Chapter 5

Zayden's P.O.V.

With a frustrated growl I threw everything off my desk. Everything I had set up, it had all failed, and now in no way to able to protect the pack. The more I tried to concentrate, the more that dark-eyed beauty invaded my thoughts.

I listened carefully as the books and laptop crashed onto the wooden floors. I heard the screen crack at the force it fell; colliding against the floor. I heard the glass breaking and the whiskey it once contained, spilling and flooding across the wood.

And yet, she wouldn't stay out of my head. I had al my senses cleared, trying to concentrate on the current situation but her face flashes before my eyes. And I want nothing more than to track her down and kiss her senseless; mark and claim what was mine.

I sighed, sitting down running a hand through my hair. Looking down on to the map that was now soaked with the whiskey I was once drinking. There were rouges, near the borders of my pack. Without a doubt, I knew they belonged to Darren. I could feel the anger rushing through my veins and my wolf pacing around in my head growling at the very thought of him.

Somehow all my information was reaching him. Every single time they know our next move. Growling, I grabbed the whiskey bottle on the shelf through it across the room.

How the fu*k does he know my next moves?! He's bound to be getting some help. It wasn't like he could just casually walk into my territory.

I groaned at the sound of footsteps approaching and a earthly scent with a hint of something like cinnamon.

That scent, I knew. It was committed in my memory since childhood and been alongside me ever since. My Beta. A Beta either follows his Alpha or ends his life. Those are the only two options for a Beta. He cannot ever disobey the orders of his Alpha or it's the end of the mine for him.

Right on cue, he steps in not being even bothering to knock on the door. My wolf growled as we got hints of roses and lilies lingering on him. A large growl ripping though my chest and before I even realised my anger had taken control. I sped around the desk and pinned him against the wall off his feet. The smirk on his face disappeared and I could sense the slight announce radiating of him. I desperately wanted to break his neck in my very hands. What has he been doing with my mate and his Luna?!

"So how's your day, my dear Alpha?" He asked, sarcasm dripping from very word that left his tongue.

"Why is my mate's scent all over you?!" I snapped.

Jackson gripped onto my wrist, "It's not all over me. I was simply beside her. I never touched Luna!" He barked. Sensing the respect he had for her, I realised him of my grip, letting him soothe his neck. "And technically, I was with both Athina and her brother, Rohan. I showed them around since you don't have the decency."

Letting out a low growl, I rounded the large maghanoy desk and sat down, "Don't you have something better to do? Like how in the f**king hell is our enemies getting all our infos?" I shouted at him. The anger in me was subsiding, only free back into its original glory as the current situation of the rogues came rushing back to me.

I sat and watched as his faced turned serious, either deep in thought or taking to his wolf.

Finally, got something into your big fat head?!

I sighed and ran a hand over my face. If Darren was getting my information and my plans, he'd have to physically be here or someone in my pack was reaching out to him...a spy...a traitor....

And I thought I had well explained what happens if someone respects or betrays me.

"Someone in my pack is working for them. That's how they know our plans." I muttered already feeling Xaviour clawing the edging of my mind to shift and track down the traitor him instant.

"Let's find whoever this bastard is!" He growled at me, snapping his jaws.

"And how to you think the Aginihothari family will react of if we start barking our Alpha order or go on a killing spree?!" I snapped at stupid wolf, then pushed him away.

"But who?" I heard Jackson mumble.

"If I fu*king knew Jackson, what do you think would have happened to him?!" I asked, keeping my voice low, with a threatening growl ready to break free.

"Or them...could be more than one." Xaviour gave a quick comment before he retreated back. Almost like he knew I was gonna push him back again.

Jackson's eyes met mine as they hardened, "They probably be brutally murdered." His voice remained calm and low.

Good to know you have common sense.

"So, another new laptop..." He murmured as his eyes landed on the broken device on the floor.

"And a bottle of whiskey..." I murmured, I directed his eyes to the wall across from me.

"Dude, that was Maker's Mark. One of the best!"

"Just get another one." I muttered, not even half interested the conversation. Jackson knew the best whiskey and wines, I just drank whatever he got me. And I have to admit he had good taste.

"Here..." I whipped out my phone, opening the maps, "If the rogues are near to the borders, " I started as Jack approached me, "That has to mean they are planning something. They neither attacking or throwing threats. They are simply watching..." I trailed.

"Waiting for the correct time to attack. When were are at our weakest." Jackson finished off. Both of us had the same theories.

"Exactly." I nodded

"Give out orders so none of pack members are there at any given time. Make sure no younger members or pup are one their own." I told my Beta.

