Chapter 10

Athina's P.O.V.

Though my eyes were showing the truth, I didn't want to believe it. I refused to accept what my eyes showed. I screamed not wanting this reality, but I can't fight reality. I stepped back slowly just as another sound left my lips, something along the lines of a scream and whimper. Tears built up in my tears again, but this time it was for a different reason, it was because of the reality that was thrown at me, forcing me to accept it.

While I didn't understand how it was possible for a man to transform into a wolf, something about this sent a strange sensation of comfort through me, but I was reluctant to accept such a feeling, especially when I didn't where or how it came.

The wolf its turned towards me, and I already prepared myself to see those royal blue eyes and sliver sparks that roamed deep blacks, and yet when our eyes locked I couldn't help but gasp at its true beauty. I could never prepare for the beauty of those perfect eyes, even when they were an azure colour.

As the wolf gazed at me more and more, I could see the silver sparks in his eyes strengthen as the deep azure flames grow in such power..Power that was coursed through determination.

I frowned wondering what he was so determined about. The wolf has human intelligence, perhaps more. Yet, I couldn't understand..I couldn't understand any of this.

This isn't real!

This can't be real!

But reality laughed at me, shoving the truth into my face causing no logical thoughts or explanations to cross my mind.

The ragged black wolf growled leaping up on its feet, drawing up the long sickening claws from his paws and sharp snapping teeth that looked rotten. I cringed as sticky bits of what looked blood clung onto them and the dripping foam from its mouth, all caused my stomach to churn. Its fur bristled as it snapped it jaws at us.

Zayden, however, seemed unbothered by the threats the black wolf gave.

It was the only when I watched them growl and snap did I notice the same but light deep blue eyes of the black wolf, oddly similar to Zayden's, but it held the absence of those silver sparks I loved. Something along the lines of a gasp and whimper left my lips as I realised as these wolves were related in some manner.

My eyes widened and my heart hammered faster and harder against my chest as I remembered Zayden saying 'father', but with such disgust and anger. I could never use that tone on the word, my father has given me nothing but safety and joy. I would be stupid to think if the word or the man actually brought Zayden the same. I guess not all fathers are like my own, my was purely lucky, my father was always there for me, never did I have to hear anything alongside him. Just my father's presence would bring me utter relief.

It was then I decided to find my dad and leave at once, I refused to let my family be thrown into this mess.

My eyes frantically searched the running crowd, some scared, others ready to fight the ones who disturbed the tranquility of the night. My feet moved on their own accord as my breath came through in short pants, "Dad!" I screamed the simple word that held so much meaning as I frantically searched the room. Tears rolled down my checks and I just desperately wanted to be in my dad's arms telling me it was all ok and I had nothing to fear. While I longed to hear the words 'it's all a dream' I knew it wasn't, reality crashed down in the most frightening and what makes it worse it that you can't fight reality.

It was only when the growls and snarls behind me grew louder did I look away. My breath caught my throat as the ugly black wolf charged its way towards me. I screamed back away but Zayden was quickly in front trying to block any hits that came my way.

However, the black wolf was clever, he knocked Zayden off his feet and threw him against the wall. A sickening cracking fell on the wall as Zayden's weight crashed against it.


A voice screamed his name and it a second or two to realise the voice belonged to me. While is name felt right on my tongue, I couldn't understand why his name suddenly tumbled through my lips. It just came out!

Shaking my head, I gaped at how easily the wolf had out-tricked Zayden; pretending to charge at me when he was really charging at Zayden. While Zayden was protecting me, he didn't protect himself. My heart thumped in agony at the thought of Zayden in pain, making it almost impossible to its job. I felt my lungs shrivel as it screamed for oxygen. No other words left my mouth, just whimpers and sobs. All caused by the mere thought of Zayden in pain. This absolute stranger stirred his way into my life and grabbed a hold my heart tightly and even tried to fight against, his grasp only tightened.

The menacing growl that reached my ears caused me to turn away from Zayden and back at the large sick-looking black wolf. Its snarls grew louder and louder as it stepped towards me. I did the mistake of stepping away fast which caused not only for me to slip against the skirt of dress and break in to a fall, but also for the wolf to take the opportunity that came its way. My eyes widened as the large claws of the wolf resurfaced and made contact with my upper arm; the claws swept in cutting the skin grabbed onto and clawed it open, allowing a colour as rich as my dress to sweep through the large cuts.

I tried to scream at the pain that coursed through me. But nothing came out, my mouth hung open and nothing expect a whimper left my lips, it seems my mouth won't respond to me in pain, only Zayden. But tears rushed forward, faster and faster, making harder for me take in the such needed air for my lungs.

