I am making this audio recording as a means to record everything.
Well, not exactly everything, but there's gonna be a lot I have to cover.
This was not truly the end of my lifetime, however, I cannot be too careful. You'll never know when it's your time to go.
What follows, over the next few weeks, is a series of recordings, each of them detailing about myself, my affiliation with the Saturn-Voyde Company, as well as my participation in the war.
Not so much a front line war, but rather a war of battling certain substances.
Blue Moon.
The thing that's causing people to be put in a trance, thinking it'll make them better, but that wasn't the case when deaths were recorded.
These recordings are to be sent to Agent Delaney of the Criminal Investigative Bureau in Decou once they are all complete.
Decou. A wonderful place. A place where you can pretty much get anything as long as you put effort in it. Entertainment, health, education, drugs.
That last part wasn't a joke. I was referring to medicine, but unfortunately a certain type of medicine has become...what's the best way to say this?
A complicated issue.
People love to blame other things for their problems. I myself find it ridiculous at first. Can you really blame the world's problems on a single pill? Or a thousand of them for that matter?
Well, to a certain extent I guess you can blame the product but let's not go too far ahead.
Don't hate the product, hate the player. It's always the players involved in this. You got the main, and then you got the support.
Put them all together and you get a criminal castle.
Now, what happens if that castle manages to piss off the CIB?
Agent Delaney, if you're listening to this, then you will understand that there's a lot of players to be targeted in this dangerous and absurd game.
A LOT OF THEM. Especially when you consider how much Decou wants its citizens to be the very best, to not be plagued or downed by anything, and I do mean ANYTHING.
And also, you'll really need a lot of space for your computer to store these recordings, cause rest assured this is going to be longer than your standard FeatureRealm video, only in these recordings, there ain't gonna be any ads.
I love my country, and I wasn't gonna stand there and do nothing while Blue Moon does it's thing.
Let's both hope this entire thing is done before the year ends.
You ready for this? Cause I am.
Wait, let me make sure I'm using this recorder right, considering I'll be using it from here on out.
And, action!