7 --- 6

Tracking the girl wasn't easy and her ridiculous speed just made it a lot harder. There were moments when he just wanted to abandon the plan and head straight for Victor but he persisted. He could sense her fear, she was running around the city with no direction at all, he had to admire her stamina though. She had been running non-stop for hours until she stopped to make a call where Nate sensed a spike in her will signature, which he was tracking.

He arrived just in time to see her destroy the booth with Bennet present. He watched as she tried to report to the policeman. It was painful watching her trying to convince the policeman that she was not the enemy but it was hopeless because even she was scared of her powers.

She faced away from the scene and he saw Bennett also portal away without anyone noticing. Both of them could cover long distances in incredibly short time. Which left Nate throwing all caution to the wind and flying in broad daylight to track the girl down before Bennet hurt her.

He tried to fly fast as he could to avoid stares but he could spot a few figures pointing excitedly at him from the ground.

After a few minutes, he found her handcuffed to the floor with Bennet standing over her. He took Bennet by suprise and now he and the girl were both staring down at his handcuffed unconscious body.

"What are you going to do with him?" Amber asked uncertainly. She was trying to keep some distance from him and Bennet, he could not blame her, the few willers she had met had not been kind to her.

"I am trying to figure it out, this didn't exactly go a according to plan. You were supposed to be bait but he found you first."

"What?" She wasn't taking kindly to the word *bait*.

"I was going to use you to take out Victor but now I have to figure out how to use him."

"When you say 'take out', do you mean kill?"

Nate looked at her with slight amusement. "Do you have something against me killing the man who kidnapped you and wants to sell you for money."

She shrugged. "I get that he is a bad guy but you guys must have some sort of order or leadership you can report to?"

"We do, but they are not too interested in things like this."

Nate crouched down to Bennet's body and begun to rifle through through his pockets.

"What are you looking for?"

"Anything." He brought out a phone and a wallet from one pocket and a pack of cigarettes. There was nothing except loose change in his jacket pockets.

He clicked on the phone but it was password protected. "Shit." He checked the his wallet instead and found his credit card and cash, he pulled all this out and found something interesting. It was tiny little pictures of Ronda, most of the picture looked like they were taken unaware. There was one that depicted her topless but it was the last picture that took Nate by suprise. It was a picture of Bennet and Ronda on the bed intimately but it was obviously edited.

"This is insanely creepy." Amber said over his shoulder.

Nate nodded in agreement. He had no idea Bennet liked Ronda and he lived with them for months. How could he not notice this? This is not just a crush, it was an obsession.

He looked back at the phone and typed in Ronda as password. It unsurprisingly unlocked. "He always did strike me as a weirdo." Nate muttered.

He looked at his call log and saw several unanswered calls to Ronda and Caleb. The last call call he received was from Victor late last night. He switched over to check his recent text messages and found a conversation between him and Victor.

Victor: have you found the girl

Bennet: no boss, I can't contact Ronda or Caleb

Victor: forget about them and focus on your task. The girl is at the times Square, find her.

Bennet: yes boss.

Victor's text was an hour ago and it seemed Bennet didn't know Ronda and Caleb are dead. This also confirmed his theory that Victor was tracking them somehow. But none of these information could help them. Unless...

He looked at Bennet's unconscious body and then back at the creepy edited photo. Maybe they could be a way to--.

Bennet stirred, Nate quickly put his thoughts on hold and put all Bennet's belongings back to his pockets. By the time he was done, Bennet was almost awake.

"I should go." Amber said, inching backwards.

"I won't stop you but you should know they won't stop hunting you, you would always be running."

She didn't respond to his words but she didn't leave either.

Bennet was wide awake now. "Hey buddy." Nate waved, injecting cheerfulness into his voice.

Bennet tried to lunge at him before realising that he was restrained. "Let me go, traitor."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Coward, why don't you free me and face me equally."

"I don't have anything to prove to you, Bennet. I already beat you twice, remember?"

"I warned Victor against taking you in, you were never one of us."

"Yeah, I don't really care about any of that. I need you to portal me to Victor."

Shock crossed his face and was quickly replaced by a crooked smile. "You must be really demented if you really think I --"

"I have Ronda."

The smile vanished quickly. "W-what? No way, there is no way you could beat her."

Nate reached into his jacket pocket and retrived a knife. "Recognize this?" He knew he would, it was one of Ronda's favourite knives.

"She is currently hidden away where no one will find her. If I don't get what I want, I won't hesitate to kill her."

Bennet gasped weakly. "Please don't, you can't."

"All it takes is a phone call and Anna sends her head to Victor.  Is that what you want? Ronda's blood on your hands?"

"Fine..fine, I will do it, just please don't hurt her."

Nate couldn't believe how well that went, the idiot isn't even asking for proof of life. He must have underestimated his obsession for Ronda.

Nate produced the key to the handcuffs and slowly unlocked them. He grabbed Bennet at the back of the neck and pulled him up.

"I am coming with you." Amber spoke up suddenly.

"What? Didn't you just you wanted to leave?"

"I changed my mind."

"You do realise I am going on a suicide mission."

"And if you fail, Victor won't stop looking for me." Nate still looked unconvinced. "Look, I won't get in your way, I am really fast so I can be of help. You are right, I am turned of running."

He was still frowning. "Stay behind me and do exactly as I say." Amber nodded and got behind him.

"Open the portal now, Bennet." He tightened his grip on his neck. "And no sudden moves. All I have to do is think and you are dead."

Bennet nodded feebly and ripped a portal, Nate could see the corridors of the underground base on the other side. They quietly walked through. Nate tried to scan around for any sign of Victor but he couldn't because Martha suddenly came out of a room right in front of them, holding a tray. The maid girl's eyes widened when she saw them.

Nate froze and Bennet took advantage, he reached into Marta's tray, took a knife and stabbed Nate in the thigh.

Nate responded instinctively, he focused his will into his hand and blew Bennet's head clean off.

Martha let out a blood curling screen.