As a strange dizziness hit me, black spots appeared in front of my eyes. I blinked to get rid of them and tried to keep my eyes open but in my current state it seemed to be such an impossible task. I tried to keep my eyes open, but soon I was pulled into the darkness.

* * *

I felt my body ache and a strain in my eyes as I tried to open them. Pain coursed through my spine despite the soft mattress that laid underneath me. In the ache only intensified as I tried to move even the slightest.

Mentally groaning, I pushed to open my stubborn eyelids. The strain grew stronger but I determined to pull away from the darkness. When I finally managed to flutter them open, I slightly regretted ever fighting them in first place as sharp light hit my eyes.

My eyes searched the ceiling above me and the bright light, wondering where was I. It was only when the numb ache on my arm sensed through me did everything rush back to me.

The lights.

The dress.

The dance.

His arms.

His eyes.

Image after image flashed in my mind, starting a migraine making me want to scream my lungs out.


I heard my own voice in my head as I replayed the events that happened. It was only when the sounds of crack bones and fur sprouting did I remember the twisted reality I found myself in. I immediately sat up, faster than I thought possible, only to result in intense pain to run through my back.

A light feminine yelp came from the side causing me jump.

I frowned turning in the direction it came from only to be met bright green eyes that held confusion and slight awkwardness. Her light brown hair flowed freely over her shoulders looking straight and soft. Her hazel eyes held a hint of hazel and I found it awe at the beauty her eyes alone portrayed. As she send a small smile my way her features glowed making me realise just how beautiful she really is. I gave a weak small due the awkwardness and pain. As you can see from before I miserably failed at first impressions.

I bit my lip wondering what I should say or do.

But she beat me to it, "Hi there.." She spoke softly as she raised her hand for a small wave, then cringed at herself. I giggled slightly seeing she was more or less the same as me. "Um..hey.." I replied starting to play it the ring on my finger. I frowned, wondering if she was...well what Zayden was. And if Zayden was one of them, was Jack one of them? The thoughts scared as unpleasant shivers ran down my spine, this whole time I had been living with these..."type" of people, completely oblivious to the fact they can easily attack us.

Then again, if they could.. why didn't they?

"So umm..hi..I just probably introduce myself." I heard her mumble, more or less to herself, "I'm Violet Valentine! Jackson's ma- girlfriend!" She quickly finished, clearly her throat awkwardly. I frowned at her strange wording.

Jackson's girlfriend? But I have never seen her around before..

"I didn't know Jack was dating anyone.." I trailed off, staring confused at the girl in front of me.

Suddenly, her eyes burned with the fire of jealous making the green for prominent, "Why?" Her tone clearly showed the harshness that burned within her eyes as she frowned.

"Woah no!" I sputtered out, "Jack is like brother and no offence to him but blondes are not my type." I giggled, almost sighed in relief as she broke into a fit of giggles too. "I just been beside Jack for so long he never said anything about girlfriend! Let me get my hands on him, I will grab onto his ear and twist it until he cries like a baby!" I grumbled out. I thought Jack and I had grown close enough to tell me he had a girlfriend. I could have used a girl to talk to.

Violet shook her head laughing, "You sound like a savage little sister!"

"I am!" I smirked.

"Well, to clear things up Jack and I only met last night...but we decided to give it a try.." She said, I could she was choosing her words carefully, probably because that was quick to jump into a relationship with a stranger. Well, I may know a thing or two about that, certainly falling for a stranger incredibly fast.

It was only when I thought over her words did I remember what Jackson told me last night...

"I feel like something will change tonight. I might meet her.."

"Will she accept me? That's the real question.."

I smiled realising Violet was the girl he had been talking about. While Jackson didn't who she is was, he felt she would be coming. He had been worried about Violet not accepting him, but from what I could already see she has and most definitely giving him a try.

"I am so happy for the both of you. I hope you two go a long way." I smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled, "So are you feeling?" Her voice was soft and concerned.

I smiled, "A bit painful in some placed," I said looking over at the white bandage on my upper that covered the wound, "But I am doing all right!"

She nodded happy to hear what I said before looking at the door, expecting someone to walk in. I on the other hand, bit my lip wondering if I should ask her or not. Would she be offended in any way? I didn't even know how to word the question. When her gaze returned to mine, the green in her eyes flowed softly against the hazel, there wasn't the consent war in them like I would see in Zayden's, Violet was calm and collective, but I knew she would strike when needed powering on the green flames.

