Chapter 2

Zayden's P.O.V.

I punched the bag harder trying to peel her off my mind. Everytime I blinked her dark eyes that held so much light would flash in front of me. And I would remember how intoxicating her mouth-watering scent was. It took everything in me not to jump up and go get her, I wouldn't give a sh*t what her parents or herself thought. She belonged alongside me as the Luna of my pack, nowhere else.

My wolf, of course, agreed. Ever since we left her with her family, he had become a crazy tempestuous wolf. It was hard enough fighting back by own urges. And it certainly didn't help when he kept playing with my imagination. Once a certain picture he played in my mind is what brought here, down to the training centre. He had played an image of Athina under-dressed and sighing softly underneath my touch; feeling the sparks from her soft skin again.

It made me want to pull my hair out.


It was past midnight; the moon was high in the sky, shining its rays of moonlight for the creatures of the dark and the beings that lurked within the darkness, but soon it was hidden by clouds that dropped soft snowflakes onto the earth. Wisped away by the chilly air, the snowflakes made their way down, slowly and elegantly, like a passionate dancer, who was coupled with the frosty air. The heavy snow kept falling from the skies and onto the ground like it was an unstoppable rising mountain. It seemed all the stars had made an appearance in the sky for tonight, only to be hidden behind the clouds. It was all in all quiet, the only sound that was heard was the wind as they lead the snowflakes softly to their way down to the ground. The cold breeze could be felt against one's face, making them pale and cold. The air was fresh, all one could smell were the pine cones and evergreen trees surrounded by the snow.

But all he could smell was the intoxicating scent of roses and lilies. The snow only made the scent pungent, and it stirred awake the beast within him.

He was storming out of his office. Once again is stupid Beta, couldn't do anything right; always acted like a brother more than a Beta who needed to follow orders. If he had stayed there any longer, he was more than sure he would have probably ended up killing his Beta, but he needed his Beta, even though he hated to admit it. So he had to get out, no, he needed to get out, or else blood would have split.

He slammed the front door shut. He growled loudly shifting into his strong silver wolf The feel of his bones breaking and forming was just a dull ache now, after years of shifting, he has gotten used to it. Running deep into the woods, practically felt pride with him feeling the fear of some pack members radiating off them, but he also felt the respect, those were the two words he drilled into them. The feel of when people feared him and they were begging for mercy at his feet, he loved it. They could do all the begging they could but he would only smirk and rip them open. People feared him, and that is the way he liked it. That is the way he wanted his life. Respect and fear were what he wanted from his pack, one couldn't be there without the other, not in his pack.

He growled feeling his wolf trying to reign, "Xaviour!" He growled to his wolf, fighting him back, but that was until a sweet mouth-watering scent hit his nostrils. He stopped letting his senses be embraced in that intoxicating scent; an intoxicating scent of roses and lilies.

His wolf's body now moved on its own accord, following the scent that drove him crazy. He could feel his wolf once again starting to get restless, what was drawing him towards the scent he didn't know, but he had the sudden urge to find its source at all costs.

''Mate," growled his wolf, which only made him push himself faster, towards a clear where she was.

''MATE!'' His wolf growls louder. With that, he smirked mentally.

He had been looking for her, for five years now. After the countless mating balls, he attended and hosted this is where he finds her.

Soft whimpers and sobs broke him away from those thoughts.

'She's crying? Pathetic!' He thought.

"Is she hurt?" His wolf asked, anxious to see her eyes and mark what's his.

Without responding to his wolf he stepped out of the dark towards her, only for a twig to break under his weight. Her body tensed as she suddenly silenced herself. He debated whether or not to approach the scared little thing.

Then, she quickly whipped her head around as her eyes frantically searched around, with a smile playing on her lips. But that smile was quickly replaced with a frown, her eyes widened as her gaze set on his large wolf figure. Fear soon started to radiate on her in waves. His eyes travelled down her whole body, taking in every curve and every feature, but it was her dark eyes that really drew him in; so dark, yet they held so much light. The dark-eyed beauty gazed upon him with amazement flickering in her pupils. Her exquisite shining dark hair flowed beautifully down her shoulders and ended at mid-back; a perfect length to his opinion, not too long and not too short.