"Yes, Alpha!" He nodded as he left. I listened to his receding footsteps as I looked out the window. I didn't know what Darren was planning or how much he knew already, but I will do whatever it takes to finish him. My hands were itching to rip his heart clean of his chest. Even after years, I couldn't do that simple task, not when he was always one step ahead of me. I needed get past him; ahead of him and then I can watch as the light leaves his eyes, but not peacefully, I wouldn't ever let him die peacefully. I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain and torture; feel every second pass as I dig my hand into his chest, tearing his flesh and veins, and breaking his ribs as I wrap my hand around the heart of that psychopath. Then I would be able to pull it free from his chest and watch as he falls lifeless.

"I can't wait for that gruesome picture to become reality..." Xaviour commented.

I nodded in response, before getting up. My mind drew the many pictures of how wanted to torture the sick bastard before I ended his life.

However, my mind immediately died away from those images as the scent of roses and lilies hit me. My entire body calmed, visually. The tension freed from my muscles and my mind in pure bliss, as the scent swirled around me. It's crazy how a simple bond can do many things. Everything spiraling together all at once, leaving in range of emotions inside, leaving one possessive and delirious. Those plain reasons makes it undeniably powerful. Powerful enough to even end you. Mates usually follow you to the grave if one dies early.

The scent was followed by a melodious voice. Something like a lullaby. The sweet voice of cry after victory on a battlefield. The heavenly voice pulled me away completely from the darkest depths, flooding through my ear to be engraved into memory. The voice powered my body; taking control of my feet as the moved on their own accord, reaching towards the balcony as it louder. She was like a siren drawing me towards her with that beautiful voice, yet she brings no danger; no need to take precautions, because it truly was a beautiful voice that came from the heart.

My eyes wandered until the landed on her figure, taking and carved the picture before in my head. Watching the twilight; different shades of the rare purple hues of the winter sky, she strummed the guitar delicately underneath her fingertips, as the sweet words I did not understand laced within that sirenic voice.

I found myself captivated; drawn under the spell of those words and melody.

She entire being suddenly froze and the once beautiful melody came to stop, as tiny gasp filled the air around us. My eyes watched as the head turned nervously as if she had been just caught. Perhaps, she had never sang in front of anyone. Her eyes met my own and once again I found myself question...

How can something so dark hold so much light within them?

Her eyes deep dark browns, appearing almost like black twinkling pearls.

My eyes suddenly snapped down to her lips just for a mere second, as her teeth took her bottom lip in between them. It was nothing but nervous act, though that didn't stop me from craving to have those lips against mine, to taste them, to bite them and savour her entire being underneath me, as the sparks dominates every touch...every kiss.

She suddenly rose to her feet letting the guitar lean against the bench. I watched all her moved, from her delicate yet slightly nervous breathing to her soft feet shuffling against the grounds.

My eyes never broke contact from hers, but Xaviour managed to place the picture of her whole body in my mind. The tight white mid-thigh dress that hugged her chest ever-so-perfectly, ending just above her cleavage, teasing me a little; daring me for to get the full view for myself and worship the sweet body underneath my fingertips and lips.

I held back a growl as my temptations grew stronger and stronger, the beast within wanting grab that innocence and take. And take. And take, again and again...

A certain annoyance swirled within those innocence of her eyes. And I simply watched, almost amused as the flames erupted behind that dark preals. A shadow of awe tinged around her eyes but it was soon dominated by that annoyance. How eyes so dark were able to read so easily as an open book amazed me...

Suddenly, that voice hit my ears again, only this time it was controlled by anger and irritation, taking away the sweet melodies that was once found in them, "What is wrong with you? You always have this stone cold face on you. It means nothing! Don't ever show any other expression other than this or a smirk?!"

I gritted my teeth, tightly holding my jaw against them.

It was the one thing I hated. As the Alpha of this pack I excepted to treated with respect. I do not take so kindly to such outbursts. She may be the Luna, but I'm higher than her, I am the Alpha. And I expect respect, even from her.

And now she's gonna regret that...

I saw realization dawn onto her eyes and the once annoyance and irritation was swirled away, with shock and fear taking it place. But it was too late for that.

Taking fast steps towards her as I saw her body shake in slight fear, I raised my hand slapped her. A scream left her lips at the contact; the force of my hand could leave a handprint there. Her eyes met my own once again, the shock and disbelief shown as clear as day. And for the first time in life, I regretted what I had done when the pain surrounded her eyes. Her entire body shook every so slight was she fought those unshed tears; holding them back bravely and stubbornly, however a strangled whimper left her lips.

