Chapter 8

Athina's P.O.V.

I stared into the mirror in front of me, as it reflected my figure. With a small spin I watched the dress float in red waves. The dress lined up against my chest, before it flowed down past my ankles, allowing it to slowly slide across the floor as I walked. The pattern across upper half of the dress resembled small flowers, before it was met it a soft fabric of the same shade that ran down and above that soft fabric a large net piece surrounded the skirt, giving it a more elegant look. The dress was off-shoulder, slightly exposing my neck and shoulders. I didn't bother a necklace, my collarbone showing was more than enough, a necklace would over-do it.

Once again, looking at how the colour strikingly brought out my deep brown eyes, that appeared black and black hair, I realised Jack was right. After Zayden had invited us to the ball, Jack advised me to wear a red dress., saying it would be perfect. And it was perfect, the colour suited me, and complimented by naturally tanned skin. However I couldn't help but think it was due to another reason; something inside me told me there were other reason on why he suggested the idea. But nevertheless, I was grateful for the suggestion, saves me from trying to choose from the endless list of colours.

Thinking of yesterday, I remembered the soft hidden smile that played on Zayden lips. The man looked more attractive than ever, his soft smile held me amazed, desperately wanting to see his full smile. But I knew I was better of imagining what the stretch of those full lips looked like and how they would feel against my own. I sighed and shook away the cloud of sinful thoughts in my head. This man made me imagine some fantasies.

Clipping a small bit of my hair away from my face, I allowed all of it cascaded over my back. My once wavy black locks was now straightened. Though, I hated applying heat to my hair, I did do something on special occasions. And this was a ball! My straightened hair gave me slightly more confident look, hiding my nervousness. I have never been to an actually ball before. The fact made me both excited and nervous. I was scared of tripping or bumping into strangers, the stomach churned at the thoughts of me becoming some laughing stock. But taking a deep breath, I promised myself to stay away from the large crowd and blend in as much as possible.

Using the light strokes of the brush, I slowly applied my make-up, concentrating specifically on my eyes and lips. Another thing, I never really took the time to do was make-up. It was a lot of effort for a full make-up and I used messed it up. So when I do have it on, I keep as natural as possible. I ran the eyeliner across the ends of my eyes and softly painted on my eyeshadow, once again allowing my eyes to be boldly brought out. Once adding the soft touch of a red lipstick on my lips, I smacked them together and carefully rubbed away what was extra.

Letting out a deep breath, I looked at myself. The make-up looked natural, the deep lip shade was the only exception, however it complimented well.

I was pleased with my effort. Now, the earrings were last thing. The sparkling dangling jewellary laid delicately against the top of the desk. Picking them up, I allowed its ends to be placed into the holes of my ears that was gunned years ago. When they were in I giggled lightly tapping the pieces of jewellary making it dangle. The long silver-stoned earrings sparkled like diamonds and matched the dress, allowing my collarbone and bare neck to be more boldly brought out.

Standing up from the chair I sat on to apply the make-up, I looked at myself one last time with a little last minute touches before slipping on my red ballerina flats, with my nervousness I thought it was best to play safe and not wear heels. Leaving the room I room I closed the door softly behind me. I always faced front before closing the door, a lesson I learned from my dad. Being part of company, he interviewed many, through the years he always advised and prepared me for my first interview. Closing the door behind you and always face the interviewer, never turn you back to them. That was one of the rules, and it not followed it will cause a black mark before you even start talking.

Just as I closed the door, a figure passed from the corner of my eyes. Frowning, I turned towards the direction immediately and caught a glimpse of the man with sandy dark hair, the one who sometimes accompanied Jack. Jacob, I had learnt his name. He wasn't always in the mansion though, the pit of my stomach crawled with anxiety but I shook the feel away. I was already nervous about attending this event, I couldn't let anxiety draw me to crazy thoughts.

I walked carefully towards the ballroom, I had helped decorate, I couldn't help it. I wanted to add in a few touches and change a few things. I knew Zayden wouldn't like me advising or changing, so I only discussed it with Jackson, and practically forcing him to take the credit for it.

The more steps I took towards the ballroom the more my heart banged against my chest. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm my thumping heart. The last thing I needed was to sweat and ruin all the effort I put into dressing up.

Reaching towards the stairs, I smoothed out the dress softly before looking down at the crowd. Upon standing on top of the stairs that led to the elegant ballroom filled with chandeliers, men in tuxedos and women in beautiful, coluorful dresses, my nervousness slowly disappeared. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and enjoying the ball.

