Chapter 3

Third Person P.O.V.

Athina and the rest of her family had packed everything by the time the sun was starting to set down a little, to welcome the evening. Evening a time that belonged neither to the day nor the middle. It was simply a time in the middle, that connected the day to the night. The evening was a lost princess trying to choose between the light and darkness. Much like that Athina, who stood in between the darkness, Zayden and the light which was the life she was currently living. When observing light versus darkness, the light seemed to answer. But doesn't the darkness need to reach the light?

Just as the last bag of their belongings was placed on the porch, a black sleek car pulled up in front of the house. A man in dark business attire was first to get out. His eyes immediately landed on Athina, who was drawing on the snow with a stick. Her mind was constantly pulled to different directions, but they all had one thing in common, and that was Zayden.

Zayden's eyes watched her as she sat there drawing softly onto the snow, wearing a white loose shirt with a black jacket over it and blue jeans, along with black leather boots. Sensing a gaze on her, she looked up and was almost immediately with ocean blue eyes. Her eyes searched his own for some emotion but failed to, he always had this emotionless blank face on him. It irritated her, she didn't understand why. She most definitely has never met him before, yet he managed to spike up curiosity and dig deep into his deepest darkest secrets. She knew it was a dangerous road, but that simply made her more determined.

A smirk that played slowly onto his lips made her remember when he had caught her pecking at him, her face flushed in embarrassment and she broke eye contact. Zayden had seen the curiosity growing in her eyes. He knew she would have a hard time accepting when she found out the truth and that she didn't want to be thrown in his world. A world of bloodshed, chaos, darkness and horror. An angel like herself didn't deserve that. But the beast that lurked within wasn't about to know mercy to an innocent angel. He would simply take what belonged to him.

Athina distracted herself in a conversation with her brother, well trying to. She felt the constant need to glance at Zayden from the corner of her eyes. Zayden was talking to Eric about his place, when he saw Athina looking at him.

He smirked, 'Someone sure is dying to know who we are.' he told his wolf, Xaviour.

Once they were packed and ready to head out, Eric realised something...or rather someone was missing. ''Wife,'' he called out. ''Smitha, where are you?'' He called out.

''I am coming, I am coming, relax pati!'' (Husband), she said as she came running out of the house and locking the door, Athina and Rohan snickered to each other. Zayden leaned against the car as he watched his mate interact with her family, again he felt pity rise in him, but he needed to take what's his, after all, he wasn't someone he followed what's right from wrongs.

"Lead the way for them." He ordered his Beta as he stepped into his car.

"Yes, Alpha!" He heard the response, with the respect lingering on the tongue. As it should. Respect and fear was the feat he lived through.

Jackson, his Beta, drove the car and true to his word he led the way to place Athina was soon to call home and that is what Zayden wanted. And he wanted it now. If she was a she-wolf, that would have been simple, but since she's a normal human girl it was harder to achieve. The Moon goddess' plans didn't make sense to him, but he decided to let it play out.

They arrived at Zayden's mansion. A mansion one could only dream of. Something out of the books. The mansion was gleaming with expert craftsmanship and exquisite designs.

Athina was completely wonder-struck, she has never seen any house that is so beautiful. She always dreamed of living in a house much as this, close to woods or sea, and most certainly away from the city. The peaceful calmness away from the city noises and the light was where she truly wanted to be.

Jackson, knowing that Zayden would never have the manners to invite them in, he did it himself.

Still stuck deep within her thoughts and her eyes forward to the beautiful mansion as she climbed up the stone steps, she accidentally misplaced her foot and tripped over them. Athina had lost her centre of gravity and fell backwards. She waited for impact with the cold hard ground to hit her.

But it never came.

Instead, she found herself in strong arms; someone had their hands on her hips, catching her, which allowed to break her fall. She looked up to her saviour with her eyes narrowed in confusion, and a blush creeping up to her face from embarrassment. Athina was met with beautiful ocean blue eyes that almost seemed to take her breath away, and pull her like a magnet; daring her to search for dark secrets that swirled within them. Realising their closeness she gulped biting her lip, their noses were almost touching, she had her hands on his upper arms trying to balance herself.

Zayden had that same stone-cold face on him, an emotion never played on his face. 'Had I upset him in someway' She thought.

Sparks spread across his hand as his hands brushed softly against her cheek. This closeness was making it impossible for him to both his own and his wolf's cravings for her mind, body and soul. Add in her intoxicating scent of roses and lilies that only made Xaviour claw the edges of his mind harder, wanting to claim her now. Wanting a sense of comfort he leaned in close and brushed his cheek against her soft ones, the sparks exploding over his face as he did so. It took everything in him not to pull her along inside to fill in her completely and let the sparks intensify. ''Mine." He whispered possessively before he walked off.

She wanted to thank him but he had walked off before she even got the chance. She didn't understand why, but it did slightly hurt her, the way he acted towards her. She wanted more from him, but she couldn't understand these sudden urges. She wanted to fight them but those ocean blues were daring her. '

But what did he mean by 'Mine..?' She thought in confusion. She turned only to realise she had an audience, she saw her mother awestruck, with her hands on her heart and her father just smiled and raised an eyebrow as if asking her are you falling in love? Her brother had his hands folded and looking up at the sky fluttering his eyes like a girl who had fallen head over heels for a guy. She narrowed her eyes at them and walked towards them, showing that she was not happy.

Zayden reached the front door, he opened them and walked straight in, his powerful aura alone told everyone the Alpha has returned.

He decided to head towards his office. He turned to Jackson, avoiding Athina on purpose, one more look at her and he knew really would not be able to hold, ''Show them to their rooms.'' He told his Beta. Jackson nodded but not before he wiggled his eyebrows at Zayden, smirking.

The Alpha was sure that his Beta and warrior wolf had heard what he whispered to Athina. Zayden stifled a growl and walked off to his office.

Athina was hoping she could thank him when they entered his amazing house but he was avoiding her. 'Is he avoiding me on purpose? It was an accident. Besides he didn't have to catch me!' She grumbled in her head, though she was grateful he did. Zayden walked away after saying something to his friend, she didn't catch it, too caught up in her own thoughts. She sighed and watched her feet. He didn't have to be cold.

She felt someone's hand on her left shoulder, she turned to the guy with ash-blonde hair, ''Don't take it personally, Luna. He's just like that." He said in a caring voice.

''Thank you, but my name is not Luna, it's Athina." She responded to him while smiling. Jackson's eyes widened in realisation. It was going to be hard to address her by name, especially if he was the Beta and he had an Alpha who wanted nothing but respect.

He quickly covered it up, ''Sorry Athina, my name is Jackson, but call me Jack." He said in the same caring voice. ''All right Jack!" She smiled, calling by the nickname.

"Come on let me show you the rooms." He said, leading them to their rooms.

Jackson knew it was going to be hard for her to accept the werewolf world, the least he could do was be there for her.