After studying the innocent little girl before him he stepped forward Her striking dark browns that looked almost black, locked with his own, and he couldn't tear his gaze from her. Her eyes had him enchanted.

"How can something so dark hold so much light?" He heard his wolf speak.

"I don't know; her eyes are truly enchanting." He murmured to his wolf, never-taking his eyes off the girl before him. So innocent and delicate...

Taking further steps towards the small girl he seems to have startled her. She broke the gaze as fear rose within her small being once again; he could literally smell her fear. She moved back slowly, her frame shaking ever so slightly, he sighed, this wasn't supposed to be this hard. Deciding to take slow and steady towards her, he felt his wolf trying to connect with her own, but that's when he realised she didn't have one.

"She's human?" His wolf exclaimed.

She was indeed a human, not a werewolf, like himself. Why was his mate a human?! Was that even possible? A human mate was never heard of!

She must have thought he was going to hurt her because she quickly stood up, only she fell back down onto the snow.

'How cute,' his wolf commented.

"Great...she's clumsy!" He groaned.

Not only was she human, but she seems to be clumsy! What more pleasant surprises did the Moon goddess have in store for him?

Shaking his head, he decided to help her up, allowing her to sit back up again. He had never been this gentle with a girl before. He never gave a girl a kind gesture. Foreign emotions were spiralling within him, ones he had no understanding of. He didn't even understand why he suddenly came to the decision of helping her. Hell, he only used any girl he encountered for pleasure. He never approached, they all came to him. He sees how they flirt and if it catches his attention, he would give them a good try of a fu*k and seeing how well they had satisfied him, I would usually pay them nicely. This was truly the first time he gave a girl a kind gesture.

Pulling himself back to reality, he locked eyes with her again. This dark-eyed beauty had his whole undivided attention now. Then she did the unexpected; with her left hand, she started to brush against his silver fur. He heard her gasp in surprise. But what surprised him was that she was brave enough to touch him. Didn't a huge wolf scare? Or was it the mate bond speaking?

He let out a possessive growl. He didn't know he was holding. He was starting to enjoy the feel of her small delicate hand brush through his fur. He found himself placing his head onto her lap, allowing himself to relax under his mate's touch. Sparks spread through him. He wondered if she felt any.

He frowned, hearing suddenly someone far off. She did too, he noticed, her attention was divided. Perking his ear up he realised it was a male's voice that she seems to have recognised. The thought caused anger to sweep through his veins; she belonged to him. The male voice must have called her name and it sounded foreign; the accent was thick, maybe that's why he couldn't figure it out. His mate looked Asian, yes but also Indian. She must be Indian. Her gaze flicked, put to the watch one her wrist, he watched as her eyes widening. She wasn't supposed out here.

"What do you think? Little human girl out in the forest at night! What could possibly go wrong?!" His wolf snapped. He rolled his eyes, blocking out his wolf's thoughts.

"Can you help me, I need to get back to my parents?" A soft melodic soft reached his ears afterwards; it was a very strong Indian accent. Her voice sounded so sweet and pure; like a beautiful melody, the breeze carried. He watched her eyes widened in realisation; she was talking to a wolf, he chuckled seeing how much of an open book she was. If she was human then she's probably better off with her family...for now anyway, he thought. He stood up and jerked his head from the direction the voice came from. Whoever that male was, he better not is someone who's in a relationship with her. But judging from the voice, it sounded like a man in his mid-forties; perhaps her father.

He could see the shock crystal clear in her eyes. She doesn't understand how a wolf had such intelligence.

He leads her quietly back to her home while fighting both his own and his wolf's urge to touch her. He sensed the relief and happiness flood through her as a wooden house came into view.

She cheered jumping up and down and twirling in joy. He smirked, she had a mind of a kid. ready to run back into the house

She was more than ready to bound back into the house when he stopped her by a low growl, careful not to scare her. Once again, a gesture foreign to himself.

