Chapter 7

Zayden's P.O.V.

My mind kept wandering to the words she spoke last night. Every word replayed in my head, like a broken record. Her voice craved into memory, sweetening the words the ever more. Her words held power, such that was able to empower my wolf and I to our almost original strength.

Once again, the power and influence of the mate bond stunned me. How just simple words could the key to returning to almost full strength silenced me in wonder. The unspeakable power it held. The mate bond holds half your soul in your mate.

And therefore, I did not understand. All I saw in her was purity and innocence, not a speck of my soul could be seen in her little being. And there certainly wasn't any bit of her nature in me. Creating an angel for the devil. What a catastrophic mistake the Moon goddess made, yet underlyingly perfect, for the devil craved for the innocence and purity of the angel; to engulf that light within her.

Now, all that was left was for her to find out the truth.

Little did she know, I was that wolf..

A smirk stretched on my lips at the thought.

"Alpha Zay are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" Jackson broke me out of my chain of thoughts. He cut through the melodic voice that played in my head.

My eyes held the unspeakable anger through the glare. Time to time I had been zoning out on what Jackson informed me about this year's mating ball. But it no longer concerned me. Sadly, that wasn't the same for the members of my pack, my Beta included.

Jackson eyes, however, narrowed on me, studying like a hawk, before a smirk stretched on his lips, much like the one I was wearing mere moments ago, "I do have a few names coming to mind on who you're thinking a about. Actually just one." He shrugs.

My eyes drew away from him and concentrated on the gleaming wooden walls of my office, as I ignored his words.

"The mate bond is getting to you?" He chuckled.

Jackson, if you stop soon..

"And the things you said it.." Another chuckle left his mouth as he shook his head.

"Enough Jack! We need to fix the mating ball ceremony.' I told him, keeping my stern voice as I once again ignored his words. A mating ball is hosted every year. A different pack hosts it every year. Once again, the time for my pack to host the event had come.

"Now he wants to plan.." He murmurs.

There was a high possibility in finding your mate at this ball. Over the years, I had no such luck, but at the same time I was never interested. A Luna for my pack, wasn't my top priority. I had grown to hate the event, as it become a complete waste of time, but soon I found a get use of bad time, into a good by letting some she-wolf daringly seducing me until I had her underneath me, driving my cock into her her.

This year out of all the years, I need to be careful, not only I had rogues ready to strike at any given time, but also a human family living among us; Athina's family. It was a high risk, but I didn't have a choice, and canceling such an important and close event wasn't possible. It will cause riots and my pack will loose all respect for me, might even considering leaving. I sighed and ran a hand over my face? I needed to plan a ball that was defendable against the rogues and unsuspicious in the eyes of the Aginihothari family. And Athina is keen on wanting to find out about the truth that hid behind the masks and lies. The curiosity in her eyes was undeniable, and with the determination that backed it up she wasn't willing to give up. She maybe a weak mere human, but I could see the mental strength in her, one that was hidden with the innocent and naïveness of her personality. Mental strength was the most important quality of a Luna. Yes, leadership was needed, but one could not achieve leadership with a weak mental strength. The Luna gives the pack wisdom and self confidence, while the Alpha protected and trained them. While I was doing just fine with having the role of both, apparently the Moon goddess disagrees.

I may have not known Athina for so long, but I could see spark of a Luna in her, much like mother's, except my mother didn't have the same determination and strength Athina held. My mother fought her hardest, but her heart and soul could only take so much. Her love for her mate was her weakness, withering her away from the strength and determination she once had in her. While Athina, she protected her love with the determination that held her eyes ever-so-strongly, but also carefully hidden in the depths of those black pearls, ones that held so much light in the darkness. How something so dark could so much light amazed me, it simply didn't seem possible, but her eyes broke through the impossible, creating something beautiful and anew.

"Maybe let's not invite them? Saying it's a private event for your company and business partners?" Jackson suddenly suggested.

I rose my eyebrows at him, "Yeah, let's do that, Jackson. And in seeing many people, including may youngsters being invited to a grand event they won't feel unwanted at all." I scoffed. One can find their mate when they are as young as seventeen, or sixteen at some rare occasions. Seeing many young males and females attending a company event, yeah that's definitely going to work. "How're you a Beta?" I grumbled, shaking my head.

