Chapter 6: Trouble

John and Jacqui were invited to a party. They didn't want to go but they were persuaded, so they went. John met his two old friends from street racing, they congratulated him on his victories. John got a bit carried away and drank too much booze. In fact so much than he almost collapsed on the floor 2 times. He was being carried out by two mysterious men who definetly weren't working at the club they were located at. John was thrown into a black Singer, or a Mercedes-Benz 600 Kurtz if you don't know what a Singer is.

Anyway, they delivered him to an abandoned warehouse of a unknown location. The two men picked John's unconscious body and brought him to the warehouse, tied his body to a chair. Then an old man came and splashed water on him. John opened his eyes and immediately panicked.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He asked.

"Don't recognize me, John?" Warren Collins appeared!

"Mr. Collins?" John said.

"You see, John, your wins at Goodwood drew the crowd away from Detroit, costing me valuable money from the bets." Warren explained.

"I was going to come back anyway, why are you doing this?" John asked.

"Because, it cost me a lot of money and also my reputation." Warren continued.

One of the goons there gave him a gun.

"You know it was me who killed your dad. He was winning too much, everything eventually comes to an end." He revealed.

"You... You son of a BITCH!" John tried to escape the ties, pointlessly.

Warren hit him. He had enough and pointed the gun at John. He looked at it scared. Warren was prepared to take a shot until he saw a mysterious figure. The mysterious figure shot him in the shoulder, some goons started firing at the figure but they couldn't hit it as already shot them. Unfortunately Warren got away.

"JOHN! Are you ok?" The figure asked.

"Wait. . . Jacqui?" John said, recognising the voice.

The figure took off it's mask and revealed his quite skillfull cousin.

"Cmon, let's get you outta here." Jacqui said.

She untied him and led him to a black car. They drove off to her house.

"Warren, that son of a bitch." John cursed.

"Why did he kidnap you?" Jacqui asked.

"He was losing money because of me. He also confessed that he killed my father." John answered.

"He WHAT!?" Jacqui was furious. "Ok, he sent a driver to the next race in Daytona and they have a Ferrari 330. I think we have just the car to beat 'em."

"What about Warren?" He asked.

Jacqui said nothing, she just drove. They arrived at the gates of her house, but she didn't drive in, instead she just stopped.

"He will pay. Once we win the race, he will be dealt with." Jacqui explained.

"Do we have a car?" John asked.

"We don't just have a car, we have the right one. I'll show you something." Jacqui explained.

Jacqui drove into the mansion and stopped near her garage. They both exited the car and went into the garage. There Jacqui approached another covered car and took the cover off, revealing a Ford GT40 in Gulf racing colors.