"Oh.." She giggled nervously, "Umm...thank you.." An awkward and shy smile played on lips, as she found it hard to look him in the eyes.

Now he had her full attention, he had realised he had no idea why he stopped her. Perhaps it was the mate bond wanting to keep her close to him. Perhaps, he didn't want her to leave. In all honesty, he just wanted to drag her back to his home, preferably to his bed...

He frowned realising he still hadn't known the name of his mate. With his large paw, he suddenly found himself writing his name on the snow beneath them. He knew was risking the truth about werewolves being found out, but she was his mate she would know, eventually. She was bound to.

He saw her eyes widening in shock and surprise. She was hesitant. Then she spoke, allowing her beautiful voice to reach his ears, "Mine's A-Athina." Her voice was so quiet, it wouldn't scare off the tiniest of creatures of the forest. Pure and delicate.

With a nod of his head, he ran back into the deep snowy woods.

He could hear parents comforting her. He didn't want to leave, his mate, Athina, was supposed to be with him. He truly wanted her by his side now. The mate bond was already taking its effects, much too quickly for his liking. He really couldn't stay away. He needed to her once again, then he would leave, at least until tomorrow. He soon found himself racing back to the direction of the house. Keeping himself hidden within the trees and bushes, he watched. He saw his raven-haired beauty, in between the people who appeared to be her parents, close to the fireplace. They appeared to be giving out to her. She had a perfect family taking her of her. He realised. he felt pity for her, she would soon be dragged into the world of blood and chaos he lived in.

As if sensing him, her head slowly turned towards him. He was sure she could see him, so when she turned back to her mother, he ran off.

"I'll be back, little mate..."

End of Flashback

I growled throwing another punch towards the bag as Xaviour reminded me how beautiful her voice sounded. If she sounded that velvet and beautiful, what would she sound like when my length fills her incompletely?

"Let's just go and kidnap her!" He told me.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. I would never do that. As much as I wanted her to myself, I knew that would be wrong, especially since she's human. Yet again, another thing that was brought new to me. I never cared for the ethics; the right and wrongs, yet when it came to her I felt the need to do these things the right way.

Throughout the day, I tried to distract myself with my Alpha duties and training hard, but with Xaviour and my own constant thoughts of Athina, almost everything seemed impossible. I needed to get a fu*king hold of myself.

I shouldn't let that dark-eyed beauty keep distracting me like this. She may be my mate and the Luna, but I'm the Alpha. I couldn't be tied down with the mate bond, as much as I craved her being, I needed to fight it.

No girl I have ever encountered constantly pulled my thoughts to one side; to herself. One-night stands were all I had, never thought about them again. Don't even remember the names for fu*k sake. I only took within pleasure, everything else such as emotions were out of the question.

I got ready for another punch but a voice stopped, "Alright enough!"

A growl ripped through my chest as my eyes landed on my Beta, Jackson. I glared at him, as he leant against the door his hand neatly tucked into the front pockets of his jeans.

He better have important news, or else the punch that was stopped will be on him. But I knew he always had a habit of acting like a brother, more than a Beta who needed to follow orders.

''Look Zay, I know you're still mad as hell, so I'm sorry about last night. But I didn't just come here to apologise.'' He rolled his eyes. Good, I thought, then you don't need a beating. ''Rouges are on the borders, could be Darren. We just came to know, and I really hate to tell you this, but it seems like they're, pretty close to your little mate.'' I glared harshly at him when he called Athina 'my little mate.' I told him about Athina today morning.

I could feel Xaviour almost twitching in anger, wanting to throw a punch at Jackson himself, but now wasn't the time for that, I needed to warn her family. I guess it was also an excuse for me to see her. I growled feeling the urge to see her and have her close, grew deeper.

Frustration built up inside of me and I punched the wall beside it, creating a large hole.