"Hey!" He argued, "It sounded like a great plan in my head.." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes, then closed them trying to think of something.

"Christmas is only a few days away, Athi doesn't stop talking about it," He began and my eyes snapped open that the mention of my mate's name. Though, I didn't take such liking on how he addressed her, I carefully listened to what he had to say. The two of them had grown close, so much as if they were long lost siblings. While I knew Jackson knew his place and who she was to him; his Luna, a foreign emotion followed through my veins, angering me on how much they spent time together talking while she plainly ignored my presence throughout the week that passed. "Every chance she gets, she talks on and on about how amazing Christmas is. I would mistake her for a Christian almost, her love for the season is beyond anything." He chuckled shaking his head. I fought the urge to smile and just played it out like a smirk. "I think she's probably even excepting you to do something for the day. Maybe she would even decorate the entire place for the holiday-"

"Let's make it a Christmas ball." I didn't even know what words were flying out of mouth, until my ears heard them. And yet, even then, I couldn't find myself to accept it was me who had said those words.

"Did you really just propose that?" Xaviour's voice rang through my mind, forcing me to accept the fact that I did.

"W-What?" Jackson laughed, "Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed none other Mr. Alpha Zayden Dimitri Anderson, himself, suggest in hosting a Christmas ball!" His smooth grey eyes lighted it joy, but a mischievous glint lurked around them.

"Alright enough!"

"He's a child in a man's body!" Xaviour commented.

"Agreed" I told him.

"Well, our Luna is gonna love it." He smirked.

"She's not Luna yet." I stated.

"Pretty soon she will be. After all, she's destined to be." Jackson said.

"But a human?" I wondered.

"We'll find out why soon, Zay..." He released a deep breath. That's all we can do, wait and let the truth unfold, while to fight to survive life. It's through life, we fight, we learn, we celebrate, we acknowledge.

"Ok, now you make the announcement." He winked.

"Bastard, that's your job!" I cursed.

"I may be the Beta, but that's not my mate. You wanna get her, buddy? You gotta do this." He simply shrugged.

"Un-fu*king-believable!" I murmured. "Fine!"

Fine just fine. Just f**king fine.

"Like now!" Jackson urged

My stupid a**hole of a Beta!

"I'm busy, later..." I muttered.

"Busy doing what? We went over the plans again and again. We're full proof!" He insisted.

" them..." I murmured.

He rolled his eyes, "Ok, I'll tell them to meet in the living room." He said, as he exited my office.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Once again, I was doing something under influence of the mate bond. The damn thing is too powerful to resist.

This was going off my plans, I never even wanted a mate. I didn't want to be tied down by the mate bond. It was sick despicable thing that one weak, my mother was a great example. She didn't leave or reject him when he could have, she trusted in the mate bond and let it consume, she embraced it, never even tried fighting against for the sick bastard she addressed as mate and husband. While I knew Athina would bring no trouble to my pack, I didn't want to be weighed down with the disadvantages of having a mate who's human, or any type of mate for that matter.

I wasn't going to be weak, all my life I had to fight to be strong, respected and powerful, and I wasn't going let the mate bond get the better of me. Though I desperately carved for the angel, I had to build up some sort of resistance, I simply wasn't going to let the mate bond rule my life.

'Ok, I let them know. They'll be coming down in a few minutes.' Jackson's voice range through my head as he mind-linked me.

'Alright.' I replied, as stood from my chair. The leather seat was starting to get uncomfortable and my legs was starting to become numb. Hours and hours of staying seated on the same seat, while going through plan after plan, and duties after duties, can make even the most comfortable chair hard and uncomfortable. Straightening my dress shirt and its cuffs I exited my office after opening the large wooden doors. and allowed my feet to lead towards the living room. The light scent of roses and lilies flickered through the air, the urges I dug deep down resurfaced in seconds. Over the time she stayed her scent flowed around driving me mad; all it took was her sweet intoxicating scent to have me fighting these urges...the urges to mark and claim her.

I sat down on the coach as Jackson stood to side, fighting the urge to laugh at the misfortune I found myself in.

