity. He couldn't get to far, but it was close enough for a final charge throught the straight.

"John Prescott, Shelby Cobra and Mark Martinez are head to head!" Hammond exclaimed.

"THE COBRA IS GETTING AHEAD!" Jeremy exlaimed with him.

John had won yet another race. Watching the race that day was Warren Collins, the person who organised the illegal races in Detroit.

After John left to compete in Goodwood, Warren began to lose spectators, which meant he lost money out of bets, he wasn't too happy and was ready to do anything.