The power of a god 2

After lycoris introduced herself kyoka wanted to scream but before she could she fell unconscious, she fainted. Kyotoku caught her before she hit the ground and set her down gently.

"H-hello i-I'm m-m-Mika j-jiro n-nice to m-meet you" Mika said in a shaky voice, using scared to describe her would be an understatement right now all want was to follow in her daughter's foot steps and pass out.

"Mother there's nothing to be scared about lycoris would never harm you or the rest of my loved ones" Kaguya said in a reassuring tone and it worked if only a little.

"Right, right I'm sorry" Mika apologised to lycoris after taking a few moments to calm down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just thought that for our first meeting I should show you what I really look like but I can take a different form if you want" lycoris apologised to Mika.

"No it's fine it was wrong of us to be scared of you when you had no ill will" kyotoku replied for his wife.

This caused lycoris to flash a bright smile which showed just how beautiful she was, having only been alive for a few weeks. After seeing her smile both of the parents calmed down fully that smile was just to charming.

After kyoka woke up and calmed down Kaguya and lycoris showed the three around serenity and all it's beautiful.

"Wow this is incredible! You made all of this?" Kyoka asked towards Kaguya amazed at how her sister made her own dimension and decorated it so perfectly.

"Yes it took a lot of hard work and time but after while I managed to complete it although the best thing about the dimension is lycoris as she is the ruler of sorts here, she and I are the only people who have full control over what happens here in fact we can control this dimension to do whatever we want" Kaguya replied showing them an example by making a palace made purely out of the water from the lake and then dismissing it.

"WOAH! Incredible" kyoka shouted.

"Amazing!"her parents said not even shocked anymore the she could do something like this but the still thought it was extraordinary.

"This is not my only dimension either I have another but I'll never be taking you there" Kaguya said seriously.

"Why won't you take us dear?" Kyotoku asked.

"Because that dimension was created to be a form of punishment for those who truly deserve it, I called the dimension oblivion and its a pure and endless darkness. That's why I will not take you there" Kaguya replied.

The oblivion dimension she created was indeed scary 1 month on earth was 1000 years in oblivion and in oblivion you are immortal and do not require food nor water but have a eternal feeling of starvation and thirst, it is impossible to commit suicide in oblivion and you will not die of old age. While in oblivion you mental health will slowly deteriorate and eventually you will lose which personality is your true self. Eventually your endless personalities will start to fight for control which will eventually lead to brain death.

"Ah ok but who are you going to be punishing?" Mika asked she was curious, this was the most secrets about her abilities that Kaguya had revealed to them since she awakened her quirk.

"Anyone that does anything to harm my loved ones or people who truly deserve it"

After the tour of serenity they returned to their home but brought lycoris with them she had taken a new form using henge and now she was 5ft 7 inches with beautiful pitch black hair that reached her lower back and her smooth pale skin, she looks just like a regular human apart from her eight crimson eyes. She wore a red frilly dress and black flats as shoes she looked about 15-16.

She would be living with them from now on.


A few days had passed since lycoris moved in with the family and right now Kaguya was showing her around they went to visit the mall, the cinema and a bunch of other places. Right now they were having lunch at a cafe while talking to each other.


A sudden explosion ripped through the front of the cafe, luckily Kaguya was fast enough to summon multiple truth seeking orbs use them to shield the customers and employees at the cafe. After this she activated her byakugan to see how many villains there were. Seeing that there was only five she sprung into action.

Lunging at the largest one with pulsing muscles and brown hair, she grapped his arms before he could react, snapping both of his arms backwards making the bones protrude from the skin she then slammed him into the ground head first knocking him out cold.

Two of the villains one male, one female approached from her sides and attacked in tandem, she used universal pull to lift the man into the air and slam him back into the ground again leaving him unconscious.

The female suddenly stopped with a dead look in her eyes Kaguya had used a genjutsu on her what she saw in the genjutsu was her family being crucified and eaten alive by insects.

The last two villains tried to run away but before the could even get a step away thick powerful roots shot up from the ground and rapped around them squeezing them tightly but not tight enough to kill them.

"Thank you! if not for you we would have been killed by these villains how could we ever repay you" the other people inside the cafe thanked Kaguya with tears in the eyes extreme happy to have been saved by this young girl.

"Your welcome, really you don't have to thank me I was just doing what anyone would do in this situation" Kaguya replied while trying to sound slightly heroic.

"Ah it seems I was to late and missed the fun" a grumbling voice could be heard in the background.

Kaguya turned towards the voice and was momentarily stunned who she saw was rabbit hero Mirko or Rumi Usagiyama this was her favourite character in the anime and manga and now she meeting her in person.

"Oi are you the one who took down these villains" Mirko asked a little annoyed that she was to late.

"Yes I am they attacked while I was eating lunch and I didn't appreciate the disruption so I took care of them." Kaguya replied plainly.

"Oh is that so with the way you speak and carry yourself you must be quite strong how about, let's have a spat?" Mirko replied getting excited already just thinking about having a spar with Kaguya.

"Hmm shouldn't we wait for the police first then we can have our spar how about that." Kaguya suggested she really wanted to befriend Rumi.

"FINE! I guess I'll have to wait but you better make the wait worth it" Mirko replied getting annoyed again.

Soon the police arrived and inquired about who took down the villains they thought it was Mirko at first but seeing the villains rapped in roots, beaten near death with multiple broken bones and one with a dead look In her eyes they believed I must have been someone else which was than confirmed by Mirko.

"It wasn't me I don't want to take credit for it she did, I don't like taking someone else's credit." Mirko told the officers.

"Ok thank you Mirko. Now err miss..?" An officer said to Mirko before turning towards Kaguya and saying the last part.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki" Kaguya replied to the officer asking her name.

"Ok miss Otsutsuki can you tell me what happened and how you defeated these villains?" The officer asked.

So Kaguya explained the entire situation to him, from how she was enjoying her lunch to saving everyone to defeating the villains. The officer was stumped this was incredible, this young 13 year old girl could do something like that. Amazing.

"Alright your free to go but you may have some investigators coming to your house and asking you some further questions in the future or punishing you for illegal use of your quirk but I won't since if you didn't all these people would've been killed without you here"

The officer said before Leaving.

"RIGHT NOW CAN WE SPAR!?" Mirko shouted excitedly.


Not sure how that went but hey it's the first fighting scene I've ever wrote so yeah I'll hopefully improve with time but again I don't like this chapter. Also i understand that meeting Mirko was a little forced but I wanted to give them a friendship so the feelings could start budding early and develop over time rather than have them know each other for a week and start dating. I also feel that I should say Kaguya was making a show of her abilities to everyone around in a spar she would likely end it quickly.