"So can like..turn into a wolf?" I cringed at my own question. Such a casual question..

She giggled and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, "It's called a werewolf and don't worry I won't bite."

"Phew!" I breathed out dramatically causing the both of us to laugh, "I heard of werewolves."

"You have?" She frowned questioningly.

"Yeah, but I never imagined them to look like an actual wolf. More like...soo hairy grotesque human-like creatures in the movies." I shrugged.

Violet rolled her eyes, "Humans have crazy imaginations, I swear." She shook her head grumbling.

"I agree with that."

"And what do you suppose vampires look like?" She questioned.

"Vampires exist too?" I gaped.

"Vampires, werewolves, faes, name it." She shrugged.

"Unicorns?" I joked, causing her to burst out laughing.

"Ok no, no unicorns. But most definitely vampires and werewolves. Faes tend to live in their own world and they don't really show themselves to our kind. It's just the constant war between werewolves and vampires," She rolled her eyes.

"You seen to hate that." I stated, noticing the green her eyes spread with annoyance.

"I do...I love both kinds." She sighed, looking down onto her hands.

"You can talk to me.." I encouraged her.

She smiled, "I'm... connected to both kinds." I could tell she was struggling with her words.

"How?" I asked.

"I'm Violet Valentine. My grandparents are pureblood vampires." She said, causing me to gasp.

"So you are like..mixed?" I asked stunned. "That's so cool!"

"Actual no, I'm not mixed. My father is a werewolf. When he was a baby his parents had abandoned him and it was a peace-wanting noble vampire family that took him in. My father grew to see them as his real parents. While his own abandoned him, the ones who were supposed to be his enemy, took him in and raised him as their own. So he kept their name for his family." She smiled explaining. I could tell how much she cherished both kinds in her heart by the glowing of her green eyes.

"That's so beautiful.." I smiled, "I wish I had your life."

"It's not easy being considered mixed to be honest." She smiled sadly and the glow in her eyes disappeared, making me realise it must have been very hard for her, living part of two worlds, who were considered enemies. A sharp pain coursed through my heart as I remembered how it was like being treated like an outsider, one that doesn't belong. My eyes build up with the tears from remembering the pain of missing home as I lived somewhere that saw me as an outsider.

I sighed and held onto her hands, "I know how it feels. I am here if you need me." I smiled.

The green in her eyes turned glossy as tears built up, "Thanks Luna. I-..I should really tell Alpha you're awake now. He's probably worried about you." She said blinking away the tears as she changed the subject.

"Alpha?" I frowned and sighed, "And I wouldn't say he's worried.." I mumbled.

"Of course he's worried." She sounded so certain.

"What makes you sound so certain?"

I saw a battle in her eyes, to whether tell me or not. She sighed.

"Because you're his mate.." she replied, the hesitance and uneasiness in her voice was undeniable. I don't think knew how to word in way I would understand. Her eyes flickered back and forth, a flicker for every thought as she desperately searched for the words.

"Mate?" I frowned.

"Yes, mate, every werewolf has a mate. I'm actually Jack's mate. A mate is someone who owns a half your soul, and you own their half. The Moon goddess chose you for each other. Some say it's true love, others say it's the one you're destined to be with. Once you meet mate you souls tie, making it impossible to live without them." She explained sighing. I knew she had a hard time explaining this me, maybe because she was afraid of my reaction.

I let out a deep breath, not knowing myself how to respond to any of this. The emotions coursed fast through my body at an abnormal speed. Many emotions played, fighting for dominance; for power. Fear, anger, and anxiety all coursed through me. Fear because of the unknown terrors that would lurk myself. Anger because as much as I wanted an adventure I never asked for a temperamental man with supernatural abilities. Anxiety because of what my future would become. I was torn away from the human world and into the shadows of the supernatural. Being alongside Zayden meant deal with not only his doings, but also what his doings brought..His enemies were now my enemies..

"If you reject our Alpha, it would been years of depression and agony. Even if you tried to live with another, half of your soul will still belong to Alpha and this feeling of a hole in your heart will become larger and larger, it's possible you can't find to be true to yourself. Sometimes, when a mate dies, the other follow them to the grave. It is impossible to live without mate once your souls bonded. When you first meet your souls ties, then afterwards once you accept each other your souls bonds. And this bond is powerful, nothing on earth can break it apart!" Violet stated, so much certainty within her voice. She believed every word that she had said. Held onto every word with such belief like it was a sacred prayer.

Something she had learned from an young age, as she desperately seeked for her other half. "You're bound to meet your mate somehow; it's decided by the Moon goddess."