''Why I am not surprised?'' Jackson said in mockery; shaking his head. I growled low turning to him raising my hand for a punch. ''Woah, dude I'm sorry," too late, my fist landed square in his nose, making him stumble back a little. His nose started bleeding, he murmured a "thanks.." dabbing the blood off slowly. I simply returned with a smirk. ''Get a car ready, I'm paying my little mate a visit." I told him as I exited.

"Hey!! Those were my words....whatever!" He muttered behind me.

Walking towards my room, I felt Xaviour's enthusiasm. He was ecstatic to meet her again. It would be the first time for her to see my human self.

"Dress nicely." Xaviour shouted in my head.

I rolled my eyes pushing him and his thoughts back. I'll wear what I want to wear. My usual business attire was all that I needed.

Throwing the suit onto the bed, I stepped into the shower, after undressing myself from the grey sweatpants. Twisting the water on, I sighed as it landed and ran down my face and down my body. I could feel Xaviour trying to push himself forward to play images of Athina again.

"Xaviour!" I shouted as he played an image of Athina washing her hair in the shower.

"It's not like you weren't gonna think about it yourself!" He smugged.

I growled, knowing he was right. Pushing him harder this time, I tried to peel the image of my mind. But it was hard to. I imagined Athina in front of me and washing her hair, a sweet hum drawing from her plump lips and her eyes closed softly. I hadn't even known this girl for a whole day but she had already permanently fixtured herself in my brain. The mate bond was definitely taking its effects. A part of me hated it, but the other part of me had already drowned in the thoughts of the beautiful little human girl.

What a mistake of the Moon goddess! Giving an angel for a devil.

Soon, her life will be drawn in the chaos and troubles of my world. And it would be harder for her. A human. Never in werewolf history has this happened. Werewolves were always mated with she-wolves, never a female human. It simply didn't make sense for a human to be thrown into the world of werewolves. If anything, they only thought we were myths; created by the imagination.

Sighing, I turned off the water. The faster I get this over with the better. I could feel Xaviour clawing the edges of my mind to hurry up. I didn't understand why he was this enthusiastic. She didn't have a wolf for him to bond him.

After drying off and dressing I made my way downstairs to see my Beta, Jackson and Jacob, one of my beat warrior wolves.

"We're ready to leave at your word, Alpha!" Jacob bowed respectfully. I gave him a curt nod, signalling him to start the car.

"How far are the rogues from her?" I asked Jackson.

"About 30 metres off. We can get there in time." He responded nodding.

"And you're sure they're from Darren's packed?" I growled out. The name always kept me on edge; shaking with raw anger.

"Not too sure Alpha Zay, but about eighty percent positive." He replied.

"That's more than half; let's go." I ordered, opening the car door. "You know the way?" I questioned Jacob as he started the car.

"Yes, Alpha." He replied immediately, "Beta, showed me the way." He elaborated. I nodded my head letting him drive in silence.

I kept my eyes on the woods, remembering just last night how I ran through these woods and locked eyes with her; my mate, a human. I simply couldn't understand what the Moon goddess was planning or meant by this; a human for an Alpha werewolf. An emotion I was foreign to, grow inside. Pity. I felt pity for her. How her perfect life was gonna be thrown under the truck in the next few days. I couldn't understand how these emotions built inside of me, but once again I blamed it on the mate bond. I heard of what it does to you. But never believed such nonsense. How could I feel weak for someone else? I heard of how mates couldn't live without each other if one dies and the other would follow them to the grave. Such nonsense. I didn't believe how mates would make you stronger or weaker if you're apart. But now, feeling the rise of emotions and gestures I have no understanding of, I had truly underestimated the power of the mate bond.

"We're here, Alpha." Jackson's brought me away from my thoughts. My eyes landed on the house in front. This is where I left her last night.

As if on cue, that intoxicating scent of roses and lilies reached me, making it almost impossible for me to hold Xaviour back, and my own urges resurfacing.

"Let's go." I said as I fought back Xaviour.

