
Aaron just got Donovon fixed and they were on their way to the academy.

"She once throwed a glue on the track so i got stuck there," Delaney told Darington. Aaron said:" I needed to took her wheels of to get her out of the glue." Delaney blushed from embarasment. Aaron continued:" Once there was a "ghost" there so Donovon didn't want to sleep at night." Donovon told them:" I know now that it was Nyla's plan to exhaust me so i can't complite the trick." Darington laughed and said:" We have Crusher, who always cheats on everything." Aaron said:" They two could suit each other." The three trucks laughed.

Then they reached to the Tricks Academy. "We are back!" Aaron called others. Then three trucks rushed there.

One of them was orange with blue stripes. His roof was dark blue and the wheel covers were orange.

Second was cyan with yellow back. He weared a helmet, like Darington.

Final was light brown. Near his eyes was a orange lines what reached to the rear.

Donovon said:" Those are Sam, Peter and Timothy. Friends, this is our younger brother, Darington." Sam and Peter greeted Darington and Timothy said quietly:" Hi!" Delaney whispered:" Timothy's not a good talker. He thinks that he dosen't belong here and his shy." "It's because of Nyla," Sam said. "Yes!" Peter agreed:" She's rude and she made a fun of Timothy when he was new here." Darington realized that they are talking about Nyla like she's very horrible truck.

Aaron told Darington to follow him to greet the teachers. "Here is five teachers," he said:" Miguel is the teacher of simulation. It helps students to get ready for the tricks. Maria teaches them flips in the air. Jack teaches them parkour. Zane is one who helps them with safety. And then there is Max. He teaches them the most dangerous tricks." Then Darington crashed into the purple truck. "Look where you're going, punk!" the truck shot at him. Darington tried to apologize but she just rode of unrudely. Darington felt bad. "Don't mind her," Aaron told him and put his hand on side:" She's always like that. She thinks that she's the most important of all."

Then Darington realized that she was Nyla.