Chapter 11

Jackson's P.O.V. (BONUS)

The night of the mating ceremony

Once I saw Alpha Zay stepping forward much like predator, I let Athina spin towards him. She had eyes closed as she spun towards her lover. Smiling at the two who were destined together by the Moon goddess, I stepped away from the dancing floor only for powerful gush of emotions to engulf me. What sort of emotions they were, I couldn't understand, but it powerful to loose myself into a chain of thoughts and wonder about tonight.

Something would happen tonight..

Something that would change my life forever, whether it was a good or bad case scenario I didn't know. For the first after so long, I felt so lost I couldn't find myself to think straight.

Could I possibly be meeting her tonight? Was she here?

If she was I would already caught onto her scent. While everything was going smoothly something seemed off, perhaps that is why I couldn't pick up on my own mate's scent. Being a Beta, I was constantly on the high alert for danger, to protect my Alpha and Luna at all costs. A born Beta either follows his Alpha or ends his life, he had to choose one or the other. Since our childhood years, I was always so thrilled to be his Beta, it was what the Moon goddess that chosen for me. And fitted the role perfectly.

I sighed and asked the bartender for a drink. These thoughts and constant worries was starting to give a paining headache. I rubbed my temples as I tried to block out everything, only for them dawn on in a powerful force. A dreadful feeling that crawled on the pit of my stomach had finally given a sense of understanding.

Whatever was going to happen tonight, it was to do with my mate.

She would reject me...

While I was more than tempted me take her forcefully into my life, I knew did would only lead to lying, hate and tears down the road.

"Our mate is ours! She was chosen for us. We have every right to have her." My wolf, Alex, growled possessively.

"Not if she rejects, you moron!" I snapped, before drowning the drink down .

A burning sensation in my throat causing me crave me mild bitter taste more and more.


"No!" I cut him off, well-knowing he was only going to argue, "I mean it, Alex! She deserves to choose!"

I was grateful when he treated back to the depths of my mind, that was until the feeling in the pit of stomach rose again. Alex had provided a distraction, but now I knew he was too anger to give that same distraction again.

Trying block out the feeling, I took another sip of the bitter yet burning sensational drink, before looking back at the dance floor. I watched as Alpha Zay and Athi were drowned in their own worlds, creating a sense of peace for themselves, while I prayed for that sense of peace to end the torment inside of me. I looked around trying to spot the woman I was destined to me with, but only to have rejected by her. I heard of the pain that would occur after rejection, but right now I would accept it than having to dread upon the possibilities and longing.

When my eyes caught a movement near the end of the room, I came on high alert again.


I frowned as he stepped out through the glass order and into the night.

"We should follow him." Alex spoke, putting aside the words we exchanged before.

A Beta wolf can't hold a grudge when sense of danger or suspicion can cause harm to the Alpha.

Leaving behind the my glass, I walked through the crowds of wolves and she-wolves towards the doors Jacob had exited through.

My hand wrapped around the handle as I neared ready to open, but the sound of glass windows breaking and screams prevented from actually opening the doors. Whipping around I watched shocked as rogues burst in through the large windows growling and attacking everyone in sight.

Before I even got a chance to swift one leaped towards throwing me off balance. I groaned hitting the floor. I grabbed onto the rogue's neck tightly growling. A swaying of a light purple dress from the side caught my eye, something about the colour soothed my frayed nerves. I didn't catch a scent but the colour had be wondering. Lifting the rogue off me, I threw him across the room and drew out my claws.

Instead shifting, I stupidly let my eyes frantically search for the light purple dress, a shade of violet. But I was only met with green, blue and black, the colour seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth. The colour had my wolf and I on high alert wanting to spot it again. How a colour could bring tranquility I didn't understand, but I gratefully accepted it.

I growled as I attacked from behind, I didn't shift allowing this rogue to bit down onto my shoulder hard. I screamed and growled through my gritted teeth. Pulling the rogue forward, I tore him part in two as I pulled apart his jaws and threw the body away before his guts spilled. His teeth had plunged into my hands but it was already healing allowing me focus on my next target, being a Beta had its benefits.