A low growl left my mouth as the scent of roses and lilies become promptingly stronger and stronger. My eyes slowly wandered up to the stairs I just climbed down. Eric, Smita, and Rohan came down. However, it wasn't them my eyes were interested in. It was the girl who silently followed them. Her wavy dark locks of hair framed her face delicately as she took each step down the stairs. Her eyes were cast down and a small smile danced on her lips as she found the pattern of the tiles beautiful. My eyes travelled down her small frame, the dark green dress she wore complimented nicely against her slightly dark skin. It hugged her chest perfectly and enveloped her arms until her elbows, while the skirt flowed down softly hiding above her knees teasingly.

I could already feel Xaviour growing restless as I bit down my urges to pull her into my room and worship the girl given to me. The devil was once again craving for the innocence the angel held. A sweet little virgin girl was never within my interest but Athina was changing my interests to her, and only her.

Her obsidian eyes finally caught my eyes and once again I saw the determination within them, as well as the confusion that scared her slightly. Perhaps, she was being pulled under the influence of the mate bond, but couldn't understand why she was suddenly drawn towards a stranger.

As they reached downstairs, I noticed she never broke her gaze from mine, they fully locked and concentrated on her dark eyes. Not even with my werewolf sight I could tell apart from the iris to her pupil at the distance. She needed to be close within close touching distancing to be able to tell them apart.

Once they sat down on opposite me I began, "I've an announcement to make, that's why I gathered you here.." My kept my gaze stern on Athina's father, fighting the desperation within me to get lost in her beautifully dark eyes again, "I'm hosting a ball." I seemed have caught her attention as I felt her gaze on me, my hand balled into fists as the urges grow stronger and stronger.

'Big moment!!' Jackson mind-linked me.

'Yes, I know. Shut up, you bastard!!' I mind-linked back. I took a deep breath, let's hope this works.

"It's uhh...Christmas themed." As those words left my mouth a soft gasp followed, it was then I chose to lock my gaze with her again. "I would like you to attend." Her eyes sparkled with an emotion I couldn't could put my finger on as her smile grew, stretching those soft looking lips.

"We will be more than happy to attend," Eric said to me. "Won't we Athi?" He asked my mate. She nodded enthusiastically. Her head turned to me and her eyes glowed understanding and gratefulness, before she tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. I felt the shock radiated off Jackson as his gaze landed on me as well. I only felt the light stretch of my lips, growing into a smile, before I held onto the last bit of resistance and completely removed it.

Perfect just perfect! F**king perfect!

"It'll be tomorrow night." I said, after clearing my throat. Once they thanked me, I watched them leave Athina being the last to leave, while her curious eyes wandered my own, hoping to break the mask and search the depths of my mind.

"Really took your breath away, didn't she?" Jackson laughed.

"Shut up." I murmured leaving the bastard in the leaving room.

* * *

I straightened my suit and buttoning the cuffs of my sleeves as I stood in my room. From telling them about the ball and to the event actually happening the time flew fast. First thing they did after I told them about the ball was go shopping. While I was highly against the idea, when Jackson suggested in going with them, I got left more at ease. The foreign emotions rising within was now slowly withering away the resistance I had worked so hard in building up. I can't believe I was still doing this. Going out of my away to earn a girl's forgiveness. I never did any-f**king-thing like this for anyone. But I had to, my wolf couldn't be weak. It's her fault he is.

"Don't you blame it on her. You're the one that slapped her!" Xaviour grumbled.

"Oh and you weren't angry at all?" I questioned him. He didn't give me answer, all I heard was him letting out a low growl before he returned to the depths of my mind.

The ballroom and the seating area was all set in place. I heard Athina had slightly helped out in setting it up. Perhaps that's were the bright rays of colours and decorations in the seating area came from. Jackson was right, for this season, she doesn't care where she is, she will decorate things to the maximum. Though, I didn't understand her enthusiasm, I played along like I did not know of her working behind the scenes.

While I didn't look forward for the event, I did look forward in seeing her. So far I have only seen her in casual outfits. I wanted to see her wearing something formal. I wanted to show off her graceful and elegant beauty.

"Yo Alpha? You ready?" Jackson asked as he came into my room. I turned towards him, giving him a disapproving grunt. He was ready to start the night, while I don't want to. This event was just an honest waste of time. My face only scowled at the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What are you planning?!" I snapped.

