Chapter 6

Athina's P.O.V.

As a week passed in gorgeous mansion as I continued avoid those bright blue eyes that held those mysterious sparkles. A strange azure colour that changes its shade every so beautiful. One minute they are light, the other a darker bliss of royal blue. How someone have such strange yet beautiful eyes, I didn't. And they kept drawing me in, but this time I chose to fight against the sudden urges that drew me back to this man.

He had slapped me yet the new sensations within me didn't die down, if anything it was only the pain caused that lingered on my heart, like a numb ache. How I was suddenly willing to give a stranger my heart made no sense, yet in the mist twisted way possible it felt right. If it were any other man, I would have instantly lost all liking and urges towards him, I was definite of that more some odd reason, but the fact it Zayden Dimitri Anderson taking my heart felt right.

The past week, I continued scolded my stupid weak heart and pulled away from those alluring blue eyes as much as I could. I hide away the feelings and emotions I felt towards him from my family. And I must as anything, I was lying to there questioning and worrying glances.

From the novels I read, I never truly understood why the heroine would go back to the man who lied, abused or cheated on her. I always thought it was stupid of them and the guy didn't deserve to given a taken chance. She would leave him the minute she gets the chance to. And I, I promised myself in the future I fell in love- in case had a sudden crush that came out of no where developed into incomprehensible love, I would throw out all feelings and strings that were attached. But right now, I felt as if I was breaking a promise to myself- a promise that was never meant to a promise. I now understand why the heroine went back to those men, because the heart wants, what it wants.

It was hard to fight against love, perhaps harder than fighting for it.

Was it even worth fighting this?

The answer to that question, I didn't know, but I was going to. I am going to fight it, perhaps I could open as new opportunities for myself and others; I could be a game changer.

I sighed, turned another page of the book that was currently in my hand. I was trying my best to be immersed into the words of this book but instead I found myself being immersed into my thoughts. It belonged to the library I found a few days back. Finding the nearly stacked books across the selves, and the peace and tranquility that filled the air, allowed me to escape from those certain azure eyes. And it was the one place in the world where I could just dig into a book and let my imaginations run wild.

Well I was trying to dig myself into the book, but the constant thoughts and numb ache in my chest has made it almost impossible. Whenever I felt his presence in the room the numb ache had bad habit of increasing its pressure making it no longer numb.

Well, I was trying to bury myself into the book, but these constant lingering thoughts of him and the numb ache in my chest had made it impossible. Whenever I think about how I felt with him in the same room, my thoughts run wild. The numb ache in my chest turns to a thunder louder then a thousand hooves, tormenting me in a way I never thought possible.

Well, it was a good thing I already know the story, I have read it about a hundred or more times.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

What could be better than all the fantasy, action and thriller all in once?

Trying to concentrate onto the words of the book and let my imagination disrupt my thoughts, I didn't even realise I managed to walk straight into something hard and strong. I gasped as I was almost knocked out off balance.

My eyes squinted as I sheepishly looked up, only to be met with deep blues that held no emotions behind. It was like I was looking into blue pools of nothingness. My heart did that sick skip of a beat as my eyes stayed looked onto his alluring pearls of bright flames of sapphire. I grown to love that shade, up until the days before I could have said my favourite colour was purple, but now it was the colour of the eyes of the man that I felt and cared deeply about. But he would never feel the same.

No words were exchanged between the us as our gazes locked further.

His eyes were deep and unique while mine were a dull shade of dark brown almost looking black. Did he not feel tired or bored out looking into my eyes? Strange sensations and erotic thoughts suddenly erupted in me. I wanted nothing more than just to forgive me and see how his lips would feel against mine. I never wanted to kiss so badly. I wanted to know how it feel to have my hands roaming his hair, while his roamed my body in the ways he desired. And I knew this intimidating man had plenty of experience down that road. A part of me burned with incomprehensible jealously as I wondered how many women laid underneath him on his bed.

They from only grew as he watched the features of my face taking in one after the other, like he was craving ever detail of my face into his mind.

How did he manage to dig a permanent place in my heart in such short space of time? Was my ost that weak?

I watched in confusion and awe has his eyes turned a few shades darker, much like the wolf. How it possible I didn't know. It was like his eyes were just a whole mix blues that were different shades, and those silver sparks swirling within those shades, making it a more magnificent sight to gaze upon.

