
There was few days before the compitasion.

Donovon was training for that day like any other times. He really wanted to win this year. He was trying to do the hardest stunt ever. He was going to ride in the ramp where he continued with loop-a-loops. There was three big loops. At the end was going to be the fire star. The final thing wasn't there for his safety at the training time but there was a metal circle.

He didn't knew that that will go terribly wrong. He wanted to jump the ramp but then he slipped and losed control. "Oh no!" he shouted when he realized that he was going to crash into the wall. Other side of it was Lily's garden! He wanted to stop but he couldn't. The slippy liquid sticked on his wheels. Donovon praised himself for impact.

In Lily's garden was Delaney. She was looking for her friend. Then she heard a crash! "Donovon!" Delaney shouted when she saw her injured twin brother.

The help came in no time. Aaron looked Donovon over and said:" We can't fix him up in time. I'm sorry." Donovon was dented all over and his left wheel's suspension was broken. His paintwork was scratched.

Darington rushed to Delaney and asked:" What's going on?" Then he saw his older brother. "Oh my god!" he shouted. "Looks like some one wanted that to happen," Sam said. Peter agreed and said to Darington:" Sam's parents are both police officers. He is learned something from them."

Delaney rolled closer to her younger brother and told him:" That's why we didn't want that you join in the compitasion. Someone tries to get rid of their opponents." Timothy whispered:" I maybe know who." Then all of them shouted:" Nyla!"

Donovon is out of the game and now she is after others.