Chapter 9

Zayden's P.O.V. 

  My eyes followed her every move as she wandered down the steps to her parents. A gorgeous angel walking gracefully for all to see. While her eyes met were in mine, she soon turned away the determination that laid within though, it was undeniable. I was only fooling myself if I said, she was only playing; holding onto the grudge. Something else burned with those obsidian eyes, something that takes for than just watching to find out.

 Not even as she spoke to her parents did my eyed turn away, my gaze on her, watching the movements of her lips as she spoke, the ways her eyes wandered, and the rise and down of her chest as she breathed. Her had taken attention by merely doing nothing but talk and walk.


 She didn't play out nothing, she showed no form of seduction and yet she had absorbed my attention; hypnotising me with her beauty.

 A part me was amazed by the simplicity of her ways to grab my attention, the other growled; a rising an anger through me that couldn't understand why the mate bond was so powerful to draw out foreign emotions within me.

 Holding up some form resistance, I pulled my gaze away from her and found myself walking towards the bar. 

 Watching the honey-coloured liquid fill the crystal glass, my head was once again filled with thoughts of my dark-eyed beauty.

 I sighed, feeling a hand place itself on my shoulder. The stinking perfume reached my senses almost letting out a growl from deep within my throat as it blocked out the intoxicating scent roses and lilies. 

 "Alpha never let me finish." The b*tich whispered into my ear in a tone of deep seduction as she daringly wrap her arms around my shoulders. 

 "And I gave you the reason." I stated simply, taking a drink or two.

 "She doesn't have to know.." Her seductive tone whispered, as she ran her hands down my chest and pulling my back closer to her breasts. 

 A low menacing growl ripped through my throat before I grabbed her red hair in my hands pulling it, but hard enough to her the last ans final warning, "I stand by what I said. Take it or you'll find yourself in the same fate of countless others who've disobeyed me." 

 Whimpers left her mouth as the sl*t tried to break free from my hold, "Understood?" 

  "Y-Yes Alpha! I'm sorry!" 

  Allowing her hair free from my grip, I walked away no longer able to take the fragrance she wore. 

 With the crystal glass in my hand, my eyes wandered the room wanting spot my little mate in deep red. 

 Following her scent that lingered the room, I saw her gracefully move in steps as Jackson lead her. While I knew he had something but respect for his future Luna, the unexplainable anger rushed me, wanting to practically rip him apart limp by limp for even daring to touch her. 

 When Jackson noticed my scowl, he only smirked, daring me silently to grab hold my little mate. While I held back, I already was a battle I was loosing to. 

 Placing my glass back onto the counter, I walked forward; my feet slammed against the marble floors, my eyes all on one figure that was twirled closing her eyes in a bliss, before I grabbed hold of her waist and hand, and glaring at the man who was next in line to grab hold of my mate in a dance. He scurried away quickly enough, just in time for me to look back as her eyelids opened to reveal her dark pearls that reflected everything, but holding so much light...a concept I never understood. 

 I lead her through the steps never taking my eyes of her. Emotions played so clearly one after the other in her eyes, though she tried hold up a brick wall she failed, because every time as it crumbled down.

 When her eyes held those unshed tears, Xaviour howled in sorrow inside me. While I wanted to shout my inner wolf, I couldn't..

 Her gaze quickly broke away wanting to be away. I sighed, seeing a tear escape. Without thinking over my own movements, my hand rested on her cheek before I wiped away the stray tear.

 When her obsidian met mine again, a strange sense of possessive and claim rushed through me, "So dark, but they hold so much light.."I whispered reading her eyes.

 I grabbed a hold her smoothly round face in my hands, earning a gasp from her.

 Xaviour wanted to gain the reigns and claim what was ours. The Moon goddess gave this girl to me, I believed their was a reason behind it, so what's or what even dares to stop me from claiming my mate?! 

 My eyes suddenly snapped to her red lips, the lipstick made it a ruby shade only pushing me on to smash my lips against her own; kiss her until she was breathless and senseless.

 But fate didn't allow that yet..

 The sound of the glass window breaking and threatening growls filled the air.

Athina freed herself from my grasp and took in the rogues that invaded us. 

 "Oh my.." I heard whisper scared, horrified by act of these rogues. 

  As my eyes landed on to their leader, my blood boiled with the anger...the anger of over twenty years that was nested within me rose to its full glory, "Father..." I mumbled the meaningless word as Xaviour growled within me powering me to fight the basta*d that stood before us. 

 Pulling Athina back by her waist, I let her scent invade me and calm me before, because if it were only me I would have let fought with the anger that coursed through, but with Athina near, I could not simply turn away and not protect her. The scream that erupted from her as she witnessed the blood the rogues split caused an emotion that sent the beating of my heart racing. The emotion I hadn't felt in over ten years coursed, shocking me. I released a breath as the emotion only grew stronger and stronger.

Fear...that emotion I never felt in over decade now took control over emotion I had long forgotten to feel, now wrapped around me like a death shroud

 I snapped my eyes shut for a second, if I were to transform into Xaviour in front of her, she would either scream in terror and run away or she would accept what the Moon goddess had planned for the both of us...something that was still uncertain. Allowing myself to release yet another breath of fear, only to be angry with myself, I opened eyes in time just in time as the man I had once called father charged towards me.