Her eyes appeared more darker, if that was even possible as pain and hate appeared above those dark pitch black pearls.

I feel Xaviour slowly retreat back to the depths of my mind as her eyes turned darker with all the hate she could muster, causing a slight stab in my chest.

"I hate you.." I heard her mumble. If I could even respond she grabbed her guitar and pushed past me. And the slight stab on my chest only grew stronger, weakening my wild.

"Mate..." Xaviour breathed in sorrow.

* * *

"What did you do?!" The anger was clear in his voice as he spoke to me. My eyes cruelly gazed upon him. If he wasn't my Beta he would have been long dead by now; suffering the same fate as others who used that tone of voice on me. His head would have been rolling on the ground I walked, completed detached from his body.

"She deserved it."

I left my voice free all of emotions; detached from the emotions threatening surge up to the surface. My eyes wandered back down the papers laid before on the desk. A list of contact numbers of Darren I managed to obtain, yet none of them looked familiar to me. Whoever the traitor or traitors were this time knew to keep any contact from Darren separate; hidden.

He let out a humourless chuckle, "How could you say that? She's your mate. You won't be able to live without her. "He stated, causing me drew a sharp breath and for Xaviour to stir painfully within me, releasing yet another breath in sorrow. And caught on the movement, I knew he noticed the stiffness of my body and my uneasy breath.

"I don't need her, I don't need anyone!" I snapped. These emotions rising within, I didn't understand, nor did I know where they were coming from, but I knew if I don't stop now, I would soon drown myself in these unknown emotions. I heard him sigh in defeat, his shoulders slightly sagging, "What did you do? Just tell me..." His voice was much calmer this time, wanting to draw out the whatever happened. He knew with me, with fire with fire was never the solution. He looked up at me for a few seconds and went back down to signing things.

My eyes returned to him and in the same voice that was detached from all emotions I answered, "I slapped her."

"For the love of..." I heard grumble a few curses under his breath, but my concentration had already returned to the list of contact numbers to even acknowledge whatever he sad he say. "You do realise she could tell and leave, right?" I heard let out another humourless chuckle, "It's like you care what she says or does."

Says or does..

I felt my entire stiffen once again and then suddenly become numb. My mind turned blank and only repeated her words and the coldness in her dark eyes. The darkness within me wanted to swallowed away every inch of torment those words gave me, but as just like before the mate bond was underestimated. The pure hunger of flesh and soul of the other half swilled within me, creating shooting pain across my chest before it turned numb and another strike, each worse than the last one. The simple thought of the powerful and underestimated mate bond was eating me alive. I had done everything to get this frustration out of my system, from the boxing bag in the basement to endlessly scanning the list of contact numbers before me.

"What happened..?" Jackson asked, his voice cutting through the thoughts that occupied my mind. He obviously caught onto the way the subject affected me. With the mate bond it was almost impossible to hide; mask everything underneath the face of curtness and nothingness. "Alpha Zay …" I almost laughed at the short form of my name he had been continuously calling he since childhood. Even from those days, I remember he would follow me around; worshiping the ground I called as he already called himself my Beta, The guy knows me since we were two of course he was catch onto whatever was going on.

"She-she said me she hated me." I said, releasing a sharp breath I didn't even know myself I was holding. The mate bond can really take a large toll on you.

"Well, you deserved it." Jackson answered, mimicking my own words. My eyes hardened on him once again, but it was no use no matter what I do he will always play the roll of brother more than an actual Beta who needed to follow the orders given to him and whether I admitted it or not, I needed him. I just wish I can kill him and bring him back to life again, I had already done that many times in my head.

"Y'know, yoy need to make it up to Athina, right? Or..ehh...Luna." I heard him sigh. "Hell, it's hard to call her Luna in front of you and address her using her name in front of her... I'm probably the only Beta in history who has to go through something like this.." He grumbled under his breath. "Anyways," He straightened up, "If you don't you could loose her." He stated.

Once again, I let out a heavy breath that caught in my chest, Athina was human and it would only cause more pain if she rejects him and find one her own to live with. There's no saying what will happen when it comes this weird situation, especially she doesn't feel the full power of the mate bond. I show no sign of her feeling the sparks as our skins touched. Had she felt anything or new emotions like the ones erupting in me, I didn't know. It was at that moment I realised I truly didn't know anything about my mate and I already made messed up..

"How...?" The question flew out and it took me a few seconds to realise that the voice belonged to myself. Once again, the power of the mate bond leaving me speechless.