The two men got out on my command. Her scent only grew stronger and stronger as my feet approached the house, making Xaviour clawing at the edges of my mind. I wanted nothing more than to just follow that scent and take what's mine. Reaching the front door, I had to take a few breaths before actually knocking.

After a minute or two, I heard the door unlock from behind before it was opened by a woman, who shared almost the same features as Athina, but older. She frowned looking at us. Not long after, a man joined her by the door, "Can we help you?" He asked. His thick accent was undeniable. He sounded familiar.

"It was his voice from last night; he called her." Xaviour's voice rang through my head, reminding me.

These must be her parents.

I nodded at them, 'My name's-'' but I was cut-off by laughter and giggles, coming from inside the house. I frowned annoyed, holding back a growl, my eyes searching for the sources. No one is allowed to cut me off, no one even dared.. A little boy ran down the stairs laughing. And then I saw her running after the boy, her hair bouncing delicately behind her. Soft giggles left her lips as she ran after the boy. Her eyes once again held so much light, though they were so dark. How something so dark could so much light, didn't make sense, yet it was beautiful.

After finally catching him, the older woman, who appeared to be her mother cleared her throat, and Athina's head snapped up. Her eyes widened in realisation, there were strangers in her home. Slightly flustered, she stood up straight immediately.

"Obedient, I see." Xaviour mused.

Her eyes wandered over to Jackson and Jacob. My blood was starting to boil, as anger spread through my vein. I didn't understand where the sudden anger came from, but I knew she was only supposed to look at me. I wanted to be the one who occupied her thoughts day in and day out. I had the sudden urge to snap at her, so her eyes will only watch me.

After what seemed for eternity, her dark brown orbs landed on me. Curiosity was filled to the brim of her eyes. Little do you know that I am your one and only, my mate.

Her eyes held so many emotions, curiosity being the most dominant, but there was also that innocence lingering around the emotion, telling she didn't understand why she was drawn to me. Athina's dark eyes wandered me, she was checking me out, and she was too innocent to realise it. I mentally smirked.

I raised a brow and looked at her up and down, only now realising she was drenched wet. Some of her wet hair stuck to her face, reminding me of the image Xaviour drew in my mind only mere moments ago. I fought the sudden urge to walk up to her and remove her hair from her face; to touch her face and feel the sparks spread through my body.

A soft blush coated her cheeks. And just like that, all my anger I had felt went down the drain. She bit down her bottom lip, making both me and my wolf completely restless. I wanted nothing more than to grab her by the waist and kiss her until she's out of breath and lips red swollen. My wolf was trying to make his way forward and claim our mate.

Athina quickly covered face with her hair. Her brother snickered and she glared at him.

"How adorable.." I chuckled mentally and Xaviour agreed.

"That glare wouldn't even scare a kitten." He laughed.

''I am sorry, for the interruption." Her mother spoke, drawing my attention away from her. ''But please, who were you again?'' Her father asked. ''It's fine,'' I said, when it clearly wasn't. How I could exactly tell her parents the ways I wanted to claim their daughter. ''The name's Zayden Dimitri Anderson, and I'm here to tell you about some problems we have encountered at this part of the woods and how to overcome them." A small gasp left her soft-looking lips as I finished. Athina's face flushed darkly as all eyes landed on her.

I smirked at her, she remembers. Her dark eyes locked with mine. So much light in darkness...

She gulped under as I bore deep into her eyes.

''Please, come in Mr. Anderson." Her father leads us into the house. I nodded, following him to the living room. Their living room was completely decorated. Bright reds and sparkling golds filled the room, bringing the festival to life. Athina must love Christmas.

"Sit." He gestured to us to seat. Three of us sat down taking in everything around us. I raised an eyebrow as her brother; the little from earlier stared at me with suspicions.

"Yes, we're here for your sister." Xaviour snorted in my head.

"Would you like something to drink?" Her mother asked politely.

"No, it's fine." I told her.

"No, it's fine, future mother in law." Xaviour chuckled.

"Can you shut up?!" I growled pushing him back.

"What is it that you like to tell us about?" Her father asked.