"All to help you out, I promise. " He smirked.

Another disapproving grunt left my mouth, which only left him unimpressed. Great, now he's gonna give a 'How to be a good mate' literature. As I'd he knows, he hasn't met his mate yet. Once he does, he'll realise the hell I'm going through.

Though being my Beta was his birth-right, I still had an option to appoint another, I didn't. And I never regretted the decision, not even when he was fooling around. He stood by me, since childhood, like a brother. And most importantly he was there for me that night, like a brother. The night caused by my faults.

"Ok, when Luna Athi's around, don't scowl at her like at her, like you are about to claw her eyes out.." Jackson murmured.

"Let's just go..." I muttered, straightening my suit coat again before heading into the ballroom. The gates and doors were open, people were already there mingling and taking. Some sniffing the air slightly trying tosee if they could catch a scent.

My eyes wandered around the ballroom. The bright lights and chandeliers lit the grand spacious, shining onto the garments worn by the she-wolves as they walked across. Laughs, chants and whispers were heard from every corner, including the sound of champagne glasses clinking. Many scents filled the air, including the scents of the flowers in the garden beyond the open doors and, different wines and foods.

I searched the face of every girl in the room and tried to catch that sweet mouth-watering scent, but I couldn't find the face of my little mate.

I did however, Eric, Smita, and Rohan. Anyone could tell the little boy didn't like the suit. I chuckled at the poor boy's misfortune as he desperately tried to loosen his tie, but was scolded by his mother the everytime.

A disgusting scent of a poor perfume lingered the air. The scowl on my face returned as a long red-haired woman approached me in a satin green dress that barely covered her; her breasts were practically hanging out, no bra in place and the long slit that went above her hip, showed no sign of panties either. The satin gown was the thing to wore. The source of the stinking perfume was her.

"Alpha Anderson, it has been some time.." She spoke, the suggestive seductiveness in her voice undeniable. Her face, nor her voice planted no memory of encounter in my head. The woman daringly placed her hand on my arm, "Kyla.." She spoke her name, yet it brought no memories. She stepped closer wanting to have her body against mine.

Normally, I would let this play out, see how far the woman was willing to go, then drag her to a random room or corner and fu*k the woman senseless, sometimes I would even pay nicely depending on how well the woman satisfied me. My eyes dared her to continue, play it all out, but it was only when the scent of roses and lilies hit me, I realised why I shouldn't.

As I heard people gasping in awe and shock around me, all turned towards the stairs, I spoke to the woman in front of me, already forgetting the name she told me, "I've a mate."

And with those simple words I turned away, not caring about her reaction, towards the direction of everyone's and also the source of that intoxicating scent that had me fighting my urges.

And she stood, on top of the stairs, so gracefully in a deep shade of red. The colour boldly bringing out her dark obsidian eyes. The dress hugged her in the right places, and its skirt flowed smoothly around her legs. Unlike the woman I turned my back to, she had covered most of her skin, only teasingly having the dress off-shoulder, revealing her soft silky-looking neck I ever-so-desperately wanted to mark. Her black wavy hair, was now straightened, softly laying on her back, as a tiny clip pulled it away from her face. The beautiful deep shade of red dress swayed with each step she took, as she started descending the stairs. Xaviour and I was in awe as my eyes watched her step down. The sequins and sparkles on the skirt of the dress shimmered under the light of crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling above, creating a magical look on her, making her look like a princess.

'You're welcome! I told her to wear red, your favourite colour.' Jackson's voice was heard through the mind-link.

'Did you tell her why?' I asked, already knowing the curiosity of my little, she would ask the question of why. I didn't even bothering to look for Jackson in the room, I couldn't even if I wanted to, my refused to leave the figure of my little mate as stepped down the stairs like a graceful dancer.

'No! 'Cause it's a very gruesome reason! She won't take lightly to that!' He grumbled through.

Red, it was the colour of blood. It is the colour that spills as one is tortured and beaten. The deep shade was the most visual form of pain. The pain that I enjoyed giving to those do dare disrespect. It was the colour of the devil.

However, Athina had proclaimed it to be colour of the angel. The deep shade wasn't a sign of pain or danger when it came to her. It was simply a colour showing its beauty.