This is Decou

We are a magnificent bunch, us people in Decou.

We live and strive everyday to make the best of our lives and follow what our parents once told us when we were kids. These parents were the same ones who gave us a roof, food, clothes and other stuff to make us happy and delighted each day.

As with other countries in the world, it's expected for the child of the parents to do something with their lives.

And no, this wasn't necessarily to say "Yes I will do it." to the parents so their ego is satisfied. We genuinely are building ourselves to be a model for society, somebody who contributes to moving the Decou forward.

Our country's flag was dual colored, consisting of blue and black, divided by a diagonal line. Within the middle of the line was a shield, essentially it symbolized how citizens had to defend the country, from both the outside and the inside.

That would be the case in the next few weeks. Not every region in this country was a safe haven, including its capital city, Ranasalta.

This is why there's a military checkpoint every 2 to 3 hour drive or so. Men in dark blue and black military uniforms each armed with AR-15s. Some say that their rifles were embedded with shock rounds, the kinds of bullets that stun you by the time it hits you somewhere around your body.

Now some people might be shivering with fear whenever they travel even on foot, but military police here had good reason.

You'll never know what on Earth people have in their cars, or under their skin.

Not gonna lie, Saturn-Voyde makes some really high tech and insane stuff. It was initially a prototype but a certain number of people managed to get the original blueprints, and they've been using DarkWall to get to hefty buyers.

You got the Skin Sleeves. Now, some Decouans may not know what this was, especially all of you back in the older generation. It's kinda like this:

You take one of the dark green and blue chips. You use a small knife to cut open a hole in one of your arms, or both of them, and you put the chip inside. Of it. Close your flesh to ensure the chip makes contact with your other parts of the flesh within the arm.

Next you'd have to do the same thing with your head.

Sorry if I get too much into detail on this Agent Delaney, but this part is for all you new agent recruits out there. Or is it recruit agents? I can't really tell.

Where was I? Oh yes. You take the same knife, you cut a tiny bit of your arm flesh, and you cut an equally similar hole into the side of your head. You may not want to cut too much or too deep unless you want to go "bye-bye" from the world.

By the time you've cleaned up all of the leaking blood coming from both your arm and the side of your head, you proceeded to close both of them. Some people go for simple bandages. Others go above and beyond by stitching them and then making up with some excuses that include:

"I fell from my bike."

"I got attacked by a dog."

"I got into a fight with my spouse who had a bottle in their hands."

Excuses, excuses, excuses. By the end of the day there's bound to be people who believe that sort of thing. And that was the case indeed, for a certain time period.

The Decouan Military wasn't the strongest in the world, nor it was the most highly equipped, but all the men and women there knew how to pack a punch into somebody who was just plain pissing other people off, the government and the nation as a whole.

This is why Tracker Drones were all over the place, in addition to wall and ceiling cameras.

We weren't a nation that really emphasized on the phrase honor unless you genuinely were a contributing member of society. Those people were the Great Models. They served as the ultimate role model for everyone.

If you were a Great Model, and you just so happened to screw up, chances are the nation's still gonna give you a chance.

Do it twice, shame on us for thinking that you could have been better.

Do it three times and strike! You're out. You get blasted out of a cannon and you can just say goodbye Decou!

For absurd comedic reasons, that's a joke. There's no cannon involved. It was simply forcing the Model to sell all of their things, get the money from the selling, and leave the nation in a boat. Many people over here would consider such a tragedy as the "Sad Violin Moment."

I'll be honest Agent Delaney, and I think we can both agree on this, the world has gone insane ever since the Tsunami. I'm not talking about the one that hit just Decou, but also other countries near us and the world itself.

Imagine ⅔ of the Earth's water making babies with a giant Earthquake that's higher than the skies on the Richter scale, and then each of those earthquaking waves just smack every country in their face.

NOW THAT's what I called as messed up. Nature is terrifying.

Decou did manage to get back up again upon being knocked down. Take Belmont Beach for example. It's the hottest region in Ranasalta that's near the beach, with good condos and apartments to live there as well, enjoying the crystal clear water as well as the good fresh air. At first the Tsunami dam took out everything from the sea.

Tires, plastic bags, old clothes, beer bottles, soda cans, live fish, dead fish, and even some people who were initially surfing, but the Tsunami gave all of them the middle finger and ruined their surfing. Very sad for both the environment and the people who were using the said environment.

The Tsunami was also recalled for hitting some buildings in Midtown, and well, millions of dollars went down the drain. All those older and newer businesses. The Tsunami really made its slam dunk onto part of Ranasalta, and other cities in Decou as well.

But President Kharisma didn't just sit on his ass. He went quick and about and talked to the Ministry of Societies, Mr. Irelli Kayr. The tag team duo proceeded to put all of their focus and time on the other regions of Ranasalta as well.

There was the Financial District, where many expensive homes of the city's elite were residing, in addition to the fancy buildings that looked like a tower of glass when viewed from afar, considering the amount of windows the average building has.

Could you imagine the look on a foreigner's face when they look at how many window panes? A glass building might as well be the world's largest reflector before the sun came out shining at noon.

Another region that President Kharisma and Kayr had their fixation on when it comes to fixing things was Sternwood.

Now Sternwood was the epitome of the region that produces the vast majority if not ALL of the wonderful media that arises in Decou.

Certain movies that come from studios around in Sternwood include: Fly Hard, MechaCop, and the Robotic Knights film series based on the line of toys of the same name. Sternwood was a lucrative region due to the mountain load of commercials, the places of dreams and opportunities...that is if you get accepted at all.

Everyone there has to go through an extensive check of various things. It's understandable if Sternwood wants the best of the best when it comes to who on Earth is performing in their shampoo commercials, their movies, or their TV shows.

Everything is taken into account for the people who want to be part of Sternwood's massive cash dump. The actor's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, face, build, posture, acting,

Speaking of movies from Sternwood, I wonder what happened to that movie from a few years back? "Pisswasher?"

I guess it got bootlegged by the boys living in the Cauldron, just East of where I was living, along with a ton of other films from Sternwood. The Cauldron got its name for a particular area in its square, buildings surrounding it just like an actual cauldron. In the middle of the square was a black, well, cauldron. It was an old piece of my country's history.

The Cauldron was essentially the cooking pot of the Original Settlers of Decou, and this was millennia ago. Population there rose higher than a rocket as time went on, and here we are now, being more technologically advanced.

I myself am grateful for the people putting their effort into the development of this nation, especially after the Tsunami. I even had a part in helping those who were hit hard by the Tsunami all around Decou, I donated some food supplies as well as old clothes I had to those who really needed it.

President Kharisma even had several weather tracking drones deployed following the Tsunami, to be deployed and monitor the condition of the weather. The eggheads who developed these drones aren't exactly 100% accurate with their machines, but hey, we needed to get ready somehow.

If the Tsunami wasn't gonna hit us, then it would be the massive storm or downpour. But then again, there would be something else that hit the nation hard.

Something by the name of Blue freaking Moon.