"I don't know if I knew but these lands belonged to me." I said.

He nodded, "I thought the surname Anderson sounded familiar. I read it when I booked this place. My name is Eric Aginihothari. This is my wife Smitha, my son Rohan and my daughter, Athina should be here any minute now."

I nodded my head, remembering the surname name, "I'm that Anderson. I always check the areas before I allow someone to live here. But unfortunately yesterday, some wolves caught my eyes and I hate to say it. They are coming too close towards this part of the woods. I think it would be a safer idea to move next to my home. At least until the wolves move back deeper into the woods. I have no right to approach them." I explained, keeping low as possible, so nothing suspicious would be caught. From what I saw, this was a cunning businessman who knew how to read someone's intentions well. "At my place, you'll be out of danger and protected." I added needing to catch him in my net. There was no way in hell, I was going to be losing my mate, once you meet your mate it is impossible to live without them.

Eric frowned deep in thought, he seemed hesitant before he nodded, "Alright, Mr. Anderson. We will take your word for it."

I nodded, "A wise choice. These wolves are dangerous."

"I understand and that is why I agree with this." He smiled.

A scent of lilies and roses instantly hit me again followed by light footsteps that came down the stairs. My eyes immediately snapped up. She wore a simple plated pink dress. that hugged the curves of her chest and waist beautifully. The bottom half flowed delicately around her legs with each step she took towards the living room. Her dark waves of hair were let down softly against her back and shoulders.

"Does she have any idea what she's doing?" Xaviour muttered as he threw in more images into mind.

I shook my head pushing him away again.

Pink suits her...

My eyes landed on Jacob, who took in Athina for himself, too rudely. I bit back the growl that was more ready to rip through my chest, 'Keep your eyes off my mate, you a**hole.' I mind-linked him while glaring harshly. 'Sorry, Alpha.' He responded immediately. I let out a deep breath; I'm glad Jackson knew his place.

My hands were practically itching to pull her to my lap.

''Eric, shahad, you should tell her.'' (honey), Smita told Eric, as Athina made her way towards. My eyes caught her every moment; the steps she took and the rising of her chest as she breathed. I was enthralled, she had caught me with her undeniable beauty.

''Of course, patnee,'' (wife) I heard him respond. ''Athi, sweetheart, we need to move, there are wolves here. Mr. Anderson has kindly allowed us to live next to him.''

Athi? Huh, not bad...

''Wolves are not bad, they won't hurt us," She said, frowned pouting, I could see slight disappointment and confusion in her eyes. Her brother Rohan, bursts out laughing, while her parents gave her odd looks, concerned for her well being. Jackson and Jacob trying to hold in her laughs.

I remained cold and uninterested as I watched her eyes speak her emotions.

Some wolves do, my dearest and I'm actually one of them...

''Athina,'' she locked eyes with mine, as my voice spoke her name. ''Yes?'' She asked. My voice was rough and guttural when compared to her angelic tone. ''I don't know why you would say that, but this is for your protection, not just yours but also for your family's.'' I kept my voice flat and toneless, trying to make her understand the seriousness of the situation. She pouted again looking around the room with sad eyes. I huffed in annoyance. Does she do anything else than cry and pout?

''All right, if that is the case, then ok.'' She answered nodding at me after some thought.

"Alright then, we'll leave you to pack then. Maybe I'll come around in the afternoon to pick you up?" I suggested.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Anderson." Eric shook my hand. From the strong grip, my suspicions were confirmed he was indeed a businessman. His tight handshake that held the agreement, said it all.

Leaving the house with Jackson and Jacob trialling behind and I opened the car door. I heard curtains being pulled pack with a small graze of a hand, and the scent of roses and lilies couldn't be deniable. Athina must be peeking through her curtains, from her bedroom window. I turned and smirked at her, seeing her trying to find within the curtains. Her eyes widened, and I heard that small gasp again, it sounded delicate as it sounded through the air, as she quickly closed the curtains.

'She adorable, isn't she, Xaviour?' I asked my wolf. He agreed with a howl.