Chapter 14

Zayden's P.O.V.

Her soft eyes and sweets sounds were all I could think of. I wanted to kiss her breathless..until she forget her own name, and whispers only mine. I wanted to inspect every inch her body had to offer me, over and over again, until I knew how to crave her from pieces of clay if I had to.

The sweet sounds that left her lips, the moans of pleasure had turned into screams as I pierced her flesh with my teeth, it suffocated and filled at me the same time. For a tiny human, she's able to take in much pain, but exhaustion still crept through her body, until the adrenaline rushed through. Her flushed face and panted breaths, as she spoke bravely against me.

At first I didn't were the sudden bravely came from, a fragile human but she screamed the words into my face. Her eyes sparked with anger, and a courage I had never seen before. She was willing to stand up against the odds when it came to her family. I hadn't realised what family meant to her until now. I had failed to realise how she was willing to fight everything, and everyone to save the ones she treasured so dearly. It was blind and boundless. She was fully determined to save her family, she didn't care for the odds, or the supernatural that stood in her way. From just the words and ways she reacted, anyone could tell how much family meant to her. Family was her strength, her power to fight against any danger that stood before her.

I should have known she would have acted recklessly to save her family by any means, and with words I have spoken, she was willing to do it on her own.

"Jackson!" I called for him, as I headed away from the infirmary to the front door she ran out throug, a few minutes ago.

He approached from the side, Violet trailing him not far behind. I could see the concern in her eyes as she searched for Athina, from the short time they spend together I could the friendship that was ready to plant its roots deep.

"What? Where's Athina?" He asked. My eyes shifted towards the front doors again, left wide open after her, "What did you do!?"

"Beta, get the warriors, we need to find her," I ordered him formally, using my Alpha voice, "And her family.." I added, knowing now she would refuse to leave without every member of her family.

With a direct order, Jackson immediately took action, I could have easily mind-linked them, but right about now I would do anything stop hearing the constant bickering and grunts from him, and it wasn't wasting time either, with her tiny legs, she couldn't have gotten far, plus she was injured.

From the small pricks of her emotions drifting into me and the calling of her scent, I knew the mark was starting to take some effect. The mark now had us connected, certainly she was connected to me..her emotions. I could feel the determination and agony floating inside her powerfully, but no matter how much her pain was trying to pull her back, her determination sparked up, stubbornly.

Stepping into the chilly air, I immediately inhaled the traces of her scent, "You just had to go and make things harder." I mumbled. I was both angry and impressed that the courage she carried within her. She was full determined to go to the end, and only stop once end had come.

A trembling soul she once was, turned into fighting soul because that's how much she treasures her family, more than we werewolves treasure each other. Werewolves were always known to work as a pack, never alone, always together, but she portrayed a spirit stronger than any I have seen, willing to sacrifice her own life for them, once again being blind and boundless. And I wondered.. would she do the same for me?

"We're here, Alpha." Jackson's voice came from behind along with the footsteps and low murmurs of others.

"I have gathered you for a mission." I turned around, "Your Luna is in danger." I spoke the words clearly, knowing I would feel the disbelief radiating of each of them.

I stood feeling each of their emotions drift through me, shock, disbelief and surprise. Each emotion pricked at each other as their gazes fell on me. I felt oddly comforted as pride took over the shock in each of them, and a fierce protectiveness in place ready save their Luna from whatever danger she was in.

"What shall we do, Alpha?" My Delta, Dustin, spoke ready to even go into battle for safe return of Athina.

"From the attack last night, Darren's rogues have kidnapped her family, she stupidly left thinking she can safe them on their own." I explained, gritting my teeth that the stupidness she portrayed, but from the boundless affection she was no doubt a fierce Luna ready to protect the people she loved.

The role of a Luna wasn't simply providing an heir for the Alpha, it was so much for. A Luna was the mental strength of the pack. The gentle touch of wisdom and encouragement an Alpha couldn't give. Her role was just as important as mine. Gender played no role in leadership in a pack; the Alpha and Luna worked as one. From the strengths and characteristics Athina portrayed, I could now clearly see what my pack has been missing. I could never give my pack what she could. In simple words, and as much as I hate to even admit it, my pack was incomplete without her. Without her, my pack wasn't strong as it should be. Without Athina, my pack would never reach its full potential.

"Alpha?" Dustin's voice managed to snap me away from the deep thoughts that ran through my head like fast train, "But the family that was kidnapped.. was the human family.." He looked towards Jackson with a frown, then watched the warrior wolves, unsure of how to approach his theory. A theory I knew would soon cause dispute within my pack, "Are you saying our Luna is their daughter? A human?"