Before I even got to admire those sapphire burning eyes his gaze broke and he away, further and further from me. He just left me there, clueless.

As the time sped away I found myself comparing the azure eyes of Zayden and the deep royal midnight blues of the wolf- name also Zayden. I had to be seeing things. it was merely impossible. Yet, they both held those mysterious silver sparkles that swirled deeply.

It looked too real to even be considered as the plain imagination or the trick of the minds.

Sighing, I decided to let my mind free from the constant aching thoughts just drown myself in the words of the books that took my interest letting me escape from reality.

Maybe soon the feelings and strange sensations will wash away..I just had to keep fighting. The stronger the urges become the stronger I have to become.

* * *

My eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling above me. I couldn't some to nothing as I looked around dark room, I had turned the lights off at ten, mostly because I couldn't take the crashing and blows coming from Rohan's video games, my other reasons included a certain azure-eyed man and keeping away from his sights. My head turned to the side and I grabbed my phone to check the time. I sighed as my phone read two o'clock in the morning. Countless times I had tried to everything to send myself to sleep, but the blue eyes containing those mysterious silver sparks that haunted my mind, preventing me from achieving that goal.

I couldn't of peel the thoughts of him from my mind. It was the first time we had seen each other ever since the incident. I knew his eyes were on me, but I stubbornly chose to avoid him. For I knew, I would be pulled into them; drawn in my those silver sparks that floated around and the tinge of royal blue that circled his pupils, taking over the light azure colour with their dark shades. And that is exactly what happened today, I was pulled in like magnetic. Every fibre in my body begged to seek comfort in his arms, but I had to fight them. I couldn't let myself fall for a man who would never feel the same and yet I already have, but I refuse to fall harder. I won't let these unknown erupted feelings grow, I would only get hurt in the end, and a heart that isn't able to heal itself.

A howl that echoed through the night suddenly caught my attention. I gasped sitting up on the bed. Even though other howls followed, it was the every first one I was interested in. My ears seemed to have someone blocked out all the others, it was the most powerful howl that caught my attention. As a familiar feeling rose within me, I dashed over to the window, but my clumsiness got the better of me and I tripped over the carpet and landed almost face first one the floor. A low painful groan escaped my lips.

Nice going Athina...

Ignoring the pain from my legs and arms, I sat up on the floor, rubbing my arms. I gasped quietly as I heard Rohan stir from the over side of the room. Keeping myself hidden, I watched as my brother sat up grumpily.


He looked around and spotting nothing, he let out a grumpy groan and collapsed back onto the bed. I let out tiny giggle, before I stood. Now carefully, I wandered over to the window. My eyes were met with deeply snow covered trees of the wide and thick forest. As the guided down they landed on a big lump of silver fur on a large rock. I frowned gazing upon it, and it took me a while to realise it was an actual creature. It was only when I saw it lighting its head, I realised it was wolf. A very familiar looking wolf.

Was that Zayden?

The wolf Zayden, not the- ok confusing.

I had longed to wolf again, maybe this could be my change. Something about the wolf calmed me, like I trusted this forest creature. My wide and imaginative side told me it was gift, animals could understand me, I felt like Disney princess. The logical part of me, on the other hand, told me to get a grip.

Ignoring that part, I let my imagination run wide, because before I knew it myself I was grabbing a large black coat that was laid out on the sofa and then sprinting down the stairs to the front door. A few questioning gaze came my way, while I gave them one of my own back.

Does Zayden Anderson have guards or did everyone have insomnia here?

Once again ignoring all logical thoughts, I slowly unlocked the door and stepped out into the cold air that bit my skin. Soft snowflakes landed onto my hair and body, but I paid no heed to them, my full attention was on the fury creature that sat on the rocks. I was scared it wasn't Zayden, some other silver wolf and was ready to defend itself. But as I was met with a deep royal blue and bright silver sparkles that floated around, I knew I had nothing to worry out, for I knew this was the wolf that brought me home safely. It was crazy something so familiar could calm someone so swiftly. The thrumming heart and rapid breaths of the scared and vulnerable would find tranquility slowly, as they sense the presence of something so familiar.

The smile that was creeping on my lip, slowly faded away as I found the starking similarities between this wolf and Zayden Anderson. The beautiful silver sparks took my breath away as I realised they were almost identical to the ones found in eyes of the man I looked into just today.