Well that was all until, everyone's eyes landed on mine and the nervousness slowly built its way back up. The eyes of many watched every step I took. To my relief, most of them held awe and admiration in their eyes, and always there were the ones that held hatred and jealously in their eyes.

So much for just blending in..

My eyes wandered around the ballroom, searching for the pair of azure eyes that always set my heart thumping. Yes, I was fighting against the sudden course of feelings the man erupted in me, and so, I simply wanted to tell him, silently, I will fight and put up my resistance.

However, as my eyes connected with his own, I felt a longingness. My heart earned for his own. His azure eyes was my comfort in the darkness. Something so bright and oceanic that filled my world with such wonder and longing.

While others looked at me with amazement and awe, his eyes simply stared at me, watching my moved as climbed slowly down the steps. His eyes stayed the the blue pools of nothingness; portrayed no emotion. I dreamed of seeing emotions run through those eyes. I wished to read him. I knew without a doubt he was able read every emotion that ran through me. He was a man great power, able to read the emotions that belonged to others, as cleverly hide his own.

Sighing, I bit my bottom hoping to avoid the eyes others and stepped towards where my parents stood. Theirs eyes held such pride and knowingness.

Standing beside them, my mother was first to speak, "Athi, mera bachcha, you look beautiful." (My child). Her eyes softly teared up. I knew what her thoughts were. The child she gave birth to was growing up, starting do things and make decisions of her own. Her child was no longer the baby girl to held in her arms nineteen years ago.

"Thank you, ma."I told her.

"Yeah, Athi. I have never seen you put so much effort. Are we trying to impress someone?" My dad asked chuckling.

My eyes widened and heat rose to my cheeks, "Dad!" I whined.

"Hey, I just wanted to warn the poor man. I mean you're a lot to handle." My dad said to me. I stared at him.

My jaw dropped a reaction that caused both my parents to burst out laughing and brother to smirk.

"You know sis, someone is looking at you." Rohan said to me, jerking his head to the right. I frowning following the direction, only to be met with striking azure eyes, that watched every one of my moves carefully. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't, for those eyes had pulled into its depths of nothingness. The blues held no emotion as they looked over my figure

"Wow Athi you sure look striking!"

I know that voice! Jackson!! I turned to see him smiling like a proud brother. I always wanted a big brother or sister I could look up to, Jackson always being helpful and funny, immediately took up the role in my heart. The short time we spend together was more than enough for him to take the place. "I told you, red suits you." He stated smirking.

I laughed, "Thanks, Jack and yes, you did." I said rolling my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked, pointing his finger as he faked his anger. I giggled, smiling innocently up at him.

I gulped feeling a heavy stare on me. But I didn't turn, I built up more resistance. I needed keep fighting, I wouldn't let him have my heart to simply break. And yet, he owned some sort of it, slowly dominating ever part of my weak heart.

As the music for the first dance began, I watched as some walked towards the centre in pairs.

I simply watched as they danced and later during a spin you found another partner to lead you across the dance floor; waltzing away beautifully.

"So.." Jackson smirked.

Oh no...

"Jack..I don't that's a good-"

Before I could even finish my words, Jack grabbed by hand and pulled me towards the centre, "Oh, come on!" I didn't want to, I didn't know these people at all. Maybe I'll just dance with Jack.

I smiled as Jackson took my hand and led me across the floor. He didn't seem like the type who would waltz or someone who would gracefully lead you as you both waltz.

He smiled down at me proud before looking away frowning, a hidden emotion playing in his face. His eyes carefully searched the crowd.

"What's wrong?" I frowned. A dread feeling started rising within me.

"'s just...a feeling." He said slowly, before letting out a heavy breath.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I feel like something will change tonight. I might meet her.." He frowned deeper.

"Her?" I questioned and a huge smile stretched across my lips, "Like you going to meet the one?!"

He raised an eyebrow at me, a small smile playing on his lips, "Something like that." He mumbled, but his eyes held uncertainty, "Would she accept me? That's the real question.."

"Of course she would! You are an amazing person, Jackson. You always so kind, caring and helpful." I told him, as he lead the dance gracefully. "If the girl you hope to meet tonight doesn't accept you, then she wasn't the one!"

"Yeah..not that simple.." He sighed.

"I don't understand."

"What you feel for Zayden.." He said, looking right into my eyes. The grey colour sparkled with a hidden meaning.

I felt the breath catch my throat and my eyes widening.

So it was normal to feel this way for a stranger? So suddenly?

