The simulation

First thing what Darington checked was Miguel's teaching.

He was black with orangish-red lining on his left side. "Hola!" he greeted Darington:" Are you ready for the simulaton?" Darington said that he dosen't think that he needs that but he still wants to try. Miguel guided him one of the simulaton screens. "When you said that you are bieno then try simulación de nivel ocho."he said to Darington. Darington didn't understand him. "What's simulación de nivel ocho?" he asked. Miguel explained:" Level eight simulaton."

It was the simulaton of three loop-a-loops, in the end is small jump with a two circles what's on fire. The hardest part is in the end: the big pool. Darington needs to jump over that without touching the water.

Darington, who never been even heard about that simulaton had a little trouble. When he came into first loop then he was searching a speed up command but his simulaton character drove to the right and it went driving all over the screen. Darington wanted to stop but then he found himself trough the screen. Miguel rushed to him to see if he was alright. "Daringtooon!" Darington said dizzily. "Ai,ai,ai!" Miguel said:" You weren't ready, mi amigo." Darington apologized. "It's bueno. It's hard to get use to the simulator anyway."

That was Darington's first lesson in Tricks Academy.