The power of a god

After being suspended Kaguya had spent most of her time in her dimension which she had named serenity, as this is the place where she seeks calm and blissful silence. She had yet to complete by creating her summon but that could wait, for now she will relax until she's forced to return to that noisy pit of annoying kids.

Her parents had started to wander if she really considered this as a punishment and not a holiday as whenever they saw her she was just relaxing and reading. They had taken away all of her appliances like her phone, tv, console and her guitar as well to further the punishment but it didn't seem to faze her at all if anything it just promoted her to be lazy and do nothing of course she still exercised in the morning but that's it nothing else.

What Mika and kyotoku were seeing however was a wood clone as Kaguya was in her dimension perfecting it and relaxing.


It was Monday meaning Kaguya had to return to school which made kyoka happy as she could walk and talk to her sister again on the way to school.

After splitting up with kyoka while walking through the corridors the students avoided her like the plague which was nice for her. As she walked through the door of her classroom the students shrunk back scared that they'll be next. Of these students on girls was on the verge of collapse from fear as Kaguya walked past but Kaguya stopped in front of the girl.

"I apologise" Kaguya said in a monotonous voice.

"W-what?!?" The girl exclaimed.

"I was told to apologise so I did" again Kaguya said in a monotone voice. After saying her piece Kaguya went to her seat. The entire class was silent which was blissful to her.

The teacher came and heard nothing 'usually this room is so loud I can barely hear myself think what happened' the teacher thought but then he noticed Kaguya and the realisation struck, they were scared.

"Alright class today we'll be doing blah blah blah" at this point Kaguya zoned out, she usually doesn't pay attention in class as she already knew it all, she's in a class full of elementary students and she has thousands of years worth of memories of course she going to be classed as a genius, hell even if she didn't have Kaguya's memories she would still be a genius compared to these kids.

The day went by slowly for Kaguya having to put up with school again wasn't fun. When she returned home she talked to her parents about her day and how she apologised to the girl like she was told to. They were happy to hear that and told her that some of Mika's friends would be coming over later.

After returning to her room Kaguya dressed out of her school uniform and into a black knee length dress with a pair of black converse. This is how she usually dressed but her parents could see the signs of her approaching her "emo phase" as they call it. When Mika's friends arrived Kaguya was excited because these are some of the only people she enjoyed spending time with other than her family of course.

Kaguya could talk to them for hours upon hours if she could about music as they were her mother's band mates in the past. They were interested in Kaguya's talent so they talked with her and realised that she's much more mature for her age and is really talented the got to know her and her style and gave her and kyoka tips about how they could improve, that was two years ago at their first meeting and they've been visiting each other pretty often since.

"Hey Kaguya, kyoka how are you guys, sorry we haven't visited in a while we were pretty busy" the only woman of the group called yura apologised.

"I've been fine thank you and you don't need to apologise" kyoka replied.

"I'm also well although I did get suspended for two, I'm out of suspension now though" Kaguya replied shocking the group.

"WHAT!?!" The three shouted.

The two men Akira and Haruki shouted

"What do you mean suspended!? What did you do!?"

"I got into a fight with a girl in my class" 'although it was so much of a fight a a one sided beat down' Kaguya replied thinking the last part to herself with an imaginary smirk.

After talking with the group for a while they left and Kaguya and kyoka went back to their rooms only to be called down a few minutes later.

"Yes?" Kaguya asked questioningly towards her parents.

"Come down we're going to watch a movie" kyotoku answered to which Kaguya came the stairs and spent the evening with her family.

*****time skip 3 years******

Kaguya was now 13 and could say proudly that she's strong enough to destroy the whole world easily. Of course she wasn't going to but knowing she could proves her power. She had also increased her power by creating her first summon. It has the lower body of a spider black as night with a red spider lily design on its abdomen, from its torso instead of a spiders head a females upper body was present, she was beautiful with pitch black hair and eight red eyes, her pale smooth skin and c-cup bust suit her perfectly. Yes she is an Arachne.

But not only was she beautiful but incredible intelligent and powerful and with her ability to speak, read and write in Japanese it meant that with her ability to control all nature five nature releases and yin yang release she was capable of learning ninjutsu.

Kaguya had been talking to and training her summon which she called lycoris. She had created a home area under the mountain in serenity for lycoris to call home and signed a summoning contract with her.


Kaguya woke up at 6am and completed her morning routine today she planed to show her family around serenity as it was now complete and she was ready to show them how much power she truly has.

"Mother, father where kyoka I would like to show you all something?" Kaguya asked her parents.

"She's out with her friends at the moment she said she would be back in a few hours but she left two hours ago so she should be back soon" kyotoku said looking at his daughter questioningly.

"What do you want to show us dear?" Mika asked.

"I'll wait for kyoka it's rather big" Kaguya replied.

This caused her parents to become quite interested as this is the first time Kaguya had ever wanted to show them something without telling them.

When kyoka returned home she was told Kaguya wanted to show them something. Kaguya came downstairs and welcomed her home she then opened a large black portal and said "please go through the portal I'll follow after you"

Her family were shocked that she could create portals like this but complied and went through and what they saw shocked them even more and giant beautiful lake surrounded by cherry blossoms and plumb blossoms and a variety of other flora and fauna with a beautiful snow caped mountain in the background.

When Kaguya came through the portal her family asked "where are we?".

"My own dimension that i created I called it serenity, I come here to escape noisy children at school" Kaguya replied shocking her parents even more.

"Y-YOU CREATED YOUR DIMENSION?!" Her family shouted they just couldn't believe it creating your own dimension only a god could do that but their daughter/sister did it.

"Yes I also created my own child I called her lycoris and she lives here under that mountain" Kaguya replied while pointing towards the mountain.

Her parents couldn't believe that they were grandparents already and they didn't even know.

"How long have we been grandparents" Mika asked her daughter.

"A few days but I created her with my power not through pregnancy so you're not really grandparents" she replied.

"Can we see our granddaughter" Mika asked getting emotional.

"Yes I don't see why not but I should warn you she isn't human" Kaguya said confusing her family.

"What do you mean not human?" kyoka asked joining in on the conversation.

"You'll see" Kaguya said while sending a mental message to lycoris telling her to come to the large viewing area.

When lycoris arrived Mika almost collapsed from fear seeing the 10 ft tall Arachne arrive in front of her.

"Hello my name is lycoris I've been informed by mother that you are her parents meaning that you must be my grandparents nice to meet you" lycoris introduced herself.


That's all for this one, hope it's alright I had a plan but I kind of flew out of the metaphorical window I was also kind of busy reading a web novel called nanomancer reborn and kind of got lost in it if not I would have updated earlier.