"I love him.." I admitted, sighing. I felt mine resistance I was building up high slowly wither away. The truth swept through my wall of resistance, daring me to find the unique azure eyes.

"And you finally admit it." He smirked looking behind me.

"Was it that obvious?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"For the rest of us, yes. But not for him." His eyes still behind me. His smile had now turned into a smirk.

"Who are you looking at?" I frowned asking as I turned to look over my shoulder but I simply saw unfamiliar faces and not one was looking in our direction, my confused gazed turned to Jackson to see him rolling eyes.

"Oh just certain stupid friend of mine!" He mutters. I knew he meant Zayden Anderson but I simply couldn't bring myself to say the name.

I shook my head and decided to just let the music take me into a peaceful dance as I followed Jack's lead.

I giggled as he spun me, "If you do meet the one tonight, best of luck Jack! She will love you!" Was the last thing I said to him before I was spun another time towards my new partner.

My eyes closed as my feet spun around the floor and I would feel the skirt of my dress float in waves. Soon, my hand found a bigger one and a another placed softly against my waist, with that grip of possessiveness lingering around the edges.

A shaky breath left my lips as my eyes slowly opened, my head lifted only to be met by those striking blue eyes that holding such mysterious silver sparks..They made it so easy get lost in them, but it remained blank, free of all emotions.

It was them I realised his eyes would forever remain as my feature of his, forever. If I were to leave tonight, his eyes would be craved into memory for eternity. His eyes would appear his my dreams each nothing, hoping to see emotions coursing through them for me to read.

And in the moments before I die, I knew..I knew it would his deep azure eyes that tinged with that dark royal blue and floating silver sparkles, be the last thing I were to imagine.

I sighed and looked away trying to force back the tears that formed in my eyes. Why did he had to join?! I was going perfectly fine until now.

The first person I ever loved, will never love me back.

I gulped back trying my best to hold back those tears. But unfortunately, a traitor fell. A small tear stained over my cheek. My breath caught my throat again and just as I tries to dry it, his large hand reached my cheek and slowly dried away the tear that well.

My wide eyes met his and just for minute I saw the shield in his crack, with emotions filling to the brim, but one emotion being the most dominant..I frowned trying to identify the emotion. For that minute I saw the real...I saw the real Zayden Anderson. I saw a troubled and lost man, hiding underneath the strong built business attire.

His hand reminded on cheek and I watched as he read my eyes carefully, "So dark, but they hold so much light.." I frowned as I registered his words.

What did he mean?

I gasped as he cupped my face in both his large hands and slowly leaned in, never breaking eye contact. His lips would reach mine soon.

My first kiss..

My body enlightened itself in a tinkling sensation. I gulped again as our lips drew closer and closer. I let my eyes flutter close slowly, ready to finally feel his soft looking lips against mine.

But just as he was an inch away from my lips, a loud crash sounded through the glass doors. I gasped turning around as people screamed and ran. As growls were heard, my eyes wandered until they landed on large dark animal figures.


Black, ragged and monstrous wolves. They were nothing like the grand silver wolf. These wolves were hideous!

"Oh my.." I whispered horrified covering my month as they leaped to attack the guests.

"Father..." I heard Zayden mumble. A tone of disgust and anger laced the word. He hated the word.

Immediately, he wrapped an arm tightly around my waist. The gesture should have shocked me, but the fear that engulfed me was even more powerful.

I screamed as the savage creatures spilt blood. As a wolf came charging towards us, I unconsciously held onto Zayden tightly. In his arms, I knew I was safe.

As the wolf leaped towards us, I screamed hiding my face. Everything around me became inaudible, only the growls and screams reached my ears, causing my entire form to shake.

I felt a force, followed by crack. Peaking through my fingers, I saw the monstrous wolf had been hit against the wall.

How- ?

As confusion flood through me, a gush of wind hit me. I frowned realising Zayden was suddenly in front. His eyes were cold and murderous as he stared at the wolf.

I cringed as I heard the breaking of bones and growl erupt through Zayden. I gaped horrified stepping back as his body twisted and turned in ways it shouldn't. I felt like getting sick as fur sprouted through his skin, when his clothes ripped.

Standing in front of me was no longer a can, but a wolf.

The silver wolf.

The wolf that got me home safely.

The wolf Zayden.

The wolf I spoke to.

The wolf was Zayden!

Zayden was the wolf!

The man I fell in love with just turned into a wolf! Not knowing what to do another scream left my mouth.

This can't be real!