"Moon goddess?" I questioned, unfamiliar by the term. Hindus did have a moon goddess, however, I doubt our goddess and theirs were the same. We didn't have a Moon goddess, but we had Jyotsna, Hindu goddess of twilight and the autumn moons.

"She's the one that chooses our mates. She chose you to be our Alpha's mate." Violet answered me. I was ever-so-grateful she answered my questions without any annoyance or hesitance. She was willing to give the answers I deserved and not keep me in the dark.

"Alpha?" I asked, sheepishly. Though, she hasn't shown any annoyance, I doubt if she likes being asked questions again and again. But I couldn't help myself, I didn't understand or ever heard of the terms she's using.

Violet, however, just smiled and happily answered for me, like she didn't mind at all answering or helping me out. When I noticed the soft basil colour within her eyes soft as ever within that brown shade, I knew she was more than delighted to do so, "Alpha is the leader of what we like to call 'the pack.' An Alpha's mate is called Luna, she's considered the female leader of the pack. And it is believed the Moon goddess' name was Luna."

I frowned putting the pieces together, "So I am…"

"Yes, you're our Luna." She smiled.

I let out a shaky breath as she said it out for me. Now I know why people say-- 'When reality comes crashing down..' Because reality did crash down on me, only it was some twisted reality that through me into the world of the supernatural, that is believed to be fantasy or mythical. I wanted to run away, I wanted to scream at their Moon goddess claiming she made the wrong decision as return to my normal life away from this twisted reality that crushed me.

What is a mere human girl supposed to do in this world?

I can't possible lead Zayden's people..

Would they even listen to someone who is not from their world?

I sighed, "Is there anything else?" I knew I was trying to process too much information as such delicate time, but I wanted to know as much as possible before I can come to any form of decision.

"Well that's all there is to know..from my side anyway," Violet shrugged, "But if wanna know one more thing, Jackson is the Beta." Upon noticing the frown on my face, she continued to explain the term that was like a foreign language to me, "The Beta is like second in command after the Alpha and Luna. His duty is to serve and protect the Alpha. A Beta's mate is the Beta Female, which is apparently me." She said pointing to herself in disbelief. I guess she never expected to have a position so highly ranked. "I'm supposed to serve and protect you, Luna." She smiled.

"Ok please stop calling me Luna," I cringed, "It just..feels weird.." I shook my head, "Call me Athina or Athi. Jackson gets to call me Athi and since you are his mate, you have to too!" I smirked.

Violet giggled. "Alright Athi!"

I smiled, then wondered why did Zayden end up with a human mate? Was that even possible? Do humans like myself like in the world of werewolves?

"Violet, can I ask you something?" I looked into her emerald-hazel eyes, silently telling it was a serious question. She frowned and hesitantly nodded, "Why am I, a human, your Alpha's mate?"

Violet sighed deeply hearing the question, almost like that the question dreaded to hear, the though sent a plague of guilt through my heart, "No one knows why you're human, Athi. A human mate it's unheard of. Humans have never stepped foot into this world, unless we're talking about the 18th or 19th century, when humans were kidnapped to be the slaves of vampires and noble werewolves." I gasped at her words, "Yeah, wasn't the best of times. But since then, a human in our world has never occurred. Now, it is illegal to hunt for humans." She stated, "But the ones who do are considered rouges or outcasts." She explained.

Her words frightened me, not only did I not understand their world, but their world did also not understand me or my purpose. I needed to seek the answers for this fate myself, no one could tell me. What scared me more I was their Alpha, Zayden.

What was his opinion of a human mate?

I knew the answer already…he hates the idea, why else would he be giving me a hard time?

"He hates me doesn't he?" I mumbled, holding back the sudden pain that coursed through my heart that brought unshed tears to my eyes.

"Alpha?" Violet frowned, I nodded, "I doubt that, while rejections happen, I don't think Alpha is going to reject you, Athina. He just needs get used to the idea, I think. It's new for all of us, but especially for him, since its your soul that his half is tied." Violet words caused yet another plague of guilt to grab my heart, crushing it slowly. This wasn't just new to me, I wasn't the only stick in this twisted reality, but Zayden too. While he was abnormal in my world, I was abnormal in his world.

I sighed, nodding away just hoping to have an understanding between the two of us.

"You know, you've a very strong Indian accent." Violet spoke, clearing away the madness in my head. I knew what she was doing; she was changing to the topic allowing me to process it one by one later, and just relax now with a casual conversation. "Um..thanks.." I giggled.

While I only met her just now, something told me I would be grateful for the friendship that was about to come our way.