A Sad Sight

By the time the ambulance had arrived at the hospital, Dell was strapped in his gurney. Correction, he was strapped tightly to the thing following the two paramedics experiencing the hassle had with them.

"Blue Moon!" he shouted. "I want it! I need it! NOW!" his shouting was hysterical and toxic, bringing pain to my ears.

The back door opened, and the paramedics proceeded to roll Dell into the building. "You can go now." said one of the paramedics. The screams of the patients inside had only prompted me to go toward the front door, and see the inside of the hospital itself.

It was chaotic.

Doctors, nurses and among other staff members of the hospital were checking in hundreds to thousands of patients. Many of the sick people in there started to have blue hues on their skin, as well as twitching violently.

"What on Earth." I said, before entering the hospital itself. The noise was far worse than hearing it from the outside.

"BLUE MOON!" screamed one man strapped in a gurney no different from Dell. Other patients were lying on their gurneys, unconcious or worse case scenario, dead on arrival. Their parents, friends, spouses or family members, were by their side, concern and worry were filling in their faces.

My phone was ringing, and I looked to see the same number that Ignacio had.

"Elotro! What happened!?" he screamed before the noise in the hospital began to increase in volume. "WHere are you!?"

"A worker got a bad case of Blue Moon!" I yelled. "You still want me to bug the Saturn-Voyde building!?"

"Hey! They were known to use cameras in the past on behalf of the government, to provide more surveillance on the streets and within people's homes."

"People's homes?" I asked. "That's rubbish!"

"Who do you believe more Elotro? Me who's also a civilian of this nation or your own company working in the shadows while sugar coating you and the other employees!"

"Think Ignacio! Think!" I yelled. "The more you and the BLV push me into doing this, the more I am compromised for committing an error, besides, there's the examination-" I stopped, realizing I left the package at my office. I looked at the time being written on my phone. 14:03 right now, and it could start any minute.

Maybe it's started.

"Elotro? Elotro!?"

"Don't ever speak to me again, I am done with you and the BLV. Don't even try to approach me at my home. I swear I will not hesitate to call the police as soon as I even see a whiff of you or anyone else at the organization."

In the midst of my anger, I added. "And don't you tell me that I am technically backing off from helping this nation rid of Blue Moon even as it's distributed on the streets by either criminals or whoever. I will not risk my life for this cause.

I closed the phone shut, all while the screams of the hospital accompanied my loss.

"Elotro." I heard a voice in the midst of the chaos. I turned to see Kyle. "The 30th floor employees had told me that you had taken the liberty to accompany one of the

"It could be an overdose." I guessed. "I just hope he is fine."

"Well, I'm sure the doctors here will see to his health, in the meantime, I'm actually here to pick you up, bring you back to the building for the examination, the inspection basically.

"Right." I said in a concerned tone, following Kyle where I saw a man in a black suit open the door for his four door sedan. We entered the back seat, and soon another man in the passenger seat was holding the exact packet that I had received from Ignacio's contact with the bug.

The package was opened, and I was greeted by the sight of a spider shaped chip. No, not a potato chip, but a literal technological chip.

"I don't condone looking into other people's packages or things, but let's just say the examination started just a few minutes ago, and it was quite a sad sight to see this." Kyle said with a stern tone. I couldn't blame him. "I'm sure you can explain this, seeing how you never got in trouble before."

"We have all the time in the world to talk." he added, as I looked down in regret. The scary thing about this was just how calm he was, as if he had dealt with people like this before.

Though I wouldn't surprise if that was truly the case.