Another Case of Blue Moon

At the front of the Saturn-Voyde building, I saw an ambulance facing its rear side, before two paramedics came out. They were both sturdy men, one of them taking out a gurney while the other approached me.

"You called it in?"

"No but I was asked to ensure you're here, and get ready."

"Okay, is it true the situation involves Blue Moon?"


"GET OUT OF THE WAY" said one 30th floor worker. While there wasn't any clear way of identifying them other than their assigned tag and keycard, I did see at least 5 men carrying another worn out man in their arms.

The worn out man had bags under his eyes, they seemed loopy and weak, but I also noticed the faded blue hue on his hands.

"Dammit, not again." whispered the parademic next to me.

"Hey, you're Elotro, right?" the 30th floor worker, the leader of the group spoke to me.


"Hate to be a pain but can you accompany him to the hospital? I'll be sure to tell Kyle that you had to go there first. We'll cover you and whatever work you got. 20th floor right?."

As I nodded, the worker gave a smile.

"Thanks Elotro, you're a good man."

"Just tell Kyle I might be late for the examination." I said that, as I helped the parademics and the other men carry their colleague, Dell, onto the gurney before he was rushed inside, I soon followed.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't bear myself to see this man shaking as the ambulance roared and went at high speed. It brought me back to my own years as a volunteer hospice.

"T-Thank you." Dell spoke gripping my hand as I was sitting with him and the other paramedic at the back.

"Calm down." I spoke as the paramedic set up a mask filled with oxygen. "You're gonna get help."

"Blue Moon." Dell coughed out. He slapped the oxygen mask that the paramedic, "I need Blue Moon!"

"Could you hold down his arms?" the paramedic said as the ambulance continued to go in a straight line. I was hesitant at first.

But I had no choice.

Dell started to twitch and he wad wobbling by himself wildly, he moved his feet into the air, kicking the backdoors. The driver slowed down his pace, and yelled at his colleague and I that should hold him down as we entered the the city center, we were just about 15 minutes until the hospital.

The ambulance soon came to a dead halt.

"Traffic!" The driver muttered in a loud tone. "As if carrying another damn Blue Moon patient wasn't bad enough.

"Just go with it." the second paramedic spoke in an assuring tone.

"This is the sixth one today!" the driver yelled. Sixth one?

What has been happening while I was out at work and doing my fair share of spreading awareness about the dangers of Blue Moon via social media and peaceful protests as I was in the BLV?