Chapter 13

"Athina.." I heard him whisper my name. When his voice laced ever vowel of my name, it sounded anew and special. It no longer sounded plain or simple…

My eyes wandered back to those azure eyes that held the silver sparks, they portrayed such acknowledgement and wisdom. Last night, I was able catch a glimpse of the true man that hid behind the aura and attire he held. I had seen a man who was lost but still somehow lead this people and carried a strong strength, both physically and mentally. Zayden didn't make sense to me…

How could someone so lost, lead and hold everything together?

Zayden pulled himself together in ways I couldn't understand…perhaps it was the anger the lead by, or maybe Alphas -the leaders- were designed to get through the thick and thin.

The acknowledge and domineering nature his eyes held told me he hasn't forgotten the words I had told him. The words that described my feelings and confusion towards him. The words that held the depth of my heart. He knew it all…

Taking my bottom lip in between my teeth, nervously chewing the softness, an action that caused him to tighten his grip in me and pull me closer to have my body crushed against his. The back of mind screamed, trying to unleash the blurriness, pain and chaos all over again, as I wanted to ask him for my family's safe return.

But as he wrapped his fingers around my chin, pulling it closer to himself, every thought flew out the window. When I stared into the bright azure eyes I had grown admire, I knew he had silently promised me something…something with authority and possessiveness. The silver sparks powerfully roamed his eyes in a flame of their own, sealing the silent, yet strong held promise.

Too absorbed into the beauty of those domineering azure eyes, I didn't notice how his head was lowering towards mine, his hands holding me in place until we were close enough to breathe in each other's breath.

The sparks in his eyes swirled with determination…he wanted to finish what he started last night.

He wanted his soft-looking lips on mine…

He lowered down just enough allowing his lips to touch mine…all resistance was put to side as his soft lips kissed mine. Our lips beaded with my salty tears, but he didn't seem to care. I felt electric waves rush up and down my skin and my breath caught my throat at the softness of this lips against mine and the sensations that coursed through my heart and body, powering him on as he vigorously attacked my lips. Though my body froze, my lips didn't it simply moved against the sensations he brought by the simple meeting of our lips. My hands tightly gripped on his shirt as I tried to keep out with the speed of his kisses.

While this was I first kiss, my lips quickly experienced itself with his and responded well. His body pressed against mine only adding to the powerful sensations he allowed to course through me. The roughness of his bread scratched against my skin, but I welcomed it. The mix of that slight pain and the pleasure of his lips against mine, caused the sensations to drive to my core.

This kiss wasn't the sweet innocent kiss I dreamt of having as my first was the kiss that proclaimed possessiveness and need, making me simply crave for more..

My insides quivered as his teeth came into play, attacking my lips as kiss became needier and needier. I gasped feeling his glide up towards my hair, over the curve my body, exploring like I was a sculpture and played me like an instrument as pants and breathless moans escaped me. A gasp of arousal left my lips as he suddenly wrapped his hand around my hair, before pulling it back, making me look deep into his deep azure eyes. I whimpered slightly watched the royal blue flames returned, empowering on the silver sparks ever-so-sharply..

Letting me know, I have pulled myself into deep dangerous water…

The kiss only lasted a few minutes, but when his lips pulled away from, I was left to be completely breathless and numb. My chest heaved with each breath...each pant...and each flicker of his eyes. His watched me, taking in my features...taking in what he had done to flustered and breathless state that he had caused with a kiss alone. A kiss that brought my whole being to life and allowed my lungs to craved the sweet oxygen his lips prevented me from breathing in.


How was it possible to feel such deep connection with a stranger? A man I know nothing about...

I gazed deeply into the eyes I have fell in love with, wondering how he felt? What did he think? Questions floated around my head, each unanswered, but I blindly stepped forward into the darkness he gave, believing I could be brave and uncover his secrets.

I frowned as the silver sparkles grew wider and bright blue as dominated by the darker blue that ringed his eyes. The same midnight blue shade as the wolf...him..

I gulped watching the colour swallow the light shades of his eyes. A shiver ran down my spine as I watched him, scared of his next. If there's anything I have learned so far, it's the changing of his eyes was dangerous. It was sign of pure raw anger or the loosing of his self control as he allowed his anger to take over him.

"Z-Zayden..?" My lips quivered his name, trying to reach forward and pull him out the depths.

Little did I know it was too late...

I was suddenly pushed, until my back was hit the wall behind me. The rough movement caused a pain to burn down my back. I whimpered trying to arched my back away from the wall I was pushed against, but his large hands pushed me harder against the wall, crushing my body between it and his body.

I gasped at the overwhelming sensation that attacked my body. My core burned..ached for him, his hands to explore mine again. His lips immediately attacked my neck, biting or nibbling any bit of flesh he could find there. My moans grew louder and louder with each bite or kiss he placed, pushing me to hold him closer and that's exactly what I did, I pushed him closer to my body, letting his large body cover my small compared to his.