Keeping measurable distance between Alpha and I, incase he needed me, I fought the rogues that invaded. I could see Athi's shocked face and the scream of denial that felt her as she witnessed the truth. I prayed the Moon goddess was making the right decision in giving the Alpha a human mate.

Clawing and ripping apart as many rogues as possible my eyes still searched for the colour that was able to sooth me, keeping me not only calm but determination to fight. Maybe I imagined it through my frayed nerves and mind, but the plain imagination can't send something so powerful through me.

Grabbing a rogue by the neck a lavender scent reached me, empowering me on but also have me craving for the scent more. Throwing away the rogue, I sniffed trying to find the source, but the Athina's bone-shaking scream filled the air. I watched horrified as our Luna filled to the floor unconscious after Darren attacked.

Alex growled clawing the edges of mind wanting to rip him apart like I did with countless others for attacking our Luna. We both held great respect for and protecting her not only as our Luna but also as a little sister we adored greatly. A shy and cautious girl at first but once gotten to know her, her personality changes incredibility to a cunning and teasing sense, with that starking intelligence hidden through her gentle and kind nature, she could easily fool, playing a dangerous game, yet a professional and she didn't even know it, making her perfect Luna alongside our Alpha.

A threatening growl emerged from our Alpha, one I have never witnessed after all my time with him. The growl, the flame in his eyes and the snapping of his jaws all told the anger he had towards the man he once called father.

A shiny object caught my eyes as our Alpha held him down, a needle. The scent hit my senses but before I could rush to warn, a pricking feeling hit my back as someone plunged a needle from behind. I growled feeling wolfsbane release into my veins. The dizziness came first, telling me the poison was already taking its effect.

A growl of frustration escaped me as I failed to catch my attacker, but that sway of a violet shaded dress passed me again. Shaking my head to clear the blurriness in my eyes I tried to make out her face. The way she moved and attacked the man who escaped my clutches told me she was a warrior wolf. Her techniques were sharp..swift not giving him enough time to react. When an intoxicating scent of lavender and a hint of something spicy hit me, decreasing the effect of the wolfsbane, I knew the girl dressed in violet and attacking swiftly was my mate.

I finally managed to stand up grabbing the man from behind and pushed him towards the nearest wall. My eyes widened as I gazed upon one of our most trusted warrior wolves, "Jacob.." I whispered shocked, before growling, "Traitor." I knocked him unconscious, knowing our Alpha would deal with him later.

I groaned, trying me clearing the dizziness in my head.

"Mate!" Alex growled at the lavender and tuberose scent.

An aromatic and freshness scent that created something anew.

After wiping away any bit of blood from my hands with the torn curtains, my eyes finally connected with the heavily breathing she-wolf in front, dressed in light purple; violet. But now the smooth colour of the elegant long dress was ripped and dark patches of red decorated parts of it. The off-shoulders that reached her just below her elbows was torn on one end and whatever design in the front, was now spattered in blood. But through the imperfections her beauty didn't fail to show, her glowing skin didn't hide way. Her light brown hair flowed down naturally allowing it fall down her shoulders and back. I didn't know already how long I was staring at her but I didn't care, especially when I reached her eyes. The colours of her eyes had be breathless, a light shade of green surrounded by a dark hazel ring. The wildness in her eyes stared at her in worry and slight fear.

"M-Mate?" She asked, allowing her feminine tone to reach my ears.

"Yes." I answered quickly wanting to hear her sweet tone again. I stepped forward not even caring about my forwardness and allowed the back of my hand to caress the softness of her cheek, "What's your name?" I asked gently, almost I would scare her away but from the ways she fought and strength of her warrior wolf I knew she wasn't so easily scared. But she was now mated to the Beta of the world's most dangerous pack, I know that fact scared her, even if the wildness in her eyes hid eyed impressively well.

"...Violet Valentine." She answered with much hesitance. Her heart sped as I took in her name.

Valentine...the name of a vampire noble family. I frowned wanting to know who she exactly was. But from fear and hesitance in her eyes I knew she needed time to explain.

"Tell me at your own time. Now, let me take you to the infirmary." I said, taking her into my arms.

Though she didn't reject me...the dreaded feeling did not pass....