The real dangers of Nyla

Darington wanted to call Blaze right away.

He went to his room but was stopped by Nyla. She was on his way. "Nyla!" Darington said with rage:" I know that you are behind of all of this. I call my friend, Blaze, to stop you once and for all." Nyla laughed and asked:" With this?" She was holding Darington's broken phone! "Of course you can't," Nyla told him:" I know that you are afraid of me that's why you wanted to call Blaze, "the hero of Axle City". I tell you the only way when you want that i leave you alone. It's to get away from my way and help me win."

Darington told her that he won't help her. "Do your worst!" he said. Then there drove Miguel. Oh Dios mío!" he shouted suprised:" What's going on here?" "Nothing!" Nyla said and rolled closer to Darington with saying:" It's not over." Then she leaved.

Miguel asked:" What happened?" Darington answered that he dosen't know and said:" When she leave me alone then i don't compite. But i need to compite to win her. She dosen't deserve to win. Not after what she did to my brother. When no one is against her then she wins." Then he asked Miguel:" What was Donovon's plan to win?" Miguel told him to follow him.

"Here is it," Miguel said. Darington wow'd. Miguel asked:" Why you asked that?" Darington told him that he's going to do that trick to win. "Donovon may be out of compitasion but his trick isn't," he said:" I know that i can do it and win Nyla."

Will he make it?