 Drawing out my claws, without causing them to scrap against my little mate, I waited, collective and calculated as he approached. Though my body coursed with an emotion I hated, I let my anger take the reigns and cover it. Just as he leaped towards us, I pulled Athina closer and clawed the smooth flesh of his stomach, and just as he let his guard down, I pushed him away, letting his body hit against the walls of the ballroom; as his ribs collided with the wall a hard crack followed. 

 My gaze stayed on him not for a second did turn towards Athina, it was then I realised the fear wasn't just caused by the thought her in harm, but also for her reaction..Her reaction when I finally showed her the truth. 

 Reaching out to the spirit of wolf, Xaviour, a growl erupted from my chest as my bones cracked to reform into the body of my wolf. Athina stepped away as she watched, horrified on how body was reforming. Over the years of transforming, it has turned into nothing but into a dull ache. My silver fur sprouted as my body bend into a shape of wolf. My hands enveloped in fur and draw larger into paws that held large but hidden claws, that would reveal themselves when I wanted them to. 

 The first thing I heard was a scream of denial from her. She refused to let this become fate...become reality.

 I turned to look into dark pearls that shimmered underneath the lights, they held nothing but denial and refusal. This wasn't the way I wanted to reveal the truth to her. This wasn't supposed to happen.

 I didn't get much longer to study the emotions within her eyes as the rogue swiftly leaped onto its feet again and charged towards Athina. He snapped his jaws growling menacingly, I simply stared at the man who was once was the very Alpha of this pack, but his reign and torment only brought misfortune. 

 As Athina whimpered behind me I felt dreaded feeling shake my bones as the emotion I hated coursed through again. 

 "Dad!" I heard her shout; a scared little wanting to seek refuge in her father's arms. That's when his attention turned towards her. My wolf and I growled at his sights set on her, a glint of cunningness and threat gleamed in his eyes as he charged towards her. I stood in my place in front, wanting nothing than to protect the vulnerable human girl but his goal changed and charged towards me and knocked me from my feet.

 "Zayden!" My name flew from her lips. The first time her sweet lips spoke my name for me. While I heard it before, this time she said with worry and fear; emotions filled my name as she said it. The shock that radiated from her afterwards filled me with pride. She spoke my name without even realising it. Her heart beat raced as she couldn't understand why. Her breathing came out in pants as she slightly panicked. Her filled the room growing stronger and unfortunately easy to pick up.

 It was the menacing growl that pulled me away from the thoughts that swirled in my head and the scream that came right after. The fear-laced scream had me craving for oxygen as I realised it came from her, My chest closed up at the sight before me. While I marveled the sight of blood, this time I didn't. As a deep shade same as her dress swept through the large cuts on her skin, made my bones shiver as a shaky breath left my mouth.

 A deep threatening growl filled the air as I show Athina fall in to unconsciousness.

 At first I couldn't understand why he attacked her nor did I understand why he planned an attack on this specific night. The word traitor, danced in my head. Whoever was the traitor this time, working behind my back I promise to let him have a slow and torturing death, making him wish he had never betrayed me.

 "How dare you attack my mate?" I snarled, confirming to him the information's he had received was indeed correct.

Athina was my mate!

 "An idiotic little human girl.. huh how pathetic, you got a human as a mate! Y'know, I really pity for you my son." His chuckled humourlessly.

 "I'm not your son!" I snapped. The words he addressed me as, disgusted me. I wanted to tore him limb from limb for years he stood as Alpha.

I charged towards him full force and hitting the area I had clawed him just minutes before.

 As rogue it takes longer for you to heal, even if you were an high rank before. Being a rogue slows down healing processes and every other benefit of a normal werewolf, it was the perfect form of torture for him...a living death itself as he lost his Alpha status and power. 

 "Yes, where are my manners? You were no longer my son, since the day you turned me into this! A horrendous rouge!" He spat out.

 "Good to see you remember that, Darren." I spilled his name with the hate and anger he caused over the years. While I wanted end his life here and now, I couldn't. I wanted to see himself painfully suffer as rogue and then rip out his dying heart after he truly looses all hope and strength, until he believes himself he has lost. 

 "Merry Christmas, son." He replied, deliberately lacing the words with same amount of and anger. We were no longer father and son, I don't think we ever were...we were always enemies secretly planning each other's deaths. A sharp needle plunged through my flesh after he said those words. I cursed as the poison ran through my veins, sweeping into my blood.

 " weak-" I couldn't finish as he threw me off. The queen of all poison swept through my body weakening my wolf and I. Xaviour groaned before being pulled to sleep as the effects of the Aconitum started. I growled as I was forced to shift back. 

 I growl of frustration ripped through as I witnessed Darren escaping. 

 My eyes landed on Athina again, pale-faced as blood drew out from her body. She needed immediate attention. Sighing, I lifted her weak body in my arms, before rushing to the infirmary.