Swiping those thoughts aside, I gazed in awe that magnificent creature in front of me. I never seen wolf other than this one, but they all couldn't this huge can they? Maybe he was very strong and grew up extremely heathy. While I was scared I didn't want to startle him, "Hey there," I began softly. The wolf rolled its eyes and laid down completely onto the snow covered rock, my mouth flew open at the audacity it portrayed. Where wolves this smart? "Well, you are having quite the attitude today." I scoffed. The wolf made no attempt in showing he heard or understood me, but I knew he did. "Hey, I know you can understand me. You are being a bad dog!" I snapped. The wolf lifted its head and looked at me with bright sapphire burning eyes, "You don't being called a 'dog'?" I giggled. The magnificent creature rested its head again, disapproval grunt leaving its mouth. "Well show that attitude again and I won't hesitate to call you dog again!" I shook my head.

"But it's honestly great to see again, Zayden.." I sighed, "I wanted to talk to someone. You see, my brother won't understand. My parents would get angry and leave, and I don't want to ruin Christmas. Jack is always busy with something, so your the only one I got left." I shrugged.

I simply watched as it turned its head away from me, this time I rolled my eyes, "I need a ear..or two.." I giggled rubbing its soft furry head. I felt the tips of my fingers touch against the silky softness of the silver fur. From living in the woods and all wolves should be dirty and ragged looking, but the creature before me looked as a fine glass of water. Not a single dirt should be found, all smooth and soft looking fresh, "I like this guy..he seems to be a man of high power. maybe even out of my league." I found myself say as I continued stroking his silver fur.

"But as the saying goes..the heart wants, what the heart wants. Mine stupidly wants this man, even though his attire screams danger." I sighed. The wolf's head finally turned to me, its eyes gazing deeply into mine, and I almost felt as if I was looking into Zayden Anderson's eyes. My featured frowned as if gazed into its eyes, the possessiveness its eyes held, I felt like nothing and no one could hurt me..

A humourless laugh left my lips, "And you know, oddly enough, his name is Zayden t-too.." I heard voice crack slightly at the end, as the memory plagued my mind, causing a deep pain to formulate within, right on my weak stupid heart.

Tearing away from its eyes, I watched as my hand stroked slowly against its fur, "He's not a player, he doesn't play with hearts. But I know he women underneath!" The sharp tone my words were laced under surprised me. Jealousy was turned its ugly green head.

"You know he wouldn't even be interested in some girl like me, I pretty he looks for long-legged girls, who belongs on magazines and red carpets. I do realise and understand all of that but my heart still earns for him." I sighed, for one stopping my stroking and looked up at the sky hidden behind the clouds that released the delicate snowflakes as it gently few down, dancing with the wind. "And if that didn't make me realise the fact that he probably hates me should!"

I shook my head, completely furious with myself "He showed me he obviously doesn't feel the same way! He slapped me! Like that wasn't enough sense for my heart." I groaned, having the need to pull out my hair, "But I will might this, no matter how hard it may be, I won't let these new feelings win." The determination in my voice was clear, but the fear of failing still underlined it. "He could show a little emotion, it's not too much ask. I don't even know why it irritates me so much. I have the strange need to know him inside out!" I grumbled.

"I love him.." I admitted, a low sound escaped the wolf as those words filled the air, "But I will still fight, to refuse let my heart broken more than it already is.." Tears stung my eyes as they threatened to all, but held them in I wouldn't let escape.

Hearing the wolf shift behind me, I turned my attention back to him. Now it high and strong on its four paws. Suddenly, it shook its body, shaking the snow out of its soft silver furs. I giggled lightly as some landed on me.

I sighed, a light of smile paying on my lips as it stopped, now satisfied as it was now snow-free.

I didn't even realise what I was doing, until the wolf jumped off the rock and my arms were swiftly brought around him; I hugged him.

A few minutes passed, but I stayed in the same position hugging this large strange creature before. It made no attempt to move away, it was accepting a hug coming from a specie to its own, a thought that made me a happy.

Sighing, I released the wolf from my arms. I should back the wolf probably had a family to get back to. I stood up smiling a little, "Thanks for listening, Zayden." I said, giving one last stroke I walk backed into the mansion and let the warm of the mansion caress my cold skin.

As weird as it sounded, I truly enjoy my times with that wolf. I only hope for more, before I leave this place. But before that I had to fight the feeling that arose in my heart.