Blindly, I let myself get lost in the pleasure he gave me...he drowned me in. His wet kisses on neck only ached my core more, letting me pool in my panties and I think he knew, the possessive and powerful growls that left his lips confirmed many things. I allowed him in and allowed him to touch me in ways no man had ever had. His rough hands grabbed onto my lips painfully but it didn't bother me, if anything I welcomed the pain with the overwhelming pleasure that coursed my body.

But what happened next made me regret it, something sharp and needle-like grazed my soft skin. I gulped and snapped open my eyes, while it felt strangely beautiful and pleasurable, I didn't know what he was doing and that scared me. I tried pushing his shoulders to get him off me, "Za-" But the loud growl that ripped through his throat made me shake in fear and start my heart thumping in fear now, than from the pleasure me brought me from mere seconds ago.

I whimpered not knowing what to do.

Seconds passed and it only scared me more.

I was about to open my mouth again, when I felt the sharp needle-like object dug deep into my skin, cutting through my flesh and maybe even breaking a vein where my neck met my shoulder. Instead of the words I had wished to speak, a scream escaped through my lips. My neck hurt and my hands that were trying to push him off only weakened, as if was pushing against a brick wall. Tears burned in my eyes and some caressed my cheeks.

My whole body went numb...a weak body that didn't stand a change against the pain charging though my neck and shoulder. He dug in deeper, letting soft and quiet whimpers to leave my lips, I could no longer scream, my body didn't have it to release a scream...

After what had felt like forever, when it was really mere movements, he pulled away and I felt something light and liquid-like running down my neck and over my collarbone before he wiped it off, "Sh*t!" He cursed.

My legs went weak and I slid onto the floor. My head needed to be leaned against the wall, my head had become too heavy for my neck to hold him. I blinked trying to clear the blurriness that tried to dominate from the sides of my eyes.

Zayden's face suddenly appeared in front. It took a minute for me to realise that he had bent his knees to my level. I almost laughed at my hazy state, it was position that seemed to child-like for a grown man like him.

I gasped as his hand reached out forward.

He's going to slap me!

I snapped my eyes closed waiting for the pain..

But it whenever came, instead I felt the soft brushing of his hand against my hair. I slowly blinked my eyes open, confused at the gesture. His fingers gently played with the strands of my hair. I gazing up at him and found him frowning at the strands of my hair, perhaps trying find the words to explain to me what just happened.

Now, I desperately hoped for Violet to step in and explain to me what had happened, because I knew Zayden either wouldn't or tell me just what it was...not what it meant.

"Look," he began taking a deep breath, "This is how it was meant to be. So listen to me, because you gonna have to accept the fact I have marked you as my mate!" He looked straight into my eyes as he spoke the late words. I gulped under the intensity his eyes portrayed.

Marked..? What did that mean? I blinked confusingly silently telling him I didn't know what he meant, a part of me hoped would. I had so blindly hoped you would accept me enough to kindly explain to me what he had done.

I gasped as his hand wrapped around my chin, pulling me closer, "You, my little mate, belong to me. You're mine!" He growled out the words making me whimper and make my lips tremble as a sob threatened to pass through him.

My heart thumped against my chest as fear rose coursed through my veins. This man, I allowed myself to fall for, screamed danger, but my heart didn't seem to listen, something inside me simply pulled me closer to him. My eyes watched his trying to form some sort understanding for this man and my rushing feelings towards him.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Why the f**k you have to be a human?!" He suddenly snapped, making me jump. I stared at him confused, this man kissed me just a few minutes ago, and now he decides to hurt me!

Is he bi-polar?

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled caused me to flinch, he scoffed almost disgustingly, "I've a mere little human girl as a mate! I was doing fine without one and now the Moon Goddess throws me this." He gestures towards like I was trash, only taking pain to strike through my heart, "YOU F**KING RUINED EVERYTHING!"

His voice rose many decibels pushing more whimpers through my lips, but paid no attention to them, it didn't bother him how much his words affected me.

The anger flared in his eyes causing my body to wreck in sobs.

"I can't believe it had to be a pathetic human!" He murmured, "It's your own fault your family is out there suffering!"

Those words made anger to run through me, backed up by the sudden rush of adrenaline, "STOP IT!" I screeched, "I don't know, ok?! It's not I like chose to a werewolf's mate! I never asked for this! So, don't you dare blame me or my family for something I have no control over! I will not bent to your will, or let you ruin me! I can find my family by myself! You can deal with the rest, because if I am really such a ruin in your life, then I will leave. Trust me, I can pack my things and leave!" I screamed into his face as he stared at me. I lowered my voice, leaning in closer, before I began speaking again, "And for your information, I am not some 'pathetic human' because unlike the cold, merciless monster you are, I am willing to put my life on the line for my family."

With those words said, I rose to my feet not even sparing him another glance as I headed out the door, but just before I left the room, I spoke it my back to him, "Oh and you know, you promised us you would keep us safe, but you just broke that promise." I sighed, "Just like you broke my heart." I mumbled quietly.

I ran towards the front door, not even bothering to look back at him...into the azure eyes I loved.

Family comes first for me...I had let that myself distracted...

Zayden wasn't family...